was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!
Local Culture

Panama getting geared up to promote tourism for 2024. Panama will develop a Tourism Investment Guide, a tool promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Development Bank of Latin America-CAF to promote the tourism business in the sector in the region. This guide, which the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Paraguay and Ecuador already have, will be created …

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OP ED “JB”- After Thanksgiving I promised the wife I’m taking a step back from RED FROG BEACH SCAM and the biggest LIAR and DOUCHE ever known to mankind……..JOE HALEY. For MONTHS. as residents dealt with raw sewage being pumped into the mangroves, the smell of feces about the property, and …

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EX-PAT ALERT: Backpackers and Vacationers take a look at labels in Bocas del Toro supply chain.

“JB”-  You know my feelings on Bocas and Isla Colon. If invested in properly, what is already the tourism hub of Panama, would be a tropical jewel. I feel things are changing looking forward, as “REAL” developers are getting primed to build sustainable and professionally thought out developments. We have …

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Sociologist says 18 days of protest reveal RACIST undertones within Panama. When 18 consecutive days of anti-mining demonstrations have passed, tensions are growing between those who demand an end to the closures and those who continue protesting in the streets due to distrust that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the company Minera Panamá. The speeches against the …

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Bleak job outlook for “young” Gen-Z Panamanians   The recent results of the Labor Market Survey as of August 2023, carried out by the Institute of Statistics and Census (Inec), which collects the evolution of employment, marked a strong trend of the crisis experienced by Panamanian youth employment. In the reference month of the survey, the …

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Positive Environmental Decision gets kickback from short sighted fishermen.

DECISION OUTLAWS “TRAWLING”-   Please look it up.  IT “DESTROYS” THE OCEAN The new Executive Decree No. 14 of November 20, 2023, which modified Executive Decree 13 of November 1, 2023 and regulates Law 204 of 2021, which regulates fishing and aquaculture in the Republic of Panama and dictates other provisions, …

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Cortizo make official announcement on Supreme Court Ruling The president of the Republic of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, assured that he received and will abide by the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), which declared unconstitutional the Law 406 contract, which allows the exploration and exploitation of the Cobre Panamá mine for a period of 20 …

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Law 406 is universally viewed upon as being unconstitutional. Cortizo agrees The Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) had no doubt that the Law 406 contract, which allowed exploration and exploitation of the Cobre Panamá mine, is a constitutional conflict considering first that it violates the fundamental rights of life, health and of a healthy environment, free …

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From JB and all the gang!!!!

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International Relations

Look at these two visions of stable equality in the LATAM region.

The presidents of Venezuela and Colombia, Nicolás Maduro and Gustavo Petro, respectively, met this Saturday in Caracas, for the fourth time in private in the last 15 months, to address issues that affect these neighboring nations, including migration and risks of drought. Around 3:00 p.m. local time (7:00 p.m. GMT), …

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Human Interest

Panama riots still main story of LATAM.

Fecamco issued an alert about the crisis that has affected Panama for almost a month, marked by road blockades in rejection. The businessmen made an urgent call to the Panamanian Government and other actors involved to immediately establish a dialogue that promotes the search for a solution. The Evangelical Alliance of …

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Issues with Indigenous disputes causing a “perfect storm” of in country infrastructure. In Panama City and in the interior of the country the scenes were the same: Street closures and mobilizations. The protests began early at a slow pace, but progressively increased as citizens traveled by different modes of transportation to get to their workplaces. In the capital city, public transportation …

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Air Travel

Civil unrest in Panama becoming more than a “regional” disturbance. Affecting flights. The mishaps that have caused road blockages in Panama City caused United Airlines to cancel three flights scheduled between November 16 and 17. Information from the company indicates that the canceled return is UA1034, from Houston, which ends up impacting the itineraries of flights UA727 and UA1031, which will …

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More protests involving the Education System Educators protest in various sectors of the national territory  Educators are protesting in different parts of the country. They do so dressed in black after the cold-blooded murder of an educator and the husband of a teacher when they participated in the closures in Chame, province of Panama Oeste. In …

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Mining protests are pulling the country apart from within. Becoming very violent The Attorney General’s Office detailed this Wednesday, November 8, that during the last two weeks during the protests against Law No. 406, 175 investigations have been opened for the commission of various crimes, including intentional and negligent homicide and extortion, among others. . As a result of these investigations, …

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As was case with “Moody’s” – “Standard and Poors” is downgrading Panama. The risk rating agency Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) maintained the investment grade risk rating for Panama at “BBB”, but adjusted the outlook from “stable” to “negative”, as a result of the recent protests and closures. of streets against Law 406, the Ministry of Economy and Finance …

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Martinelli legal team state Government has gone “beyond the law” to affect elections. The legal team of former president Ricardo Martinelli in a press conference denounced a series of procedural irregularities in matters of cassation appeals, which are being tried in the Superior Court for the Settlement of Criminal Cases. Lawyer Carlos Carrillo, from the legal team of former president Martinelli, denounced …

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Torrijos chimes in on blame for mining fiasco. The presidential candidate for the Popular Party, Martín Torrijos, condemned the violence that has been recorded in the protests against the law contract between the State and Minera Panamá, which has claimed the lives of two people. “It is regrettable that we are witnessing confrontations between Panamanians and Panamanians …

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Panama’s issues with canal drought, will impact negatively on MOODY’s credit rating.

A worsening of the phenomenon would affect exports of raw materials and goods from the US East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico, such as grain, oil and gas. Moody’s Investors Service warned that the drought crisis presented by the Panama Canal will be aggravated by the return of the …

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Human Interest

I woke up a little late this morning. Chaos in the streets

My wife, whom we always seem to coordinate things together took it upon herself to run a few errands. I then get my cell ringing, and the background is like she’s in the middle of a war zone. Indeed, the issues with the Mining workers and the government is reaching …

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I’m about to relax after a Long week, Love to my “Bocas Brigade” Here’s where we are: SUNDAY

In retrospect I can’t truly fathom the work I have put into this criminal enterprise. I am in luck to have a biographer who has kept perfect accounting of my postings. Why they saved everything I have said about JOE HALEY- STEVEN BOLTON- DANIEL CRANNEY, RICARODO SERVERINO,MIRANDA BUSSING, LORA HASSEN, …

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NEW RED FROG NEGLIEGIENCE and BULLSHIT: Get this to GREEN GLOBE ASAP. You will get what is coming to you for your abuse.

You have been made well aware of the feral dogs roaming around the property. Further making it dangerous for guests and residents alike. I’m sure people like walking with a cup of coffee to come up on the remains of a mutilated Two-Toed Sloth. Killed by these reckless un addressed …

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Editorial Contribution

Requested posting from one of your own: Well written and poignant concerning what ONE MAN can do to a good group of people.

ENGLISH A reflection of what should be: Red Frog Beach has the potential to be the premier location in Panama for real estate investment. The beaches are breathtaking. The wildlife is constantly a source of amazement. The flora and fauna are heavenly. At every turn there is something to see. …

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Bocas del Toro

Make love to your money “one last time”. Light a candle, pour some wine, cause if you give it to your boy in Bocas, you will never see it again!

(JB posting for a good friend)—— You will never see the real books, never see the real land or underlying asset, never get the truth, Your better off taking a walk down the beach with a bottle of Bourbon and a joint. Look at the ocean, listen to the waves, …

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Bocas del Toro

How LONG will people let this happen. Same stuff from 10 years ago found online.

The tourist complex Red Frog Beach projected in the Island of Bastimentos, in Panama, is an example of the local communities’ mobilization to face the property speculation threat and the use of natural resources linked to tourism. Photography by: Island of Bastimentos. Source: Dronepicr, creative commons license. The Red Frog …

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This sounds like something a legit Green Globe Certified purveyor of Electricity would appear at.

A network will work to accelerate the transition to zero emissions in Latin America Aligning will require an average annual investment of $150 billion between 2026 and 2030 and at least $207 billion between 2031 and 2035.   The transition to zero net emissions is moving slowly in …

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Multiple factions of discontent turn PC into chaos. This weekend there were demonstrations in front of the building where Cortizo resides and the headquarters of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party. Due to the closure of roads, delays in the arrival of workers to their jobs have been reported. Also low vehicular traffic for fear of being left in …

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“Realizing Goals” continues to add solid core of contributors to the party Former deputy Miguel Salas resigned from the Panameñista Party, enrolled in Realizing Goals (RM) and will once again seek the seat in the circuit (3-1) in the province of Colón, but under the banner of this new group. Salas was a deputy for Colón for the Panameñista Party during …

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Ex-Pats in Mexico bracing for a strong storm. One of the benefits of Panama   I have a friend that is currently living in La Paz; Mexico and they will be bracing for a Hurricane this weekend. With the US economy treating non wealthy Americans like shit, expect places like Panama, Mexico, Belize, and Costa Rica to yearly on a consistent basis see …

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Gaby makes strong RIGHT stance on LGBTQ people. Very progressive, you don’t cheat with men anyways.

Human nature has not changed at all: “He who is born a woman is a woman and he who is born a man is a man, let us protect the family. That has been the basis on which our society has been built,” warned José Gabriel Carrizo, presidential candidate for the …

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