was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!

Guess Ricardo is afraid of heights. Standing firm like he always does. Martinelli explained that they have created a criminal case against him and that they want to remove his electoral immunity The presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, Ricardo Martinelli, at the beginning of his political campaign assured that he is innocent and said that Panama has …

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Newbies…….,was I lying? Nothing more entertaining than PANAMA politics.

A incredibly popular ex-President, who has done prison time in the US, been sent back to Panama, done prison time here. Won Mayoral race while incarcerated. Has had two sons do prision time in Guatemala and US. Family owns the equivalent of the nation’s WAL MART, is exonerated on charges. …

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Political FRAUD

Get ready for tons of political posts for 2024. Let the PANAMA GAMES begin!!! The presiding judge in this case was Olmedo Arrocha and it was announced on February 1 The plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) did not admit a protection of guarantees filed by lawyer Shirley Castañeda, defender of former president Ricardo Martinelli, against an order of the …

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Get ready for a bloodbath election year. Gloves are off with these people.

This was covered in great detail for both of our Spanish and English readers, but as I welcomed the “NEW” readers and contributors to life here in PANAMA, people considering retirement, and Ex-Pat status. I like to cover just how “cannibalisitic” the political scene is down here. I have to …

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Now this makes me HAPPY, cause Mi AMBIENTE sucks so royally!!! Outside visionairies

The environmental diversity of PANAMA has the potential to lead the way in the progress and pursuance of CLEAN energy for generations going forward. This forward thinking company is leading the way in LATAM. EnfraGen has become one of the largest renewable energy generators in the country with an operational …

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“A fish rots from the head down” ENGLISH READERS

EDITORIAL: The President of the Supreme Court of Panama (Maria Eugenia López) continues to appear to be doing everything within her power and beyond to keep Ricardo Martinelli (RM) from running and becoming the next President of Panama (Does that sound familiar)?   In my homeland to the North there is …

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Editorial Contribution

“Un pez se pudre de la cabeza hacia abajo”

EDITORIAL: La Presidenta de la Corte Suprema de Panamá (María Eugenia López) sigue pareciendo estar haciendo todo lo que está dentro de su poder y más allá para evitar que Ricardo Martinelli (RM) se postule y se convierta en el próximo Presidente de Panamá (¿Le suena familiar)? En mi tierra …

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EU- to “headquarter LATAM operations in PANAMA” Win by DEFAULT.

“JB” This is actually historic and prolific news that appeared as merely a “blurb” in the news today.  Effective as of JANUARY 16, 2024-  The European Union has identified The Republic of PANAMA as the destination of it’s HEADQUARTERS for LATAM operations. In and of itself, it is a highly …

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MINSA approves (7) legal licenses to produce cannabis derivatives.

“JB” This is actually to me “huge” news. PANAMA has been 10 steps behind on Medical and Legal Marijuana production it is a joke. Marijuana and Production of THC derivatives could be a HUGE economic BOON to the agricultural GDP export of PANAMA. PANAMA is still rooted in Judeo-Catholic beliefs …

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International Relations

Claims of GENOCIDE against Israel, sure to send shockwaves and divisiveness amongst UN.   The spiral of violence and death suffered by the Gaza Strip reached a new stage after South Africa presented a lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the possible commission of the crime of genocide against the Palestinian population. The historic process, which held …

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Who would sacrifice “God Given Natural Beauty” to make a buck?? Give you one hint……..

Op Ed: Well the holidays were fantastic. Got to see my Grandaughter ( my God is she growing!!) . She made the Dean’s List, and she is becoming John Legend on the piano. I truly hope everyone else’s was as rewarding as mine. Even got the wife to somehow chug …

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Martinelli makes it hard for PNO- he can’t stay out of his own way.

Op Ed – “JB” “PNO” has long been a supporter for Ricardo Martinelli, despite the fact he makes it almost impossible to do so. I have consistently blamed an indemic system of corruption that is rich and historic in PANAMA. Dating back to Noriega and Escobar, to Mossack-Fonseca, to ODEBRECHT.  …

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PANAMA still can’t get it’s shit together with “illegal logging” affecting our tropical canopy. An international operation against illegal logging coordinated by the Italian Carabineros (military police), under the guidance of Europol, and with the collaboration of the police of Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica and Panama, concluded with the seizure of wooden containers from Myanmar and Brazil worth tens of thousands of euros. …

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EX-PATS: Perform your Due Diligence BEFORE writing the check in PANAMA investment.

“JB” Op Ed If your new to this blog, pay close attention. If your a veteran, same old story of me venting my shit. I just posted a POSITIVE outlook contributed by both La Estrella, CNN, and Trip Advisor, that list PANAMA as a “must visit” tourist destination. Key word …

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Editorial Contribution

Time to take advantage of early positive outlook on Tourism for 2024

Editorial La Estrella de Panamá 01/06/2024 00:00   PANAMA is perceived in better eyes in the world and we must take advantage of that. A couple of days ago, CNN Travel included the isthmus as one of the 24 destinations to visit in 2024. The media praises its tropical forests and …

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Back home after a wonderful holiday!!! Happy 2024 PNO’ers.

Hello friends and readers. I truly hope all had a safe and joyous holiday season to end 2023. It was great as always to see family, and my wife remembered I exist below the waist as also above it. =) =) =) On the topic of New Year, this will …

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Six going on Seven Years of “trying” to be a positive voice and source of information for Ex-Pats coming to this diverse ( yet fucked up ) retirement haven. Look, the truth is after all my time here through Martinelli-Varela-and Cortizo- I can tell you PANAMA is “shadier than an …

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Final Qtr- of 2023 reported STRONG growth in the Republic GDP. Bracho: this growth translates into an increase in the hiring of people and greater income for companies The Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 8.9% compared to the same period in 2022 during the first nine months of 2023, according to data from the Comptroller General of the Republic. …

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Beautiful area of PANAMA brings opportunity for REAL “EcoTourism” in the country for 2024.

This natural reserve offers the opportunity to promote ecotourism in the heart of the metropolis The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is in the final phase of the transfer of Cerro Ancón to the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente). The transfer process, which began in June 2023, “is focused on …

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Cortizo active on sessions to discuss 2024 budget before end of calendar year. Deputies will only have to discuss a single issue between December 21 and 31 The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, called the National Assembly to extraordinary sessions from December 21 to 31. The deputies must analyze bill 1041, which dictates the State budget for the fiscal year 2024. …

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To “loyal” PNO readers, and “loyal” Bocas Brigade: MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR

Op Ed: James “JB” Bryson As we bring this “challenging” year to an end, we just wanted to take a sec to thank and appreciate all of the people that visit and contribute to this site. PNO is NOT the BIGGEST EX-PAT site, and there are many that are more …

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“Costa del Este” forming into the Monaco of LATAM real estate in terms of pricing. An investigation carried out by three real estate portals places Costa del Este as one of the places where it is most expensive to buy apartments Buying an apartment in the exclusive neighborhood of Costa del Este, in the town of Juan Díaz, in Panama City, is more expensive …

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Gaby feels recent mining ruling will strengthen Panama in 2024. When leaving the meeting, Carrizo declared to the media that uncertainty is experienced worldwide. The presidential candidate for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), José Gabriel Carrizo, met on the night of this Thursday, December 21, with leaders of his group. When leaving the meeting, Carrizo told the media that …

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2023 ends with “Immigration” being the biggest problem for Panama. PNO has been all over this. The Panama Immigration Directorate reported that until December 15, it counted 509 thousand people who entered Panama heading north. In the United States, one of the preferred destinations, the immigration issue is a source of debate and pressure between Congress and the White House Panama closes 2023 with another record …

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PANAMA to host leading TOURISM SUMMIT in 2024. The most important global adventure tourism association, ATTA, has chosen Panama as the next venue for the Adventure Travel World Summit 2024 (October 7 to 10), an event that will position the country in international tourism markets as an adventure destination. and conventions The General Administrator of the ATP, …

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Steps being outlined for the definitive and final closing of a mining operation. Eyes open There are minimal preservation activities that cannot be completed overnight. The Minister of Commerce Jorge Rivera Staff presented the action plan for the orderly and definitive closure of Cobre Panamá, in order to guarantee that this process is carried out in a responsible and transparent manner, complying with the …

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Editorial Contribution

Interesting article about 2024 outlook for Panama. In 2024 the country will inaugurate a new government, it will face the process of closing the Donoso mine, and Panama’s relations with China will obviously be on the table. The festive and consumerist atmosphere is palpable in almost all Panamanian capitals; Can you imagine the tension if the anti-mining …

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International Relations

Israel and Netanyahu losing creedence in world view for mistakes in Gaza. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in Gaza The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in …

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Friend in tourism sent me this about extended PANAMA cruise offered now. Scenic has unveiled the 2023-2024 Caribbean Collection for its Discovery Yacht Scenic Eclipse. The itineraries will allow guests to explore some of the more remote destinations, only accessible to smaller ships. Ports such as Darby Island, Egg Island and Long Island in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico’s Isla de Culebra, Grenadines’ Mayreau, and Isla de Providencia in Colombia, among others promise a more intimate experience. Booking early can …

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One in (4) Freshwater fish species are in danger of EXTINCTION.

These “meetings” that occur far to in-frequently (this one by COP28, CITES only meets every 2-3 Years), the lastest list of species that are facing irreversible extinction levels. On a personal level, it is important that groups that oversee the activities that lead to these numbers decreasing be adhered to. …

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