
PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …

Bocas del Toro

Any of my “Bocas Brigade” feel a little shake, rattle, or roll? Checking in.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.56 strikes Panama-Costa Rica border, GFZ says https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/earthquake-magnitude-556-strikes-panama-costa-rica-border-gfz-says-2024-07-08/ PANAMA CITY, July 8 (Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.56 struck the Panama-Costa Rica border region on Monday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake, which occurred at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), …


Hey, Tyson is back in the ring, …..why not me? Coming off the sidelines as this is TOO CRAZY!!

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson The 20 Year Dysfunctional Fuck Story that is RED FROG BEACH AND RESORT is truly taking on zeigeist worthy and mythical proportions. Needless to say, I “still” receive snippets, updates, “little birdies”, and “new stories of buffoonery” from my “BOCAS BRIGADE”.  TRUE, my wife has …

Bocas del Toro

Bocas tragedy could be prevented. Young boy killed getting run over.

Traffic accidents occur every day. In a bustling city, with cars and taxis going everywhere, it is understood.  BUT, in a bohemian island city, it is from just plain “lawlessness”.   I noticed of my time in Bocas (dealing with scumbags), that “Bocas Town” or “Isla Colon” more or less operates …

Bocas del Toro

EX-PAT/VISITOR ALERT- For those on Eco-Tours in jungle regions, remember word “Jungle”.

https://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/nacionales/cocodrilo-casi-le-arranca-el-pie-cuando-cruzaba-quebrada-en-veraguas-EA7332134 The scare of his life got a man who was attacked by a crocodile when he was crossing the La Toyoza ravine, in the district of Cañazas, province of Veraguas. The man managed to get away from the animal, but suffered serious injuries to one of his legs, so …

Bocas del Toro

Bag of wind “Gaby” has large showing in Bocas. ( I wonder where else he stopped?……)

What a crock of shit!!!! Heading to Bocas to rally the “common folk”. If elected he will do exactly what Nito has done for that region, which is DICK!!! NADA!!!!   BDT is just a place he visits each month to pick up an envelope. Dirty Pool. Carrizo is preparing for …


More of the same at RFB in Bocas. I’ve grown tired. Re-organization a charade with Haley still present.

The shenanigans and “scumbaggetry” continue at the Red Frog Beach Resort in Bocas del Toro. YES, I still stay in contact, YES, I still hear unethical and illegal shit being done that adversely affects Ex-Pats. But PANAMA remains “PANAMA”. And if MI AMBIENTE can’t get off their asses and address …

Bocas del Toro

Some Bocas del Toro History: Once destined for takeover by Mexico

The Mexican government wants to reconstruct the bizarre story of Catarino Garza https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/el-general-mexicano-que-quiso-tomarse-bocas-del-toro-XB6157145?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Hidden in a corner of Bocas del Toro, Panama, is a part of the history of the Mexican revolution. One that the journalist and general, Catarino Erasmo Garza Rodríguez, wrote with his actions. A rebel who took …


Who would sacrifice “God Given Natural Beauty” to make a buck?? Give you one hint……..

Op Ed: Well the holidays were fantastic. Got to see my Grandaughter ( my God is she growing!!) . She made the Dean’s List, and she is becoming John Legend on the piano. I truly hope everyone else’s was as rewarding as mine. Even got the wife to somehow chug …



OP ED “JB”- After Thanksgiving I promised the wife I’m taking a step back from RED FROG BEACH SCAM and the biggest LIAR and DOUCHE ever known to mankind……..JOE HALEY. For MONTHS. as residents dealt with raw sewage being pumped into the mangroves, the smell of feces about the property, and …


EX-PAT ALERT: Backpackers and Vacationers take a look at labels in Bocas del Toro supply chain.

“JB”-  You know my feelings on Bocas and Isla Colon. If invested in properly, what is already the tourism hub of Panama, would be a tropical jewel. I feel things are changing looking forward, as “REAL” developers are getting primed to build sustainable and professionally thought out developments. We have …


NEW RED FROG NEGLIEGIENCE and BULLSHIT: Get this to GREEN GLOBE ASAP. You will get what is coming to you for your abuse.

You have been made well aware of the feral dogs roaming around the property. Further making it dangerous for guests and residents alike. I’m sure people like walking with a cup of coffee to come up on the remains of a mutilated Two-Toed Sloth. Killed by these reckless un addressed …

Bocas del Toro

Make love to your money “one last time”. Light a candle, pour some wine, cause if you give it to your boy in Bocas, you will never see it again!

(JB posting for a good friend)—— You will never see the real books, never see the real land or underlying asset, never get the truth, Your better off taking a walk down the beach with a bottle of Bourbon and a joint. Look at the ocean, listen to the waves, …

Bocas del Toro

How LONG will people let this happen. Same stuff from 10 years ago found online.

The tourist complex Red Frog Beach projected in the Island of Bastimentos, in Panama, is an example of the local communities’ mobilization to face the property speculation threat and the use of natural resources linked to tourism. Photography by: Island of Bastimentos. Source: Dronepicr, creative commons license. The Red Frog …

Bocas del Toro

Honoring Request of Red Frog Owner:

Before I sign off for the weekend, I wanted to post something that a Red Frog Beach owner asked me to do yesterday. My first question was with two sites that have popped up that I have ZERO to do with, why not them? And secondly, should I not be sending …


TIMES UP: RED FROG BEACH- BROKE due to ONE GUY. JOSEPH HALEY- The sins behind the smile

OK ladies and gentleman, hopefully you are persuing what was sent to yu yesterday. At least the smart ones are.  The PNO emails and phones have never been more active. People have seen the light. There are enough of you now to proceed, It’s just time.  This news comes from …

Bocas del Toro


In what  has become normal for Joe Haley and his denial of the TRUTH. RED FROG BEACH & RESORT continues to adverstise and promote signage that they are GREEN GLOBE CERTIFIED, despite the fact communication has been shared with the highest levels of GREEN GLOBE and they have denounced any …

Bocas del Toro

In 7 Years of running PNO- I have never seen more literature about legally selling power.

From day 1, this snake oil salesman has NOT BEEN IN COMPLIANCE. Shame on ASEP and internal checks and balances for allowing this strong armed “take it or leave it” rackateering to exist for 20 years within the legal boundaries of the Republic.  An unqualified, unregsitered, unrecognized, non-concession compliant, running …

Bocas del Toro

I call BULLSHIT on this number…….Cortizo states “$800 Million” in Bocas since 2019! Where???

Would love to see itemized “dollar for dollar” list of where money went…. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/230918/mef-invirtio-800-millones-bocas The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has invested around $800 million in the province of Bocas del Toro from 2019 to date, according to a MEF report last Thursday. At the 59th edition of the …


RED FROG Update: Question before BIG Bullshit Session tomorrow.

Op Ed:  James “JB” Bryson For all my friends both old and new, found a lovely little nugget today about a lovely character you have all had the pleasure to meet. Seems like you can’t teach an old CONVICTED CRIMINAL new tricks as FORMER RED FROG HEAD of SECURITY, Cecilio …


Purchaser, Partner, or Pirate: Who is STEVEN BOLTON? The man behind the green curtain at RED FROG.

Editorial: James “JB” BrysonFor the duration of my eyes being opened, and my continuous issues with RED FROG BEACH and OGI, and the way they treat the owners and prospective new buyers, I have always focussed on JOE HALEY. It is for the simple reason that I have had MULTIPLE …


What a CROCK of BULLSHIT!!! “Financial Expert” my ASS!!!!! RED FROG propaganda

Editorial:  James “JB” Bryson I thought today’s earlier post was enough to satisfy my itch to shed light on RED FROG. Then I see this rotten piece of a dumpster fire video on YOU TUBE.  (thank you “Brigade”). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_xmA9694Tw “Financial Expert” David Clark- that lovely British accent makes him sound …


Thank You Edmund Burke- You can’t unring this RED FROG bell. Redemption is coming.

EDMUND BURKE “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”  The only change I would make to this great quote from Burke is sub “People” for “Men”. As that is what is happening. “People” are contacting ME completely unsolicited……..and I am …


Meeting notes update from the king of Liars.

So hello Bocas Brigade. I truly hope all are well. I’m my continuing effort to speak the truth and be a stick in the wheel that is Red Frog and OGI, I’d like to provide some essay on the notes of his latest communication with an extremely divided flock. Let …


Anyone remember this FTC crime? reminding owners of the lies of Joe Haley.

This one is a great one because very recently the Government has enacted new policies due to people using FAKE endorsements. Something Joe is a master at. I have heard from former employees and owners alike, that “C.CLARK” is a manifestation, or more aptly put a LIE!! For all of …


Hello friends and Bocas Brigade,,,,,,Joe is currently avoiding a direct order.

Sorry for the lack of chatter the last few days. I have been concerned with family and a hurricane. NOT in Florida like I am used to for 40 years, but in California!!!!!! Anyone want to discuss climate change at the moment? On a different note, in my daily updates …


More interesting tidbits clarified by GREEN GLOBE- CEO conversation

Editorial: “JB” Bryson So to just wrap up another Joe Haley lie and misleading both old and new investors, I wanted to add some quotes directly from GREEN GLOBE. In an effort to maintain full transparency and professionalism, I contacted Birte Pelayo to have a phone conversation. She is a …


ATTN: RED FROG Owners and Potential Investors- GREEN GLOBE my ASS!!!!!

How about a little copywrite infringement with a sprinkle of false advertising and straight up BULLSHIT? I promised that I would be following up on my visit to RED FROG BEACH and I am. I am hopeful many read my last post about the Contract of Adhesion, that I went …


OGI Agreement from RED FROG BEACH wrong on a number of levels. Owners keep communicating.

In my last promised post of what I was being sent by various people against Joe Haley and what is attempting to be pushed through, I need to convey with some much smarter legal people than me. That is exactly what I did. We read the OGI Operating agreement and …


RED FROG BEACH debcacle Part 2- “What we Heard”

In performing our continual follow up to get to the center of all the shit that the victims of JOE HALEY and RED FROG are dealing with, we have moved onto the next phase. We already covered the actual condition of the property. HONESTLY it smells like SHIT! There is …