Multiple factions of discontent turn PC into chaos.


This weekend there were demonstrations in front of the building where Cortizo resides and the headquarters of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party.

Due to the closure of roads, delays in the arrival of workers to their jobs have been reported. Also low vehicular traffic for fear of being left in the middle of the roadblock.

A demonstration is expected to reach the vicinity of the National Assembly on Monday afternoon to protest against the injuries suffered by photographer Aubrey Baxter.

Guild position

Business unions have expressed that these protests have left economic losses.

Protests and road blockades continue due to mining contract sanction
Members of the Construction and Similar Workers Union, teachers, students and members of organized civil society participate in these demonstrations. The roads have been blocked with tires, blocks, rubble, garbage, and wood. Protesters show banners against the administration of President Laurentino Cortizo and the mining company.

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And the teachers STRIKE!!!!

Fernando Ábrego, general secretary of the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Panama (Asoprof), reported this Monday, October 23, that his union will declare a 48-hour strike starting this Tuesday, October 24.

Ábrego explained that this strike, because the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, sanctioned Law No. 406 that establishes the contract between the State and Minera Panamá, can be extended.

The leader indicated that the suspension of the strike will depend on the levels of reflection of the Executive and that it does what the people want, “which is the repeal of the mining contract.”

Ábrego asked parents not to send their children.

He added that this October 25 they will announce whether the strike will be suspended or extended. However, they will make the decision to remain in the streets and protest against the contract.

Ábrego asked parents not to send their children to educational centers on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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