
Six going on Seven Years of “trying” to be a positive voice and source of information for Ex-Pats coming to this diverse ( yet fucked up ) retirement haven.

Look, the truth is after all my time here through Martinelli-Varela-and Cortizo- I can tell you PANAMA is “shadier than an Oak Tree”. Giving them the canal was like giving a teenager a Formula 1 Race car. Too Much-Too soon.

YES they are democratic- YES there are economic advantages- YES there are beautiful things to see and if planned right your quality of retirement will definitely be advantageous to Ex-Pats.

But I can’t really opine too much on that because I let a skinny, white, lying American crawl up my ass in 2018, and he hasn’t come out yet.

I’ve taken walks, done Yoga with the wife, even had a second mild stroke. But I love shining the light to help Americans and all Ex-Pats.

The politics are corrupt and people can be bought. It is a landscape you need to learn and investigate before making the move. “Gringo Games” is a revenue stream down here.

But when considering LATAM as a place to retire, it remains the cream of the crop.

I am hoping the best in 2024- Election Year, and some other events I really hop come to fruition.

Grab your loved ones, given em a hug, and HAPPY NEW YEAR>



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