was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!

Hold on,,,,,,,So ASEP does in fact have a “working office”???? Just not open to Ex-Pats I guess. Erco Energía presents itself as a strategic ally for companies in Panama that are looking for advice and solutions regarding energy efficiency for their production processes. Panama’s industrial sector has long been a key driver for the country’s economy and progress. However, the increase in energy and power rates, …

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Anyone who reads this blog, understands this is IMPORTANT as shit to me.

Scumbags always find slimy avenues of interpretation to skate past penalties imposed on illegal wildlife trafficking.   Among the most affected species are rare orchids, succulents, reptiles, fish, birds and mammals, says the Cites report. Wildlife trafficking has not reduced substantially in two decades, reports the World Wildlife …

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Bocas del Toro

EX-PAT/VISITOR ALERT- For those on Eco-Tours in jungle regions, remember word “Jungle”. The scare of his life got a man who was attacked by a crocodile when he was crossing the La Toyoza ravine, in the district of Cañazas, province of Veraguas. The man managed to get away from the animal, but suffered serious injuries to one of his legs, so …

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US News of note

Ex-Prez TRUMP will be proven a Liar and a Cheat, but it won’t make a shred of difference to base.

Lies are like quicksand. The more you say, the more you sink.  If he just said–“yeah, I cheated on my wife and banged a Porn star”, nobody would care. You can’t be trusted with nuclear missiles, if you can’t tell truth about your prick.    There could literally be video …

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Air Travel

Numbers do not lie- TOCUMEN expansion has turned PTY into new hub for all Latin America. The main port of entry and exit of the country has served a cumulative total of 6,153,781 passengers. With 44%, South America is the subcontinent with the main destinations departing from Panama The Tocumen International Airport processed 1,557,428 passengers during the month of April, that is, 9.8% more than …

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The cost of pursuing freedom MUCH HIGHER and DANGEROUS for women. So far this year, some 130,000 people have crossed the Darién jungle, of which 104,000 are adults, and of this figure around 35% are women. Migration has long ceased to be a man’s thing. Women alone, with children or with their partners leave their homes behind, having to go …

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Raging floods are pummeling Brazil.   The historic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, caused by heavy rainfall since the last days of April, have affected more than two million people, leaving 143 dead, 806 injured and 131 missing. The torrential rains hitting southern Brazil increased river flows and created scenes of “chaos” in …

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As requested and suggested by PNO,,,,,Mulino states strong stance on addressing Darien.   PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama is on the verge of a dramatic change to its immigration policy that could reverberate from the dense Darien jungle to the U.S. border. President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will shut down a migration route used by more than 500,000 people last year. Until …

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International Relations

CHINA “CHIMES” in on Mulino victory. (“asks if he wants same deal as Varela”) * IMHO

* This guy had his hand up Varela’s ass more than Jim Henson did with Kermit!” Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Mulino on his election as President of Panama, highlighting the milestone of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Panama in 2017. Xi Jinping’s message …

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Political FRAUD

In typical PANAMA fashion- Political Life changes on a DIME.

I’ve said since I started this blog, that PANAMA despite it’s progressive exterior as an emerging country that is ready to operate in a 1st “world” environment, they continue to “cannibalize” opposition. Zulay, once a shining star in the political landscape, is suddenly “persona non grata”. Zulay denounces fraud. “I …

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MASSIVE Humanitarian effort underway next door with neighbor Brazil. With warships, cargo plans and field hospitals, the Brazilian Armed Forces deployed a huge operation to help the victims of the devastating floods in the south of the country, which have left at least 108 dead, 136 missing and entire cities under Water. The Army, the Navy and the …

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Under butthurt scrutiny from losers,,,,,,Mulino lays out his priorities. José Raúl Mulino, winner of Sunday’s presidential elections in Panama, faces great challenges, such as the economic crisis or the fight against corruption, as well as regaining confidence in the country and clearing up doubts about whether he intends to undertake a constitutional change. . These are …

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HEY GABY???? Eat a “BOD’s”. Your scumbaggetry ends at the steps of the Presidential palace.

Go finish your MANSION fuckface! The presidential candidate and current vice president of the Republic, José Gabriel Carrizo, thanked God and advocates for the new president to unite the country José Gabriel “Gaby” Carrizo, presidential candidate for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) and Molinera, with 88,897 votes, recognized the …

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PANAMA CITY (AP) — José Raúl Mulino, the stand-in for former President Ricardo Martinelli in Panama’s presidential election, was set to become the new leader of the Central American nation as authorities unofficially called the race Sunday night after his three nearest rivals conceded. The 64-year-old former security …

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This is just a cool story and PIC.

Solar Orbiter footage shows an intriguing feature, which is glowing gas. The European Solar Orbiter mission, which aims to study the Sun, filmed the transition between our star’s lower atmosphere and the outer corona, with images showing the glowing gas forming lace-like patterns, called coronal moss. The European Space …

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LMFAO. Cries from the BUTTHURT. They are DONE before first ballot is cast. Bow out with dignity.

“Captain’s Log-Stardate 2024- 1st officer SPOCK is incredibly pissed off” Roux pointed out that with this ruling the pact for the impunity of RM-Gaby-Mulino-Benicio is confirmed The presidential candidates remained vigilant to the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice to declare unconstitutional or not the candidacy of José …

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ODEBRECHT,”Mossack/Fonseca”,PANAMA PAPERS- Trial finally underway. PANAMA CITY (AP) — Eight years after 11 million leaked secret financial documents revealed how some of the world’s richest people hide their wealth, more than two dozen defendants are on trial in Panama for their alleged roles. The repercussions of the leaks were far-ranging, prompting the resignation of …

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Intrigue of Panama’s election not escaping Western news sources. PANAMA CITY (AP) — Six of the eight candidates vying to be Panama’s next president laid out their plans to generate jobs and to manage the country’s water crisis in their final debate Wednesday night before the country’s May 5 election. Former government minister José Raúl Mulino, who has …

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SAFETY tip for all visitors to the coastal waters of Panama. RIP CURRENTS/UNDERTOW= R.I.P

Courtesy:CNN On Good Friday 2017, Wyatt Werneth got a call from his wife, who had gone grocery shopping with their daughter: The car’s broken down. Please rescue us. Werneth hopped in his vehicle to assist, driving by Patrick Space Force Base near Cape Canaveral, Florida. From the A1A highway, Werneth …

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EX-PATS: Happier here than in Oklahoma???

Multiple tornadoes touched down on Saturday night in several counties in the state of Oklahoma (USA), causing at least two deaths and material damage that is being evaluated. Republican Governor Kevin Stitt reported yesterday that the state remains on “high alert” for bad weather after several tornadoes and thunderstorms …

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Every swing is coming up a miss as powers try to stifle Mulino and “Realizing Goals”.

The lawyers recalled that Mulino’s candidacy has already participated in the voting process. The jurists Miguel Antonio Bernal, Italo Antinori, Juan Carlos Araúz and José Alberto Álvarez requested on the morning of this Monday, April 29, to the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice, through the rapporteur …

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Bocas del Toro

Bag of wind “Gaby” has large showing in Bocas. ( I wonder where else he stopped?……)

What a crock of shit!!!! Heading to Bocas to rally the “common folk”. If elected he will do exactly what Nito has done for that region, which is DICK!!! NADA!!!!   BDT is just a place he visits each month to pick up an envelope. Dirty Pool. Carrizo is preparing for …

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Mulino- Pushing hard for clean and free elections. For Mulino, the people have already decided and he said that they only need to cast their will at the polls on May 5 and win the Presidency to fulfill all their promises from day one. The presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties, José Raúl …

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For those seeking a “healthy” alternative to start the day.

DETOX juices- contains vitamins and minerals, which help strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases ‘Detox’ juices have gained popularity as an effective way to cleanse the body and improve health. These drinks, made from fresh fruits and vegetables, are designed to help eliminate toxins and promote weight loss …

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Power structure blowing the dust off all policies to keep Mulino from running.

In the note, the magistrates explain that they debated whether the condition of substitute established by the ‘Electoral Code’ also applies to the position of vice president. The three judges of the Electoral Court responded, in a note, to the request made by the judge of the Supreme Court of …

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International Relations

Martinelli asylum officially agitating relations of Nicaragua and Panama.

“What a life this “MFer” has led!!!!  I mean it’s been anything but BORING” Panama feels ‘truly affected’ by Nicaragua’s permissive attitude. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mire) reported this Monday, April 22, that it called the Panamanian ambassador in the city of Managua Nicaragua for consultations. According to Mire, …

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Panama not immune to the insurmountable wave of Fentanyl and Opioid crisis. We are entering the era of fentanyl and synthetic opioids, a more violent and uncontrollable market, but a generator of much illicit capital for global drug lords. Seeing how today the North American economic, political and military forces themselves combat drug trafficking organizations, in territories where drugs are produced, …

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Local Culture

Annual bloom of native Panamanian tree should be appreciated.

The flowering of the guayacan trees becomes a visual spectacle every year, between the months of March and April, that paints the horizon of the Panamanian capital yellow, somewhat gray in recent months due to high environmental pollution. “The Guayacán is not an endemic species in Panama, but it …

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And yet another to see through the “Martinelli” bias, and endorse Mulino’s rights for people.

The former president of the Republic Mireya Moscoso, at the same time that she reiterated her support for her Panameñista Party for the presidential candidacy, was in favor of José Raúl Mulino being able to participate in the May 5 elections. Moscoso, when asked about Mulino and his support, reiterated that his …

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Land Ownership

Sorry,…..LOL,…..but “THIS” is PANAMA. Old trick of occupying land not owned by legal owners. See “RFB”.

That’s no “Indiana Jones” rope bridge!!!!  Gotta admit he made a nice one. The plaintiffs consider that Mayer Mizrachi’s actions constitute a serious violation of the constitutional right to respect for private property. Legal representatives of the Vargas Foundation publicly denounced that the candidate for Mayor of Panama, Mayer …

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