was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!

Funny that a guy with Gaby Carrizo on his Administration can appear at this conference

At the opening ceremony of the “XLVII Meeting of Representatives and Working Groups of the Latin American Financial Action Group (Gafilat)” President Laurentino Cortizo reaffirmed Panama’s commitment to combat money laundering. Cortizo also reiterated Panama’s commitment to facilitate cooperation actions for international financial and fiscal transparency. The president welcomed the …

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RED FROG BEACH debcacle Part 2- “What we Heard”

In performing our continual follow up to get to the center of all the shit that the victims of JOE HALEY and RED FROG are dealing with, we have moved onto the next phase. We already covered the actual condition of the property. HONESTLY it smells like SHIT! There is …

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RED FROG BEACH: PART 1 ‘What We Saw”.— BEACH, LIES, and a lot of SHIT

Picture fits it: A Red Frog Covered in PUKE. Greetings to the readers and visitors that we have been corresponding with me and the site over the years. PNO endeavors to be a source of informtaion and news that can educate those new Ex-Pats that arrive each year. However, we …

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PNO is working on a (3) part expose on the TRAGEDY that is RED FROG BEACH.

I mentioned to my loyal and regular group of readers both in the US and Panama, that I would be visiting Bocas del Toro. A group of (4) of us made the trip that culminated on Tuesday. However it became to be, I was thrust into this 5 years ago …

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Political FRAUD

Cannibalisitic regime change now has Varela in it’s crosshairs. That’s Panama.

The Embassy of the United States announced on the afternoon of this Thursday, July 13, the designation of former Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela as ineligible, in general, to enter the United States. The diplomatic delegation distributed a statement from the State Department, in which it details the reasons for …

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Political FRAUD

Varela and his camp are at the forefront of trying to prove transparency in court.

The actors in the distribution of decentralization money in the 2014-2019 five-year period came out to defend themselves. The $994 million were transferred in a “transparent and lawful” manner, each one raised separately. Former President of the Republic Juan Carlos Varela defended the management. He did so in a message posted …

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Meanwhile, in the other part of PANAMA. The shit still comes hard at less advantaged.

Authorities seized 1,632 drug packages throughout the country During the last 72 hours, the Security forces apprehended 630 people and seized 1,632 drug packages throughout the country.  Operation Beta  was developed at a national level; among the apprehensions: 325 were for trades, 209 for administrative offenses, 55 for flagrante delicto, 33 for …

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Panama Tourism

Opening of new direct flights aimed at making the Cayman Islands a true vacation spot.

Landing in the Cayman Islands around noon, arriving at the hotel, checking in and enjoying a cocktail made with traditional local rum. Appreciate the sunset in front of the sea and then taste a delicious dinner. This is how the Minister of Tourism and Ports of the Cayman Islands, Kenneth Bryan, describes …

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As PNO stated…..”REAL” projects, attract “REAL” developers. With capital NOT “FrogCoins” Green logistics is part of Puerto Barú, as stated by its Project Manager, Nicolás Posada. With multiple environmental advantages and rigorous monitoring, Puerto Barú is 100% committed to sustainable development in the Gulf of Chiriquí according to those who are in charge of this project. “This is a project with …

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,,,,,,,,,,,,,and with that being said, Abrego is in solid position with RM.

The deputy and presidential candidate for Cambio Democrático (CD), Yanibel Ábrego, arrived accompanied by Ricardo Martinelli, presidential candidate for Realizando Metas (RM), to exercise her right to vote at the Federico Boyd bilingual school, in Capira, in the primary elections of that political group, to choose their electoral offer for …

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“Spock” throws the hammer down on Abrego for election.

The presidential candidate of Cambio Democrático (CD), Rómulo Roux, assured this Monday, July 10, that he, as president of the Board of Directors of his collective, will not authorize deputy Yanibel Ábrego to run for a popularly elected position for another party. . Roux made it clear that he will …

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EX-PAT and VISITORS: Behave at your own peril.

Right up there with Phillipines and Vietnam and Thailand, ….you do NOT want to get arrested in Panama. Long known for deplorable conditions, they are now sitting at over 50% in overpopulation. The prisoners sleep in makeshift hammocks and mats, due to a lack of beds. ceded “Whoever does not …

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International Relations

Biden tour meant to send message toPutin for solidarity for Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden will begin a four-day tour of Europe this Sunday that will include the NATO summit in Lithuania, visits to the United Kingdom and Finland, as well as endless meetings with leaders from around the world. However, the person who will monopolize Biden’s attention will be someone …

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Numbers grow for Realizando Metas.

At least 35 people who were part of the Movimiento Liberal República Nacionalista (Molirena) party, specifically from Jaime Ford Lara’s faction, joined the Realizando Metas (RM) party, and announced their support for Ricardo Martinelli’s presidential candidacy. In a symbolic act, the now adherents of Realizando Metas, announced that together with …

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Residents of forgotten areas are taking own steps to promote revenue streams.

Promoting commercial capacities, tourism and general well-being gives meaning to this mining activity that places the human being as the central axis Their lands are their greatest treasure, they give them life and also sustenance. Getting up every morning, drinking their own coffee, ‘La Ceiba’, and working on their farm to …

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Is it just me, or has Zulay lost some of her mojo?

Let me start by saying I am generally and have been a fan of Zulay in the foray of Panama politics. I view her as a disruptor to the status quo and that is a good thing, But as she has announced her plans for free application for the Presidency, …

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PNO’ers: Guess who is taking a trip again down to Bocas del Toro?

Made the decision before the 4th of July, feeling particularly Patriotic. I want to do some patriotic observance for my adopted country of Panama. A group of 4 will be going to see the new developments down there and check in on some of the “OLD” ones. Making the drive …

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More follow up on “REAL” Hospitality being offered in Panama.

The VerdeAzul Hotels chain reaffirmed with its participation in Fiexpo Latin America 2023, which was held at the Panama Convention Center from June 19 to 22, its interest in the meetings and congresses industry in Panama. Fiexpo is a key event that brings together exhibitors and buyers from the meetings …

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The time has come to cease these SHADOW GAMES with RED FROG BEACH “SCAM”

Quite frankly,,,,,I’m tired of it. While major publications are speaking of the emerging interest from REAL groups, `there remains the 20 YEAR stain left on Bocas del Toro and the victims that purchased at RED FROG by Joe Haley et al.  And somehow, 5 years ago I let myself get …

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The constant battles and lame attempts to derail the defiant Martinelli. #Tigerblood

The political career of former president Ricardo Martinelli has become difficult since he announced his presidential aspirations for the party he founded, Realizando Metas (RM), and it has become more acute after his victory in the last presidential primary elections of the group. His warning: “They are going to have …

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14 Banks in PANAMA face the potential of shutdown INTERNATIONALLY for Laundering.

OP ED: “JB” Some of the most important banking Institutions in Panama were involved in a transaction!   They were a group of well funded and established Panamanian banks also included was Ex President Ricardo Martinelli who also participated as an “investor”.  The case involves the purchase of the long standing …

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Human Interest

BOLO: Hero K9 cop being looked for in Colombia.

Operation Hope met its objective on June 9 of this year to find alive Lesly (13), Soleiny (9), Tien Noriel (4), and Cristin Neryman (1), four indigenous children who were lost in the jungle de Guaviare after his plane crashed and 3 adults lost their lives, including his mother. The …

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Good question……why promote a dangerous region as “adventure” tourism.

“Our goal is to traverse what is probably the most infamous jungle in the world.” The thousands of migrants who cross the Darién Gap, which separates Colombia from Panama, could say it, but the phrase is an offer made by a German luxury adventure tourism company.Two weeks through this dense …

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World Events

Well that ended quick……Russian division in Ukraine ends before it begins.

Russian government troops withdrew from the streets of Moscow and people flocked to parks and cafes Sunday following a short-lived revolt by mercenary forces that weakened President Vladimir Putin and raised questions about his ability to wage war in Ukraine. The march on the capital by Wagner troops led by Yevgeny Prigozhin …

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More than 20 companies come out to lobby for approval of Marijuana growth.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) detailed the afternoon of this Tuesday, June 20, that more than 20 companies participated in the approval meeting with a view to obtaining one of the seven licenses for the manufacture of medicinal cannabis derivatives . Elvia Lau, national director of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Minsa, …

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With elections looming, Facebook type fake accounts are being held accountable.

The Electoral Tribunal (TE) processes 747 files of violation of electoral propaganda on the internet and social networks.The files are generated by the Center for Studies and Digital Monitoring of the TE and presented to the Directorate of Electoral Organization for investigation.This week the regulatory body for electoral processes issued …

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Political FRAUD

Former administation Ombudsman has sentence upheld for embezzlement.

The former Ombudsman Patria Portugal (2011-2013) was arrested at the request of the compliance judge of the first judicial circuit José Carrera, who ordered the execution of the conviction of the former official for the start of serving 96 months in prison as the main sentence and 48 months of …

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PNO Travel alert: Reason to be aware and innoculated for influenza

Health authorities assure that there are enough vaccines for the population Influenza. With a total of 13 deaths due to influenza, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) called on the population to get vaccinated and if they feel symptoms go to the doctor with their respective mask. The director of the Metropolitan …

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International Relations

More political unrest in Venezuela. Three of the five main rectors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, including the president, Pedro Calzadilla, resigned this Thursday, June 15, from their positions and asked the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), with an overwhelming majority of the government, appoint new officers. Calzadilla, a former Chavismo minister, …

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FORBES does amazing piece on the promise and future of Bocas development.

I wrote this little blurb last week, And to my surprise, I read a full expose on exactly what I was thinking about with Panamanian tourism. To my glee, they mention the success of some new destinations that are doing well and also the investment in infrastructure in Bocas del …

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