Take a close interest into PANAMA politics- or just look around you.


by James “JB” Bryson

Many will see that at the present time, the tone of PNO.com is fairly political in nature. Many of the posts and articles we look to re-distribute are pertaining to the upcoming elections here in Panama. I certainly have my opinions, but as a non voter they are really just a reflection of what I see and therefore not as valid as a native Panamanian.

I feel Panama is truly on the precipice of deciding what this nation can be. The current status of unrest in Latin America is unprecedented at least in my lifetime. As someone who has grown to love Panama, I am hopeful that it can rise above the tumult of it’s neighbors and continue to enter the first world as a beacon of democracy and opportunity.

Everyday in reading of the plight of people in Venezuela, Colombia, and right now Nicaragua more than ever,  are very tough to read and something I hope never comes to this country. The economic issues that divide Brazil and Bolivia are also concerns I try to stay informed on.

The divide between parties here is not unlike what I experienced in the US between Democrats and Republicans. It can and often does get ugly. I encourage all Panamanians and ex-pats alike to use these next months to truly learn of the candidates that are running to succeed Varela. As whomever does, will be leading Panama during a very critical and strategic time in its history.

Just my opinion.



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