CHINA “CHIMES” in on Mulino victory. (“asks if he wants same deal as Varela”) * IMHO

International Relations
* This guy had his hand up Varela’s ass more than Jim Henson did with Kermit!”
Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Mulino on his election as President of Panama, highlighting the milestone of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Panama in 2017. Xi Jinping’s message reflects China’s commitment to the strengthening ties with Panama and the willingness to work together

The president of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, sent a congratulatory message to José Raúl Mulino for his election as president of the Republic of Panama.

In this gesture, Xi Jinping highlighted the milestone represented by the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Panama in June 2017, thus marking a new chapter in bilateral relations between both nations.

For almost seven years, since the establishment of these relations, China and Panama have witnessed rapid development in their bilateral ties, obtaining fruitful results that have provided tangible benefits to the people of both countries.

Xi Jinping stressed that the establishment of diplomatic relations has proven to be in line with the fundamental interests of both nations, and that the promotion of these bilateral ties, as well as the adherence to the one-China principle, have become a common consensus in all sectors of both societies.

In his message released by the Chinese Embassy on its X account, Xi Jinping reiterated that China and Panama are sincere friends of mutual trust and good partners of mutual benefit.

He expressed his appreciation for the development of ties between both countries and expressed his willingness to work closely with Mulino to promote friendly exchanges and guide bilateral relations towards deep and sustained development, for the benefit of the people of both nations.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Panama in 2017 was a significant step in the foreign policy of both countries.

Since then, significant progress has been made in various areas, including trade, investment, technological cooperation and culture. China has become one of Panama’s main trading partners, being the largest supplier to the Colón Free Zone and one of the most important users of the Panama Canal.

The government of former President Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019) played a fundamental role in strengthening relations between China and Panama.

During his mandate, around twenty agreements were signed in various areas and negotiations began for a free trade agreement between both countries.

However, progress in these negotiations was hindered during the administration of President Laurentino Cortizo, who took office in July 2019 and will conclude his term on June 30.

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