I personally think this is “Non-news”, but we will re post to be fair. Carrizo is the poster boy for fraud. They are just digging for gold with these looks into others. $61,000 compared to a GD mansion compound. BFD Zulay’s daughter received $61,000 from Ifarhu as “economic aid” As …
It is obvious that it is the function of the government to maintain public order throughout the national territory. For the fulfillment of this obligation, the existing laws determine which are the entities responsible for the preservation of the legal system of the Panamanian State. In a community that only registers …
The apparent and unexpected public purge of former President Hu Jintao, the immediate predecessor of the current Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, today convulsed the closing of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (PCCh), in which Xi cemented his already enormous power by perpetuating himself for another five …
To all PNO readers– I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to advise that I have an upcoming podcast interview on October 22nd at 1pm CT. I will need to gather a couple more photos of the David area, so if you happen have any that will be …
Panama registered only one death from covid-19 in the epidemiological week from Sunday, October 9 to Saturday, October 15, according to the latest weekly report of the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa). The total number of deaths in Panama to date, since the COVID-19 pandemic began, …
I have covered many times in the past and through the years, what I like to call the “PANAMA WAY”. As a very young republic, and one that truly did not have independence until the canal was fully handed over, PANAMA has developed it’s own way of going along. With …
There is something amiss is Bocas del Toro. I call them my “Bocas Brigade”. Being run by in my opinion opportunistic fraudsters that move the goalposts, rife with crime, a dirty shithole, and an airport that is embarrassing. But wrapped around all this shit is some of the most beautiful …
Some years ago, I had a section called “Asshole of the Week” . My feedback was that I was too hard, so I ceased. But “La Estrella” then started “Crybaby of the Week” Watered down for sure, but I like what they do. I still say it is my …
The World Bank on Friday approved a $3.51 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support the Ministry of Environment’s (MiAmbiente) program to strengthen its capacity for biodiversity conservation and increase the adoption of inclusive and biodiversity-friendly practices in selected rural areas of the country. Through a press …
The authorities evacuated around 35 people in Tierras Altas, in the province of Chiriquí due to the heavy rains that are registered in the area due to the indirect impact of Hurricane Julia. The families were transferred to the shelter set up at the Paso Ancho School for prevention. The …
He appeared with former President Ricardo Martinelli at a political event in Capira The politics are getting more and more intense. Deputy Yanibel Ábrego seeks to dethrone the president of the Cambio Democrático (CD) party, Rómulo Roux. He appeared with former President Ricardo Martinelli at a political event in Capira. He met …
The mayor of New York, Eric Adams, declared a state of emergency on Friday to respond to the arrival in recent months of thousands of immigrants and asylum seekers, many of them sent on buses by the authorities of the state of Texas. Adams explained that the city expects to …
The former president of the Republic and president of the group Realizing Goals, Ricardo Martinelli, was in the district of Capira. Martinelli accompanied the deputy for Democratic Change Yanibel Ábrego in a gathering with bases from her collective. CD deputies, the district mayor and representatives participated in the gathering. Martinelli, in …
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Jair Bolsonaro will face each other in a second round of the presidential elections, since neither candidate has exceeded 50 percent of the votes in this first round that was held this Sunday in Brazil. With 97.07 percent of the votes counted, Lula da …
The route that the ‘queen of coca’ traced through Panama Ana María Cameno created a structure to launder money from drug trafficking, through transfers to Panama. The Spanish blonde, who identifies herself with a tattoo that she has on her arm with the eyes of a woman and a tiger, has …
The prescription of crimes and money laundering in the Odebrecht case The structure of the money laundering offense requires a predicate offense, which in the Odebrecht case has prescribed. In this analysis, lawyers debate whether it is necessary for the preceding crimes to be in force to be able to convict …
OP ED: “JB” As Panama is my “HOME”, and has been for quite some time, I encourage those “tweeners” of Ex-Pats to take the same stance that if you are RETIRED and spend the majority of their time here should become more involved in the political process. With all of …
Case of crime against wildlife of male Pavón in Tortí is clarified COURTESY MYENVIRONMENTThe male Curassow species while being captured. (Illustrative) Thursday, September 29, 2022 – 6:50 a.m. Ireland Sotillo irlanda.sotillo@elsiglo.com.pa MiAmbiente sends explanatory note about viral video about illegal hunting of the bird known as “Pavón macho”. The Ministry of …
The unemployment rate in Brazil fell to 8.9% of the economically active population in the quarter ended in August, which fell to its lowest level in the last seven years, the government said Friday. The unemployment rate in Latin America’s largest economy was not that low since the 8.7% measured …
“I have been out of work for four months. I’m looking for anything. The situation is very difficult!” exclaimed Jackeline Aguilar almost bursting into tears, as sweat ran down her pink cheeks due to the sweltering sun. The almost 40-year-old woman is among the more than 30,000 attendees who came from …
https://elsiglo-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/secretaria-energia-siemens-energy-unen-para-impulsar-proyecto-hidrogeno-verde-panama/24210494?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc&_x_tr_sch=http They signed a memorandum of understanding, this Thursday, September 29, at the eighth meeting of the National Energy Transition Council The National Energy Secretariat (SNE) and Siemens Energy signed a memorandum of understanding classified as “historic”, with the purpose of promoting the Green Hydrogen initiative in Panama. The signing …
https://elsiglo-com-pa.translate.goog/cronica-roja/pistas-sobre-aderlyn-cumple-17-dias-desaparecida/24210473?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc&_x_tr_sch=http They investigate. Today marks 17 days since little Aderlyn Mailenis Llerena Saldaña, 9 years old, disappeared. They investigate. Today marks 17 days since little Aderlyn Mailenis Llerena Saldaña, 9 years old, disappeared. Yesterday the Minister of Security Juan Manuel Pino referred to this fact and when asked if the disappearance is …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/internacional/america/220928/dia-ian-habana-hay-luz-agua-queda-seguir?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc An entire family collects water from the sea with buckets to clean their precarious home in front of Havana’s boardwalk, heavily impacted by the passage of Hurricane Ian on Tuesday afternoon. “From two o’clock the sea began to pour in. All this was covered (points to the avenue). We …
When one considers the COST of death, and then what the AFFECT on the environment is, the proper and humane composting of the deceased makes incredible sense. ODD, DIFFERENT, but incredibly LOGICAL> https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220927/abono-cadaveres-opcion-entierros-verdes?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Under the argument of reducing the carbon footprint, composting human remains is currently possible. California this …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220927/abogado-varela-apela-parlacen-defensores?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The team of lawyers of former President of the Republic Juan Carlos Varela reiterated that the money received at the time for his candidacy for President and Vice President of the Republic and for the Panameñista Party, by the Odebrecht company, corresponded to political donations. Lawyer Orison Cogley insisted …
https://elsiglo-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/inician-clases-enel-rufo-garay-colon-directora/24210233?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc&_x_tr_sch=http In full school activity, a student was murdered and two more were injured. This month alone, 12 homicides have been registered in Colón After a week of being closed, the Rufo A. Garay de Colón Institute cautiously opens its doors. Just five days ago, hooded subjects entered the Institute’s facilities and …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/internacional/america/220925/colombia-venezuela-ultiman-detalles-reabrir-totalmente-frontera?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The governments of Colombia and Venezuela finalized this Sunday the details for the total reopening of their border crossings that were closed to vehicle traffic during seven long years of distancing that will end this Monday. Tomorrow’s symbolic act will take place on the Simón Bolívar international bridge, the …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220926/libros-instituto-terminaron-vertedero?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc El Señor Presidente , the novel by the Guatemalan Nobel Prize winner for Literature (1967), Miguel Ángel Asturias, published in 1946. El Canal Barato by Federico Tuñón. 467 Lotería magazines serialized from 1941 to 2012. Common birthplace of Rogelio Sinán, from 1963. Nalu Nega , by the late Panamanian author Alfredo Cantón. Conversation in the Cathedral , third novel by the …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/220926/accion-climatica-basada-ciencia-clave?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Science-based climate action is one of the key points of the joint position that the Americas will present on Agriculture during the COP27 Climate Summit next November in Egypt, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) reported this Saturday. ). Ministers and senior officials of Agriculture from 32 countries …