As PNO stated…..”REAL” projects, attract “REAL” developers. With capital NOT “FrogCoins”


Green logistics is part of Puerto Barú, as stated by its Project Manager, Nicolás Posada. With multiple environmental advantages and rigorous monitoring, Puerto Barú is 100% committed to sustainable development in the Gulf of Chiriquí according to those who are in charge of this project.

“This is a project with green logistics, not only because of the port, but because of all the benefits it will bring to the western region of Panama as well as nationally,” says Posada.

And it is that due to the origin of their funds, they force them to follow a rigorous audit plan.

A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
Barú Project will not touch the mangrove, nor the lands that are outside its surroundings. In fact, what Puerto Barú proposes for the Gulf of Chiriquí is a conservation plan and the implementation of the figure of the park ranger. In addition, the port will use energy from 100% renewable sources, since only three kilometers from the location of Puerto Barú, is the Icacos Park generator. ceded

“Usually they ask us how we are going to guarantee that the project is done in a sustainable way; every three months we have to provide a complete report on how we are complying with the environmental commitments that we acquired in this stage of approval of the impact study. For example, the project cannot touch even one square meter of mangroves, neither on their lands nor in the surroundings.

The project will generate a cleaner and more efficient cargo movement.

“Since long trips will not be made from Chiriquí to Panama, there will be an annual reduction of 64 thousand tons of carbon in the country,” he says. There will also be social benefits, according to the project manager: “the decrease in the cost of living, food and fuel; fewer accidents on the road at the national level and less traffic to move within the country”.

A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
Puerto Barú has the support of the community due to its environmental commitments, in fact, associations such as the National Chamber of Transporters are great allies of the project. ceded

Nicolás Posada, Project Manager of Puerto Barú

Eng. Nicolás Posada performs the operational management of the project, coordinating all the possible steps of technical development, government approvals, relations with entities, financing and administration of the consulting staff.

A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
“[With Puerto Barú] There will be a reconfiguration of cargo movement, Chiriquí will produce more cargo and it will be more efficient in the movement of that cargo nationally and internationally,” said Nicolas Posada, manager of the Puerto Barú project. Baru. Roberto Barrios | The Star of Panama

Graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States of America as a Civil Engineer, Eng. Nicolás has extensive experience performing the role of works administrator in different projects in Panama, such as real estate projects, school expansions, banks, insurance companies, churches, and now port developments.

A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
“This project was born specifically on the West Coast of California, which today is one of the regions in the world with the strictest environmental regulations. We are not only complying with the Panamanian law in environmental matters, but also in terms of international organizations such as the IDB and the World Bank on issues of sustainable development and care for the environment,” explained Posada. Roberto Barrios | The Star of Panama
A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
The team of professionals that worked on the Environmental Impact Study of Puerto Barú gave extensive explanations of the project to professors and students of the Unachi scientific careers about the research findings and how this project will have a positive impact in the province. ceded
A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
This project will also include prospecting for water, which will be carried out in its private territory so as not to affect the existing supply. Also, Puerto Barú will be looking for potable water solutions at great depths, which is where more than 80% of the potable water treated on the project lands will come from. ceded
A port with green logistics in David, Chiriquí
In its policy of total transparency, executives from the Puerto Barú project in David have visited university centers, business associations, community and union groups. ceded
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