Miss Panama 2018 takes stance on bias shown to indigenous women

Local Culture

Miss Panama 2018 , Rosa Montezuma , spoke on discrimination against indigenous women in an event held on Friday, August 10 by the Organization of American States (OAS) , at its headquarters in Washington.

The Panamanian miss was one of the exponents in the segment of the rights of indigenous women in the Inter-American Forum on Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, and in her speech she spoke about empowerment, inequality and even the subject of sexual education, At the same time, he demanded a response from the governments.

“We continue to be considered inferior, uneducated, discriminated by our clothing and especially by our essence,” said Rosa, dressed in a purple nagua.

“As a representative of the Panamanian woman, I bring to this stage the voice of my country and of my indigenous people, a voice that has been difficult to reach these international stages, much more to us women, who have been marginalized since our culture and from our countries, “he said in his speech, where he explained that governments and states have ” a historical social debt to our native peoples. “


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