was established to become the #1 news source in English in and around the Republic of Panama. Our goal is and will always be to provide the best possible up to date news and information in English geared at reporting on the issues that touch and effect the expat community in Panama. Through sharing relevant articles as reported in the local press as well as through contributing writers and affiliates this site was designed to share not just news and information but to provide a platform for our readership to tune in daily whether living, visiting or planning to relocate to Panama. Thank you for visiting our site, hasta la proxima vez!

INFRASTRUCTURE update: Revision needed on Chinese electrical contractors

After the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Panama and the United States to promote the storage, distribution and transmission of energy, in addition to investment in infrastructure, the Fourth Line of Electrical Transmission could become an international chapter of the commercial war, until now cold, between the United …

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Former First Lady seeks privacy from the press

Five journalists from the newspaper La Prensa attended an audience in the Family Court this morning, after the former first lady Marta Linares de Martinelli filed a claim ” for family protection and the family image “, in which she asks the newspaper to cease and refrain from disclosing and …

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Over $52 Million owed to Social Security

A total of $ 52.4 million owes the State to the Social Security Fund (CSS) in worker-employer quotas that stopped reporting dependencies of the central and decentralized government, and those generated by special laws. The vice-president of the board of directors of the CSS, Roberto Valencia , provided a report …

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Porcell to present report on her side of Council crisis

The Attorney General of the Nation, Kenia Porcell , will present this Wednesday, August 22, a report before the Council of the National Agreement for Development , on the current crisis facing the administration of justice. Concertación requests the appearance of Porcell and De León Four notions of what was …

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Take a close interest into PANAMA politics- or just look around you.

by James “JB” Bryson Many will see that at the present time, the tone of is fairly political in nature. Many of the posts and articles we look to re-distribute are pertaining to the upcoming elections here in Panama. I certainly have my opinions, but as a non voter …

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World Events

Organization of American States calls for immediate change in Nicaragua under Ortega

Nicaragua needs to go to elections to stop violence, repression and “re-democratization”, after four months of protests calling for the departure of President Daniel Ortega , OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro warned in an interview on Sunday, August 19 in Santiago. Thousands of Nicaraguans demand departure from Ortega, after 4 …

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Plaintiffs request NO bail for Martinelli

The plaintiffs in the process followed by former President Ricardo Martinelli for allegedly spying on the communications of at least 150 people, announced that they will oppose the request for bail filed by the exmandatario’s lawyers, a remedy that will be analyzed by the full the Supreme Court of Justice …

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Surveys of PRD recently conducted

The pollster Stratmark Consultores decided to conduct two surveys on the primaries of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD). This was announced by Jaime Sosa, one of the regents of this company with more than 40 years of experience in surveys in Panama and abroad. PRE-FILING POLL For Monday, August 20, the …

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First Natural Gas plant to begin operations

President Juan Carlos Varela indicated that the AES Colón plant will help the Panamanian economy, since the energy matrix is ​​expanded. Varela recalled that this plant will reduce the use of petroleum derivatives in the production of electricity for the country. He added that carbon dioxide emissions will also be …

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Roux appeals to CD defectors to join him

At 2:30 pm on Thursday, the National Search Board proclaimed Rómulo Roux as the Democratic Change presidential candidate (CD) for the May 2019 elections. Roux arrived at the Electoral Tribunal (TE) , where the event was held, accompanied by his family and friends. He accepted the certification and gave a …

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My weekly “Burns My Ass” Entry for

by James “JB” Bryson Greetings readers and thanks for stopping by. The posts have been slow recently due to many of the same issues that people are feeling here in Panama City. My wife advised me that at least once a week I inform her in a very loud manner, …

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Local Culture

Miss Panama 2018 takes stance on bias shown to indigenous women

Miss Panama 2018 , Rosa Montezuma , spoke on discrimination against indigenous women in an event held on Friday, August 10 by the Organization of American States (OAS) , at its headquarters in Washington. The Panamanian miss was one of the exponents in the segment of the rights of indigenous women in the Inter-American Forum on Indigenous Peoples …

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Bahia Honda residents denounce they were pressured by Martinelli

An appeal to oppose the petition filed by the defense of former President Ricardo Martinelli for the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) to file file 137-15, related to the Bahía Honda case, by residents of that community. The legal action was presented before the CSJ by the lawyer Donaldo Sousa …

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Roux claims ownership of divided CD party

The mutation that started Cambio Democrático (CD) last January was completed yesterday. ‘We are close to getting the country out of the hole where Varela has put it’: Roux Roux prevails in the presidential CD primaries; Mulino recognizes his defeat José Raúl Mulino accuses Yanibel Ábrego of preventing entry of …

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Navarro y ‘Nito’ Cortizo con empate técnico- ESPANOL

Una encuesta a lo interno del Partido Revolucionario Democrático (PRD) coloca en un empate técnico por ahora a los precandidatos presidenciales Laurentino “Nito” Cortizo y Juan Carlos Navarro. La medición a cargo de la empresa Call Center Services WorldWide le aporta 31% de intención de voto tanto al exministro Cortizo como al exalcalde Navarro, que desde ya se presentan …

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Navarro and ‘Nito’ Cortizo with technical draw- ENGLISH VERSION

A survey inside the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) puts in a technical tie for now presidential candidates L Aurentino “Nito” Cortizo and Juan Carlos Navarro. The measurement by the company Call Center Services WorldWide gives 31% of intention to vote both former Minister Cortizo and former Mayor Navarro, who already appear as two of the most voted in the presidential figures …

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Bocas del Toro

Inquiries arriving into further Bocas del Toro ownership issues

by James “JB” Bryson The interview I had over coffee with “Anthony” and subsequently posted on, has been a lightning rod for many people to contact the site regarding their own horror stories in Bocas. I have since sent an email and left a phone message to inquire if …

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International Relations

Varela attends inauguration of new Colombian leader

The president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela , arrived yesterday in Bogota with the vice president and chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado to participate in the inauguration of Iván Duque as president of Colombia. + info President Iván Duque, the turbulent beginning of his government in Colombia Prior …

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Meet your CD Candidates

With the latest update of the La Prensa website: , you will be able to meet the different presidential candidates of the Cambio Democrático (CD) party . In the main page you can find the news coverage made by this means about the primary elections of the party. The …

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Defiant Martinelli announces Mayoral run while facing indictment

In the session of the National Assembly yesterday, the deputy of Cambio Democrático (CD) Sergio Chello Gálvez announced the intention of former President Ricardo Martinelli to run as a candidate for the mayoralty of the capital district under free application . Gálvez also announced that he would be Martinelli’s running …

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TWITTER cleans up bogus accounts of Presidential candidates

Fake accounts and robots were the target of the social network Twitter. In an attempt to reduce the flow of misinformation and the spread of false news, Twitter eliminated more than 70 million accounts in the past May and June . “We understand that this may be difficult for some, …

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Roux v.s Mulino- Head to Head before Elections

The Democratic Change (CD) party officially opened its candidacies for presidential candidates on May 28, and as it approaches August 12, the decisive date in the process, it seems that the contest focuses on two candidates: Rómulo Roux and José Raúl Mulino Last days of the Democratic Change party campaign …

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Defense for Martinelli requests dismissal of protected prosecution witness

The legal defense of former President Ricardo Martinelli asked magistrate judge Jerónimo Mejía to declare “unlawful” the testimonial evidence of the person named as “protected witness 1” after alleging that he does not meet the “form and substance”. Harry Díaz maintains that his holidays do not ‘suspend’ the process followed …

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Victims of alleged Martinelli phone taps seek $56 Million in compensation

Some $ 56 million would amount to the amount of the economic claim made to former President Ricardo Martinelli, the victims of phone jabs-made without judicial authorization-during the 2012-2014 period. Balbina Herrera quantified a payment of $ 30 million in compensation for the damage, while Mitchell Doens estimated the impact …

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World Events

World turning blind eye to “massacre” in Nicaragua under Ortega

The whole world is dismayed at the release of videos and audios in which priests are observed and listened to who have not been able to contain the weeping in the midst of journalistic interviews, due to the impotence of seeing so many people, mainly young people, die in defense …

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Pope affirms Church disagreement with Capital Punishment

Pope Francis has modified the teaching of the Church on the death penalty and said in a text published on Thursday that it is always “inadmissible” because it “undermines” the inherent dignity of every human being. The Vatican announced on Thursday that the pontiff approved a change in the Catechism …

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Martinelli defense aims for no distinction to be made between trial as individual or President of Panama

The ex-president Ricardo Martinelli provoked a new controversy at the end of another session of the audience yesterday due to the punctures. ‘If they condemn me, it is the Panamanian State that will have to pay’: Martinelli Accusation to Ricardo Martinelli complies with the law: Jerónimo Mejía Defense of Ricardo …

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Panama City infrastructure succumbs to flooding in even light rainfall; Upgrade mandatory

Last June 10 it rained less than an hour in the district of Panama and several points of the city were flooded. Among them: Ricardo J. Alfaro avenue in front of Cochez, Domingo Díaz avenue, San Antonio and Don Bosco, in addition to Balboa Avenue, in front of Urracá Park, …

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Editorial Contribution

Romulo Roux Defrauda al Estado $264 Millones “ Es esto el Nuevo Cambio???

Por:  Esteban Icaza- Contribucion del Lector   La Ley 18 Mejor conocida como la ley Banistmo que hizo posible que el Banistmo de Alberto Vallarino y todos sus accionistas dejaran de pagar al estado 264 Millones de dólares  en la Venta al HSBC fue hecha y Orchestrada a la asamblea …

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WARNING: Severe rain and flooding in Panama City from Electrical storms

The city of Panama woke up this Monday with heavy rains with electrical activity, temporary that is monitored by the National System of Civil Protection (Sinaproc), who ask citizens to take precautions. Up to now, floods have been recorded in Panama City, El Ingenio, El Carmen Church, Vía Porras, Tumba …

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