was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!

Scientists look to past to try to save marine future in Panama. Researchers at STRI’s O’Dea Laboratory focus on marine paleontology to understand the history of the oceans and provide valuable information for conservation and public policy. The Punta Culebra Natural Center of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), located on the Amador Causeway, receives visitors and students from Panama and …

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Torrijos brings up topic of “electricity” compliance as major election point.

I wonder if the operation of a “business” that has been run for 20 years without the necessary concession to sell utility services will be looked at?  Or does Bocas del Toro not exist in this regard?   The candidate raised the urgent need to supply water to Panamanians …

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International Relations

Things are BAD when Ortega administration in Nicaragua are being un-supportive. The government of Nicaragua alleges that the State of  Panama ‘has the obligation to provide’ all facilities ANSWER.  Panama and Nicaragua maintain a diplomatic dispute that has as its central axis the political asylum granted to former president Ricardo Martinelli. Through a note from the government of Daniel Ortega, the Panamanian government is …

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US News of note

Justice for Ohio infant left alone to die for 7 days. Life sentence, no PAROLE. The woman admitted that she left her daughter alone and without care inside the house from June 8 to 16, 2023  The mother of a 16-month-old baby, who died after being left alone for eight days in a home in Cleveland, Ohio, while she was on vacation on an …

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History of the Panamanian Presidents, a story within itself. The presidency of the Republic of Panama is a position of great responsibility, which can cause health problems. What did the country’s presidents look like before and after leaving office? Since the invasion of the United States, Panama has had seven presidents, who, despite being elected for a five-year period, …

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Political FRAUD

Sins of the past keep following Martinelli, as his enemies continue to try to mute his influence. The defense of former president Ricardo Martinelli filed an appeal before the Federal Court of Brazil to prohibit the testimony of key company executives and the evidence from box 2 in the November trial. The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office will be increasingly pressured not to depend on the evidence …

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The 4 Day Workweek has risen as the HOT topic of early election debates.

Various voices analyze the proposal of Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo to reduce the working day and increase the minimum wage to $1,000 “Senseless and crazy,” is how some economists described the proposal of vice president and presidential candidate José Gabriel Carrizo, to reduce the working day to four days …

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More of the same at RFB in Bocas. I’ve grown tired. Re-organization a charade with Haley still present.

The shenanigans and “scumbaggetry” continue at the Red Frog Beach Resort in Bocas del Toro. YES, I still stay in contact, YES, I still hear unethical and illegal shit being done that adversely affects Ex-Pats. But PANAMA remains “PANAMA”. And if MI AMBIENTE can’t get off their asses and address …

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Confirmation of next “Extinction” level event on the horizon. Not unexpected.

To keep into context, since 1900, the population has depleted “70%” of LIFE on  Earth. That is “LIFE” defined as plants, land, animals, ocean life, etc. It does not take a genius to see that the status quo has failed and more is on the horizon. According to this …

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Editorial Contribution

“La Estrella ” Editorial sheds a better than PNO light on Democratic challenges in Panama.

Let’s let the others chime in and see what they say, By Carlos Guevara Mann ‘Let’s focus on the 2019 elections to get a more precise idea of ​​the undemocratic nature of the electoral system. That year, with 31% of the presidential vote, added to the 2% that Molirena contributed, …

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United States taking “action” not merely notice of immigration issue in Darien. This Monday, the United States donated tents, camping cots and other material worth half a million dollars to assist the thousands of migrants who arrive in Panama after crossing the inhospitable Darien jungle. This year, until March 8, some 82,000 migrants crossed the inhospitable jungle from Colombia, where insecurity …

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World Events

As usual “Haiti” is falling apart while the world watches. Violence on the scale of Syria in Capital.   In January 2024, 806 murders were recorded, according to the UN Violence in the capital of Haiti reached “extreme levels,” according to a mortality survey by the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) with data prior to the worsening of the situation currently experienced in the metropolitan area …

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Human Interest

“BIOMUSEO” Cultural venue in Panama celebrating 10 Year Anniversary.

The wife has us going. I’m interested in the diving exhibit. ‘A Night at the Biomuseo’ is an activity that the cultural center will carry out to celebrate its anniversary. In its first decade, the Biomuseo has been visited by more than 1 million people from Panama and the …

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Infusion of legal Venezuelan migrants generated $280 Million to economy for fiscal 2022.

And they will keep coming to escape Chavez. Monitor and give them hope.   The Cavex explained that in Panama there are more than 5,000 Venezuelan companies registered, with an investment that exceeds $1.8 billion in the last 10 years. In 2022, the tax contribution of Venezuelan migrants living …

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Mentioned this last week,,,,the “cannibalism” of Panama politics. It really is a JOKE.

OP ED: by “JB” Do I “really” have to put this in print? Do I “really” have to lay it all out there to be seen? As if ANYONE does not know this already? PANAMA IS CORRUPT AS HELL!!!!!!!! PERIOD From the jungles of Bocas del Toro, to the mansion …

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Grade on “5 Year Plan” to come in JUNE of 2025.

Back in 2020 the UNWTO- or “World Tourism Organization” was tasked to put together a “Master Plan” that would bear the fruit of an increase in sustainable tourism projects of ( 50% ). This even took into account the effect of COVID-19 on the Economy. I am aware that there is REAL …

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Editorial Contribution

“SPOCK” is nothing if not determined and consistent.

OP ED “JB”- Sort of a dead time for me topic wise as nothing is particularly “juicy” to chime in on. Pretty much the opposite of an election year back home. Romelo Roux- whom “PNO” has lovingly monikered “Spock” for years now because, well,……………………….?  OK, having passed the obvious, it …

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VP of “RM” steadfast in exonerating Martinelli.

José Raúl Mulino asked all the candidates to: “make the effort, go find the votes to lead us to victory on May 5th.” In next year’s festivities in Soná we will be celebrating, with Ricardo Martinelli, in his land,” stated the vice presidential candidate for Realizing Goals and the …

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22K more migrants through Darien than at this time last year.

The increase in migrants through the Darién on their way to the US or Canada in search of better living conditions has been progressive since 2021, reaching the record number of more than 520,000 last year More than 68,400 migrants have crossed the Darién jungle, the dangerous border between …

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2024 Election a story of who is NOT there more than WHO is. Political Campaign Advisor Julio Villalobos describes the fact that these judicial processes are in the middle of the electoral period and just a few days before the general elections as a great risk for the democracy of this country. The electoral contest of May 5, 2024 has become a …

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International Relations

Brazilian Prez unwanted in Israel after Holocaust comparisons.

The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, declared this Monday, February 19, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva “persona non grata” for comparing the current war against Hamas in Gaza with the Holocaust. “He is persona non grata in the State of Israel as long as he does not retract his …

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Carrizo wants “clean” debates, but you can’t have a Prez with “bitch tits”. Hit the bench Gaby.

Carrizo expressed that he has warned that in the debates he will not attack or slander anyone “as they have slandered me since I arrived.” The presidential candidate of the PRD-Molirena alliance, José Gabriel Carrizo, asked the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to “not change the rules of the game” after …

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Bocas del Toro

Some Bocas del Toro History: Once destined for takeover by Mexico

The Mexican government wants to reconstruct the bizarre story of Catarino Garza Hidden in a corner of Bocas del Toro, Panama, is a part of the history of the Mexican revolution. One that the journalist and general, Catarino Erasmo Garza Rodríguez, wrote with his actions. A rebel who took …

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Absence of Martinelli has even more consequences on election than his inclusion. Martinelli’s lawyer, Carlos Carrillo, announced that he filed an appeal for clarification of the cassation and warns that the criminal actions have not yet ended. The eventual disqualification of the presidential candidate due to the alliance between the Realizing Goals (RM) party and the Alianza party, Ricardo Martinelli, according …

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Kansas City Chiefs make it 3 out of 4 in winning SUPER BOWL. Just ask Taylor.

I am well aware of the difference between what LATAM refer to as “FOOTBALL” and us GRINGOES, but the biggest sporting event in the US passed last SUNDAY, with KANSAS CITY taking home the crown. With Pop Icon TAYLOR SWIFT cheering on her boyfriend of the moment, the CHIEFS needed …

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Human Interest

WOW- Election Year and Gabby remembers there are Indigenous voters, lets shake some hands.

On the third day of his tour of the Ngäbe Buglé Region, a large crowd reiterated their support for Gaby in the midst of indigenous cultural demonstrations Residents of the 27 townships of the Müna and Ñürüm districts gave a great welcome to presidential candidate José Gabriel Carrizo. On …

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Human Interest

30 year era of Martinelli “Magic” coming to inglorius END.

A name and effigy revered by millions. One who continuously faced enemies, a rebel, a voice to be heard, one who seemed to always find a way out.  RICARDO MARTINELLI will never be the same in Panama. The “machine” has got him by the balls. He’s made too many enemies, …

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Off we go. Screws tightening on Martinelli already. He should’ve taken my parachute hint.

Election Year in PANAMA= the worlds BEST reality TV. The Criminal Chamber sent the file of Ricardo Martinelli’s sentence to the Second Criminal Court, which must notify the Electoral Court. The former president’s legal team announces new resources The Foreign Ministry of Panama denied the safe passage requested by …

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Carnaval is HERE. Not exactly on par with Brazil, but a big deal in PANAMA nonetheless.

In parallel to the celebration, the 2024 electoral campaign adds an additional element of interest. Infectious music and an explosion of color mark the beginning of the 2024 Carnivals, which this year takes on special meaning as it coincides with the 2024 electoral campaign, adding a political touch to …

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Air Travel

TOURISM BOOST? COPA adds route to encourage more EAST COAST travel to PANAMA.

Opening up to Raleigh-Durham, NC in June. Major EAST coast hub. Panamanian carrier Copa Airlines is making it easier to get to Central America with a new route from Raleigh-Durham, NC, to Panama City. The new flight, which will take off for the first time on June 21, will …

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