Get ready for tons of political posts for 2024. Let the PANAMA GAMES begin!!!

Political FRAUD
The plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) did not admit a protection of guarantees filed by lawyer Shirley Castañeda, defender of former president Ricardo Martinelli, against an order of the Superior Court for the Settlement of Criminal Cases of November 2, 2023 related to the New case Business.

Castañeda filed the protection of guarantees against the cassation procedure in the process of the New Business case.

The presiding judge in this case was Olmedo Arrocha and it was announced on February 1 through Edict No. 108.

Martinelli, who is a presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals party, was convicted by the Second Liquidation Court of Criminal Cases on July 17.

The former president was sentenced to 128 months in prison (10 years and eight months) for the crime of money laundering as the author of the case known as New Business.

New Business was a basket company used to raise funds from irregularly managed state contracts for the purchase of a publishing group.

The non-admission of the protection was known two days after the plenary session of the Supreme Court denied Martinelli another protection of guarantees and a warning of unconstitutionality, presented by his lawyers in the New Business case.

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