was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!
Local Culture

Saturday was nice, if missed be sure to attend next year.

This Saturday, April 20, the Mi Pueblito Interiorano Complex, Las Aldeas Indígenas and Mi Pueblito Afroantillano once again shines in all its splendor with activities alluding to the national identity, from 10 am to 11 pm Inaugurated in June 1993, the Mis Pueblitos Municipal Tourist Center was erected on …

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Yet another endorsement for the valid Mulino Presidency Campaign.

The president of the PAIS party and candidate for deputy said that if he reaches the Assembly he will promote initiatives against gender inequality. The president of the PAIS party affirms that his presidential candidate is Melitón Arrocha, however, he does not see the disqualification of the candidacy of …

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Carrizo shows his hand, recognizes Mulino as true threat. “He won’t debate, I won’t debate”. José Raúl Mulino has not participated in any presidential debate or organized forum where all the presidential candidates have been summoned The presidential candidate of the Democratic Revolutionary Party, José Gabriel Carrizo, did not mince words when expressing his position regarding participation in the last presidential debate. In a …

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The DARIEN disaster needs to be addressed by ALL of the candidates. The Ombudsman’s Office, with the support of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a bulletin with the results of interviews carried out in Darién, on the human rights situation of irregular migrants and refugees who arrive. to the province. The number of migrants …

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Panama not yet lost it’s luster as RETIREMENT DESTINATION. George Stumpp recently moved permanently to Panama after 15 years of living there on and off.George Stumpp George Stumpp, a retired bartender, lives comfortably in Panama after moving from New Mexico. Stumpp rents two properties as Airbnbs, supplementing his income in a country with good healthcare. He said Panama …

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Food/Bar Scene

CULTURE: Flor de Cana sponsors ECO “cocktail” challenge in PANAMA. This just seems cool.

Anything that promotes SUSTAINABLE ideas, I will promote. Those passionate about sustainable cocktails can join this platform to compete for the title of national champion and then be able to participate in the Global Final Flor de Caña Rum, the first distillate in the world certified Carbon Neutral and …

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MI AMBIENTE sucks generally, but they are RIGHT on this point.

The equivalent of the “EPA” in PANAMA is “Mi AMBIENTE”. Who in my opinion are a “rudderless” agency that is generally “LOST at SEA” in terms of what is BEST for PANAMA environmentally. That being said, the attempts to “domesticate” and make PETS of wildlife is wrong on many levels, …

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Mulino stating all the right things and stands as PNO ENDORSED choice. Not a PUPPET. Recognizes importance of REAL TOURISM and CONSTRUCTION.

PANAMA is missing the boat on SO MUCH tourism it is not even funny. The environmental beauty is still untapped as people have concentrated on the Mega Hotels and Gambling.  BOCAS should be a LUXURY destination, and not some overlooked and poorly run area. More police, better airport, more flights, …

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Politics aside- Rising GREENHOUSE temps are not make believe and sea levels will rise. PANAMA not exempt. A report indicates that between 1909 and 1969, tide gauges showed a rise in sea level of 9.6 centimeters in the Pacific, and 6.8 centimeters in the Caribbean. In 1983, three scientists from the Institute of Ocean Sciences of Canada reported in an article published by the Intergovernmental Oceanigraphic …

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60 year old gets (6) years for robbing national hero Duran. “More than some murders in US” The Judge of Guarantees of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, Meylin Jaén, validated the sentencing agreement agreed upon between the prosecution and the defense, and sanctioned a 60-year-old citizen to 72 months in prison (six years) as the author of the crime against economic assets in the form …

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“Lorena Bobbit” shows up in Spain. “Let’s cut to the chase.”   A woman, accused of cutting off the penis of her ex-partner and boss in the bar where she worked, accepted this Tuesday seven years in prison and the payment of compensation of 250,000 euros to the victim for the physical and psychological consequences caused. In a trial held in the Barcelona Court, …

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Can you believe the “Panama Papers” case is STILL NOT ADJUDICATED YET? They made a GD movie! The scandal involving the defunct law firm Mossack & Fonseca was uncovered eight years ago Eight years after the publication of the “Panama Papers” by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which revealed that a Panamanian law firm structured offshore companies to hide money and assets, a trial began …

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Zulay steamed as plug pulled in the middle of her rant!! Kinda funny though.

As she was talking about “double standards”, her mic was cut. Kinda good timing. According to Rodríguez, they turned off her microphone when she began to explain about the double agendas In the intervention of the presidential candidate for free nomination, Zulay Rodríguez, in the conversation on freedom of …

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“Escobar” like volume of narcotics seized in 1st Quarter of 2024. So far in the current administration of the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, 573.4 tons of drugs have been seized, surpassing the last two administrations. So far this year, public security forces have seized more than 31.5 tons of drugs throughout the national territory in more than …

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US policy on Haitian immigrants carries the waft of racism given the current situation.

OP ED: by “JB”- Before all the REDS freak out, let me clarify. I am NOT in favor of recklessly open borders with anyone being able to enter the US unchecked or undocumented. In the same way I am NOT in favor of it here, and mention DARIEN probably more …

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Mulino confidently standing on his own for RM with absence of Martinelli. The group recalled that citizens should not only enjoy rights, but also ‘opportunities’ The former heads of State and Government members of the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), aware of the unconstitutionality lawsuit filed against the presidential candidacy of José Raúl Mulino after it was admitted …

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World Events

Taiwan continues search in rubble for more survivors. On the positive side, 70 people left the Hualien mining areas alive This Thursday, April 4, rescue teams continue the search for more than 600 people trapped or missing after the earthquake that shook the east coast of Taiwan this Wednesday, the second most intense in the history of …

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Political FRAUD

SHOCKER- Brazilian courts far more forgiving for Martinelli in regards to ODEBRECHT. The Brazilian magistrate extended in favor of former president Ricardo Martinelli the uselessness of the contents of box 2 and testimonies from executives of the construction company Judge José Antonio Dias Toffoli, member of the Supreme Court of Brazil, extended the effects of the decision in favor of former …

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World Events

SHIT just keeps happening……….Taiwan Earthquake could end up killing thousands.

In the last two weeks, there was a devastating terror attack in Moscow, an entire bridge collapse in the US, and now an Earthquake in Taiwan that currently has “thousands” trapped under rubble.  Try to think of that when we are complaining about “our” days. At least 654 …

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Human Rights Watch calls for investigation into the Darien Gap immigration crisis.

In Miami, they came via rafts and boats. In California and Texas, it is through the desert. But these immigrants are passing through a treacherous jungle landscape to try to seek asylum. An investigation by the organization points out the deficiencies in care for victims of sexual violence, as …

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Singapore owned vessel from Baltimore bridge collapse calling on an 1851 Law to limit liability. The owner and manager of a cargo ship that rammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge before the span collapsed last week filed a court petition Monday seeking to limit their legal liability for the deadly disaster. The companies’ “limitation of liability” petition is a routine but important procedure for cases litigated under …

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University of Miami- “The U”, focusses on Panama for their Environmental Sciences Until recently, Carmen Chavez had spent just a few days in Panama, but never got the chance to truly understand its history and culture. Yet during spring break, Chavez, a doctoral student studying environmental science and policy, along with 12 other graduate students studying law or the environmental sciences …

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US News of note

EX-PAT NEWS: Just WTF happened in Baltimore with bridge collapse?

Ship passed through Canal two weeks ago with no issues. The ACP told this media that the cargo that was moving to Baltimore will be moved to other ports on the East Coast The collision of the cargo ship Dali against a pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge …

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PANAMA requires “REAL” western developers to take advantage of regional positivity.

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- I certainly have much to critique about the way things are done in my adopted home here. I still feel that despite the “boon” we see in Panama City, there lies a 3rd world underbelly we can’t seem to shake. With every “Four Seasons” or …

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Right around corner,…………HAITI remains a GD war zone of anarchy.

Not like Haiti is in any way an “Ex-Pat” or Tourist destination, but STAY AWAY just in case anway. The Caribbean country has experienced weeks of chaos since armed gangs launched a fight against controversial former Prime Minister Ariel Henry Gang violence in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, increasingly widespread, …

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World Events

France,,,unlike Russia, heeds US warning of heightened ISIS activity threat. The announcement was made this Monday by the French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal. The French authorities have put 4,000 soldiers on alert, who could be mobilized along with the 3,000 already patrolling the streets, after activating the highest level of alert due to the risk of an attack. The …

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PANAMA economic outlook remains stable before expected administation change. In his opinion, the solid performance of the banks will offset the sharp drop in economic growth, the political noise prior to the presidential elections, as well as the weakening of consumer and business confidence. Moody’s Ratings maintains its outlook for Panama’s banking system at “Baa3 stable”. In his …

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Panamanian elections draw international interest in regards to “environment” and “Darien” nightmare.–politics Buoyed by forcing the closure of a vast copper mine, a new generation of eco-conscious candidates are taking on the ‘shameful and corrupt’ status quo in May’s general elections Supported by About this content Daniel Harkins in Panama City Share In October, seven months before Panama’s general election, …

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Massive fall from grace for one of most successful soccer players of recent memory.

Former “Barcelona FC” star has earned well over 100 million Euros over career, unable to post bail. The footballer’s defense continues trying to raise the sum for bail from his entourage, without being able to make it effective throughout this morning. The former FC Barcelona player Dani Alves will …

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300 million in LATAM do not have access to clean sewage and water.

I hope this includes the group of people living in RFB……….. A total of 300 million people in cities do not have sewage systems In the Latin American and Caribbean region, 17 million people, 3% of the population, have limited basic access to water or consume it from unsuitable …

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