EU- to “headquarter LATAM operations in PANAMA” Win by DEFAULT.



This is actually historic and prolific news that appeared as merely a “blurb” in the news today.  Effective as of JANUARY 16, 2024-  The European Union has identified The Republic of PANAMA as the destination of it’s HEADQUARTERS for LATAM operations. In and of itself, it is a highly respected appointment. In that the EUROPEAN UNION is one of the most Powerful and Influential accumulation of nations in the World. 

I see through it for what it is, ………the best choice of a SHIT lot. Like getting the best “burnt” cookie. Whereas a resident, I see a country decades from legitimacy, but compared to our neighbors we shine like a DIAMOND. 










and quite a few others. My point is fairly obvious, by “comparison” we are relatively politically stable, democratic, and not run by violent despots who refuse to relinquish control. But my “personal” opinion, is it is home to “The Panama Canal”, and as such, deserved or not, a part of the lifeline of Worldwide commerce. Panama will always have it’s “in-fighting”, scandals, and feelings of inadequacies on the world stage. But as long as the Canal is as important as it is to the running of the world, the BIG BOYS will never let it get as bad as it’s competitors. 



On January 16, the European Parliament Bureau stressed the importance of opening this office in Panama

The European Parliament reported this Friday, January 19, that it selected Panama to open its headquarters in the Latin American and Caribbean region, which will help strengthen relations between the European Union and the aforementioned area.

Regarding this election, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Janaina Tewaney Mencomo, said that once again Panama makes its geographical and strategic position available to the world.

“This new office of the European Parliament will serve to strengthen relations and cooperation on a reciprocal basis,” said Tewaney Mencomo.

Meanwhile, the ambassador of Panama to the European Union, Yavel Francis Lanuza, reported that Javi López, co-president of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly was in charge of making the announcement.

This Wednesday, January 16, 2024, the European Parliament Bureau highlighted the importance of opening this office in Panama as a sign of the commitment to continue promoting and strengthening the bi-regional strategic partnership, based on common principles, values ​​and interests.

The Foreign Ministry recalled that Panama is also the headquarters of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament, which consists of a regional, permanent and unicommercial organization.

(This was ALL it got) LOL

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