Every swing is coming up a miss as powers try to stifle Mulino and “Realizing Goals”.


The jurists Miguel Antonio Bernal, Italo Antinori, Juan Carlos Araúz and José Alberto Álvarez requested on the morning of this Monday, April 29, to the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice, through the rapporteur magistrate Olmedo Arrocha, that the rulings are not retroactive.

The group of lawyers asked Arrocha, who is the rapporteur in the lawsuit for unconstitutionality of the agreement of the plenary session of the Electoral Court that qualified José Raúl Mulino as a presidential candidate, to take into account article No. 2573 of the Judicial Code .

This rule establishes that a ruling is not retroactive, since Mulino’s candidacy has already been submitted to early voting for the position of President of the Republic.

The lawyers recalled that Mulino’s candidacy has already participated in the voting process.

Furthermore, they emphasized that “the legal phenomenon of the subtraction of matter has occurred because once the first votes have been held, the requested act has ceased to exist and it is not constitutionally possible for the nomination to be discussed once the vote has begun. ”

In Panama, the early voting period is held from April 23 to May 2 and is only to elect the position of president.

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