Honoring Request of Red Frog Owner:

Bocas del Toro

Before I sign off for the weekend, I wanted to post something that a Red Frog Beach owner asked me to do yesterday. My first question was with two sites that have popped up that I have ZERO to do with, why not them? And secondly, should I not be sending shit directly to the bank now???

In any event, I care about all of you that I have had the pleasure of talking to, and said I would:


To my fellow Red Frog/OGI/Bastimentos/etc victims-

I compose this because in looking in the mirror I don’t know what I have become with everything that has transpired. The life I planned when getting involved with this lovely land and access to beaches seemed like the paradise I wanted.

But here I am almost two decades later in a far less better position financially, and nowhere near the quality of life I expected or more importantly was promised. But what troubles me even more is the person I’ve allowed ONE person to make me become. JOE HALEY. I have been lied to and taken advantage of so many times I have lost count. And what’s more, I know he has done the same to all of us.

His divisiveness, his lies, his sociopathic and dangerous decisions have put us all on edge. We have to speak in codes to avoid retaliatory behavior. People that live there are treated different from those that don’t. He plays favorites, and he lies with every breath he has. Yet it is us that allows it.

I’ve been reduced having to ask “JB” to post this to me because I am reticent to who I can send it to that I know. NOTHING was accomplished at that meeting, and we come to find the bank is hovering over us like a black cloud.  I have no pause when I say, I want JOE HALEY to be criminally charged for what he has done to me. i want him in jail regardless of if I get my financial return. I want this because THAT is what is supposed to happen to criminals. HE should not get away with what we all know has been done.

But this paranoia and distrust he has fostered between good people and neighbors has crippled us in holding him accountable. This is not a fun way to live life. But JOE HALEY and many others are criminals. I wish everyone saw that and made them all accountable.

I don’t know what will happen in the coming weeks. I know what I want to pursue. But if the end of this portion of my life ends with JOE and Co. walking free of what was done, I feel we all have missed an opportunity to make a BAD man responsible for his actions.

Fellow Owner-


On that note Bocas Brigade, have a pleasant weekend.



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