
PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …


Is it just me?,,,,,,or am I “CARNAC” again. Let the feast begin.

  https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/former-mayor-of-colon-alex-lee-facing-criminal-proceedings The former mayor of Colón, Alex Lee, is not only facing criminal proceedings for alleged irregularities in the management of funds from the Barrio Sur Communal Board in Colón; now the Court of Accounts has notified him of a summons to trial, the result of an investigation by …


New Administration brings out the “Panama Piranha” on the old regimes. Target #1

OP ED: “JB” For years I have been able to not only post on, but PROVE an ingrained pattern within the institution of Panamanian politics to “feast and revenge” on the conquered. I have referred to it as “cannibalistic”. I speak of the fact that the underhanded dealings that have …


To ALL US Ex-Pats, PNO readers, and my Panama Friends. HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!

To all of you HERE, and your families and relatives back in the States. God “help” us ALL, and God “bless’ us ALL.     Saludos- “JB”


Hey, Tyson is back in the ring, …..why not me? Coming off the sidelines as this is TOO CRAZY!!

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson The 20 Year Dysfunctional Fuck Story that is RED FROG BEACH AND RESORT is truly taking on zeigeist worthy and mythical proportions. Needless to say, I “still” receive snippets, updates, “little birdies”, and “new stories of buffoonery” from my “BOCAS BRIGADE”.  TRUE, my wife has …


JW Marriott turning LEMONS into LEMONADE with “re-branding” of TRUMP failure/fiasco.

Just go back a mere 10 years, and you will see a grandiose opening, Prez Martinelli in tow, speeches by “Donny” and Ivanka, and assurances of the success of TRUMP OCEAN CLUB. Located in the heart of Punta Pacifica, this mixed use Hotel/Condo project was the apex of development at …


US Prez Biden goes on record to NOT pardon son for drugs, hookers, and guns.

Best part of being an Ex-Pat is not getting so consumed in this type of shit. Just wondering if “Donny” would do the same for “HIS” shitbag sons.  Let’s not forget the Panamanians he fucked at the previous “Ocean Club” and GREENLAND.     ( Pussy, Rich, Entitled dipshits hunting endangered …


WAKE UP PANAMA!!! Your new President “might” have just been quoted with the BEST line EVER!

For the open record, PNO is an un-apologetic SUPPORTER of the new president, and furthermore, feel he is in a unique position to possibly become the BEST ever!  He knows the “real” issues as he was NOT a career politician or member of the pre-established Panamanian ELITE. As much can …


Just something a liitle bird told me.

I think some things are going to get mighty “shitty” for a mighty “liar” who is also a mighty “asshole” who has mightily “underestimated” the resolve of a mighty, mighty “determined bastard”. “WHAT A LOVELY DAY……………….”   But hey, who am I ?  I just post on a “shitty little …


MI AMBIENTE sucks generally, but they are RIGHT on this point.

The equivalent of the “EPA” in PANAMA is “Mi AMBIENTE”. Who in my opinion are a “rudderless” agency that is generally “LOST at SEA” in terms of what is BEST for PANAMA environmentally. That being said, the attempts to “domesticate” and make PETS of wildlife is wrong on many levels, …


US policy on Haitian immigrants carries the waft of racism given the current situation.

OP ED: by “JB”- Before all the REDS freak out, let me clarify. I am NOT in favor of recklessly open borders with anyone being able to enter the US unchecked or undocumented. In the same way I am NOT in favor of it here, and mention DARIEN probably more …


PANAMA requires “REAL” western developers to take advantage of regional positivity.

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- I certainly have much to critique about the way things are done in my adopted home here. I still feel that despite the “boon” we see in Panama City, there lies a 3rd world underbelly we can’t seem to shake. With every “Four Seasons” or …


Torrijos brings up topic of “electricity” compliance as major election point.

I wonder if the operation of a “business” that has been run for 20 years without the necessary concession to sell utility services will be looked at?  Or does Bocas del Toro not exist in this regard?  https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/torrijos-califica-como-un-desastre-el-servicio-de-energia-electrica-KF6557084   The candidate raised the urgent need to supply water to Panamanians …


More of the same at RFB in Bocas. I’ve grown tired. Re-organization a charade with Haley still present.

The shenanigans and “scumbaggetry” continue at the Red Frog Beach Resort in Bocas del Toro. YES, I still stay in contact, YES, I still hear unethical and illegal shit being done that adversely affects Ex-Pats. But PANAMA remains “PANAMA”. And if MI AMBIENTE can’t get off their asses and address …


Mentioned this last week,,,,the “cannibalism” of Panama politics. It really is a JOKE.

OP ED: by “JB” Do I “really” have to put this in print? Do I “really” have to lay it all out there to be seen? As if ANYONE does not know this already? PANAMA IS CORRUPT AS HELL!!!!!!!! PERIOD From the jungles of Bocas del Toro, to the mansion …


Kansas City Chiefs make it 3 out of 4 in winning SUPER BOWL. Just ask Taylor.

I am well aware of the difference between what LATAM refer to as “FOOTBALL” and us GRINGOES, but the biggest sporting event in the US passed last SUNDAY, with KANSAS CITY taking home the crown. With Pop Icon TAYLOR SWIFT cheering on her boyfriend of the moment, the CHIEFS needed …


Newbies…….,was I lying? Nothing more entertaining than PANAMA politics.

A incredibly popular ex-President, who has done prison time in the US, been sent back to Panama, done prison time here. Won Mayoral race while incarcerated. Has had two sons do prision time in Guatemala and US. Family owns the equivalent of the nation’s WAL MART, is exonerated on charges. …


Get ready for a bloodbath election year. Gloves are off with these people.

This was covered in great detail for both of our Spanish and English readers, but as I welcomed the “NEW” readers and contributors to life here in PANAMA, people considering retirement, and Ex-Pat status. I like to cover just how “cannibalisitic” the political scene is down here. I have to …


“A fish rots from the head down” ENGLISH READERS

EDITORIAL: The President of the Supreme Court of Panama (Maria Eugenia López) continues to appear to be doing everything within her power and beyond to keep Ricardo Martinelli (RM) from running and becoming the next President of Panama (Does that sound familiar)?   In my homeland to the North there is …


EU- to “headquarter LATAM operations in PANAMA” Win by DEFAULT.

“JB” This is actually historic and prolific news that appeared as merely a “blurb” in the news today.  Effective as of JANUARY 16, 2024-  The European Union has identified The Republic of PANAMA as the destination of it’s HEADQUARTERS for LATAM operations. In and of itself, it is a highly …


MINSA approves (7) legal licenses to produce cannabis derivatives.

“JB” This is actually to me “huge” news. PANAMA has been 10 steps behind on Medical and Legal Marijuana production it is a joke. Marijuana and Production of THC derivatives could be a HUGE economic BOON to the agricultural GDP export of PANAMA. PANAMA is still rooted in Judeo-Catholic beliefs …


Who would sacrifice “God Given Natural Beauty” to make a buck?? Give you one hint……..

Op Ed: Well the holidays were fantastic. Got to see my Grandaughter ( my God is she growing!!) . She made the Dean’s List, and she is becoming John Legend on the piano. I truly hope everyone else’s was as rewarding as mine. Even got the wife to somehow chug …


Martinelli makes it hard for PNO- he can’t stay out of his own way.

Op Ed – “JB” “PNO” has long been a supporter for Ricardo Martinelli, despite the fact he makes it almost impossible to do so. I have consistently blamed an indemic system of corruption that is rich and historic in PANAMA. Dating back to Noriega and Escobar, to Mossack-Fonseca, to ODEBRECHT.  …


EX-PATS: Perform your Due Diligence BEFORE writing the check in PANAMA investment.

“JB” Op Ed If your new to this blog, pay close attention. If your a veteran, same old story of me venting my shit. I just posted a POSITIVE outlook contributed by both La Estrella, CNN, and Trip Advisor, that list PANAMA as a “must visit” tourist destination. Key word …


Back home after a wonderful holiday!!! Happy 2024 PNO’ers.

Hello friends and readers. I truly hope all had a safe and joyous holiday season to end 2023. It was great as always to see family, and my wife remembered I exist below the waist as also above it. =) =) =) On the topic of New Year, this will …



Six going on Seven Years of “trying” to be a positive voice and source of information for Ex-Pats coming to this diverse ( yet fucked up ) retirement haven. Look, the truth is after all my time here through Martinelli-Varela-and Cortizo- I can tell you PANAMA is “shadier than an …


To “loyal” PNO readers, and “loyal” Bocas Brigade: MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR

Op Ed: James “JB” Bryson As we bring this “challenging” year to an end, we just wanted to take a sec to thank and appreciate all of the people that visit and contribute to this site. PNO is NOT the BIGGEST EX-PAT site, and there are many that are more …


One in (4) Freshwater fish species are in danger of EXTINCTION.

These “meetings” that occur far to in-frequently (this one by COP28, CITES only meets every 2-3 Years), the lastest list of species that are facing irreversible extinction levels. On a personal level, it is important that groups that oversee the activities that lead to these numbers decreasing be adhered to. …



OP ED “JB”- After Thanksgiving I promised the wife I’m taking a step back from RED FROG BEACH SCAM and the biggest LIAR and DOUCHE ever known to mankind……..JOE HALEY. For MONTHS. as residents dealt with raw sewage being pumped into the mangroves, the smell of feces about the property, and …


EX-PAT ALERT: Backpackers and Vacationers take a look at labels in Bocas del Toro supply chain.

“JB”-  You know my feelings on Bocas and Isla Colon. If invested in properly, what is already the tourism hub of Panama, would be a tropical jewel. I feel things are changing looking forward, as “REAL” developers are getting primed to build sustainable and professionally thought out developments. We have …