Yet another endorsement for the valid Mulino Presidency Campaign.

The president of the PAIS party and candidate for deputy said that if he reaches the Assembly he will promote initiatives against gender inequality.

The president of the PAIS party affirms that his presidential candidate is Melitón Arrocha, however, he does not see the disqualification of the candidacy of José Raúl Mulino as healthy.

José “Toto” Álvarez, candidate for deputy and president of the Social Independent Alternative Party (PAIS), stated that his presidential candidate is Melitón Arrocha, but that he is clear that the electoral decision to enable José Raúl Mulino to run in the elections of May 5, 2024, is not unconstitutional.

“In all my advertising as a candidate for deputy for the 8-3 circuit, Melitón Arrocha is president. The vice president of the party, Orlando Quintero, was assigned to be involved in Melitón’s presidential campaign, but he is our candidate,” he noted.

Although Álvarez’s position could suggest his support for Mulino’s aspiration, he made it clear that it has nothing to do with a presidential support for the Realizing Goals and Alliance candidate, but rather it is due to a friendship between the two dating back more than 30 years. years.

Likewise, he said that as a legal professional, the agreement of the full Electoral Court to enable him as a presidential candidate is not unconstitutional and that Mulino can without any problem be a candidate on May 5.

The president of the PAIS party also maintained that Mulino’s disqualification would affect the almost 300,000 members of the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, since it would curtail his right to be represented for the general elections.

Toto Alvárez said that he is firmly convinced that the Supreme Court of Justice will make a wise decision and that it will not declare José Raúl Mulino’s presidential candidacy unconstitutional.

Pro-family deputy candidate

Toto Álvarez, aspires to a seat for the 8-3 circuit and as president of the PAIS party openly declared as a pro-family political organization and that rejects equal marriage, assured that the Assembly will not allow this State body to approve laws that It has to do with gender equality, the 20-30 agenda and that it goes against the family.

I have mentioned that he will promote legislative initiatives to defend the sacred right of the family and to modify the penalties for sexual rapists of minors, from increased penalties to chemical castration for sexual offenders.

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