
Middle East and UAE businesses are bullish on Panama opportunities. The Ministry of Commerce explained to businessmen the strategic position of Panama, the competitive advantages and the benefits it offers as an ideal place for foreign investment A group of foreign investors, led by Kuwaiti businesswoman Dana Al Salem, came to Panama to learn about the competitive advantages and …


Mulino states re-patriation among apprehended immigrants will be voluntary. But opening plugged. PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama’s President José Raúl Mulino said Thursday that migrants entering Panama through the treacherous Darien Gap will only be sent back to their countries if they agree to do so, potentially diminishing the impact of stricter immigration enforcement Mulino had pushed. Mulino, who took office July 1, promised …


PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …


The “Profiteering, Greenwashing, and Prostitution” of PANAMA’s ecology, downplays the significance in LATAM.

Hoping that Mulino sees the “profiteers” that have LIED, CAJOLED, BRIBED, and DAMAGED the preious eco-systems in places like……BOCAS del TORO specifically via irresponsible and illegal development for the sole benefit of money. PANAMA plays a major role in the stabilization of the environment of all of LATAM> JB   …


Deadly migration through “Darien” continues as Mulino and US cooperate to address. In a bid to block U.S.-bound migrants, Panama has installed barbed-wire fencing along the Darien Gap, sparking panic among migrants trying to cross the jungle that links South and Central America — but not necessarily stopping them. Videos of the barbed-wire barriers appeared as early as June 27 in WhatsApp …


This guy could be BEST PREZ EVER, and it’s not even a month. MULINO is true DOER!!! Not TALK

Actually addressing the LARGEST PROBLEM we have.  Panama and the US will sign an agreement to stop migration http://Panama and the US will sign an agreement to stop migration José Raúl Mulino explained that the agreement entails an orderly repatriation process for any migrant who tries to enter Panama without …


Seven arrests made in Colombian “human trafficking” ring. Affecting all of LATAM.

The network ‘gave foreigners lodging, food, transportation and false documentation’ Colombian authorities detained seven alleged members of a criminal network known as ‘Los Coyoteros’ that was dedicated to smuggling migrants from the borders with Venezuela and Ecuador, and located six buses with more than 100 migrants that were going …

Human Interest

MEXICO committing over $108 Million to address Migration………PANAMA???????

The Mexican Foreign Ministry indicated that currently, Amexcid, 26 cooperation projects are being executed The Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid) and the International Development Cooperation (CID) mechanisms, reported this Tuesday that it allocated 108.3 million dollars to address causes of migration in …

International Relations

Panama applauded and welcomed into EU Security Council. Big step, on big stage. Borrell pointed out that the EU hopes to maintain “close” cooperation with Panama The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, congratulated Panama, as well as Denmark, Greece, Pakistan and Somalia, for their election as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council for the …


Dangerous and Highly Wanted Ecuadorian “TERRORIST” seized and deported from Panama.

Julio Alberto Martínez Alcívar alias “Negro Tulio”, the dangerous Ecuadorian terrorist, was deported along with his partner, Alexandra Germania Estrada Aquino, this Saturday, June 1, following a strict security protocol towards their country. According to the Panamanian police, alias Negro Tulio is accused of having participated in several terrorist acts …


Events in Brazil could impact punishments for PANAMA thieves and scumbags with ODEBRECHT. The decision of the Supreme Federal Court in Brazil, declaring “absolute nullity” of the judicial acts in the “Lava Jato” case against Marcelo Odebrecht, raises questions about the effects of that ruling on the processes in Panama. A plot that includes 25 high-profile defendants, including former presidents Ricardo Martinelli …

International Relations

CHINA “CHIMES” in on Mulino victory. (“asks if he wants same deal as Varela”) * IMHO

* This guy had his hand up Varela’s ass more than Jim Henson did with Kermit!” Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Mulino on his election as President of Panama, highlighting the milestone of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Panama in 2017. Xi Jinping’s message …

International Relations

Martinelli asylum officially agitating relations of Nicaragua and Panama.

“What a life this “MFer” has led!!!!  I mean it’s been anything but BORING” Panama feels ‘truly affected’ by Nicaragua’s permissive attitude. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mire) reported this Monday, April 22, that it called the Panamanian ambassador in the city of Managua Nicaragua for consultations. According to Mire, …

International Relations

Things are BAD when Ortega administration in Nicaragua are being un-supportive. The government of Nicaragua alleges that the State of  Panama ‘has the obligation to provide’ all facilities ANSWER.  Panama and Nicaragua maintain a diplomatic dispute that has as its central axis the political asylum granted to former president Ricardo Martinelli. Through a note from the government of Daniel Ortega, the Panamanian government is …

Editorial Contribution

“SPOCK” is nothing if not determined and consistent.

OP ED “JB”- Sort of a dead time for me topic wise as nothing is particularly “juicy” to chime in on. Pretty much the opposite of an election year back home. Romelo Roux- whom “PNO” has lovingly monikered “Spock” for years now because, well,……………………….?  OK, having passed the obvious, it …

International Relations

Brazilian Prez unwanted in Israel after Holocaust comparisons.

The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, declared this Monday, February 19, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva “persona non grata” for comparing the current war against Hamas in Gaza with the Holocaust. “He is persona non grata in the State of Israel as long as he does not retract his …


Kansas City Chiefs make it 3 out of 4 in winning SUPER BOWL. Just ask Taylor.

I am well aware of the difference between what LATAM refer to as “FOOTBALL” and us GRINGOES, but the biggest sporting event in the US passed last SUNDAY, with KANSAS CITY taking home the crown. With Pop Icon TAYLOR SWIFT cheering on her boyfriend of the moment, the CHIEFS needed …


Carnaval is HERE. Not exactly on par with Brazil, but a big deal in PANAMA nonetheless.

In parallel to the celebration, the 2024 electoral campaign adds an additional element of interest. Infectious music and an explosion of color mark the beginning of the 2024 Carnivals, which this year takes on special meaning as it coincides with the 2024 electoral campaign, adding a political touch to …


EU- to “headquarter LATAM operations in PANAMA” Win by DEFAULT.

“JB” This is actually historic and prolific news that appeared as merely a “blurb” in the news today.  Effective as of JANUARY 16, 2024-  The European Union has identified The Republic of PANAMA as the destination of it’s HEADQUARTERS for LATAM operations. In and of itself, it is a highly …

International Relations

Claims of GENOCIDE against Israel, sure to send shockwaves and divisiveness amongst UN.   The spiral of violence and death suffered by the Gaza Strip reached a new stage after South Africa presented a lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the possible commission of the crime of genocide against the Palestinian population. The historic process, which held …


PANAMA to host leading TOURISM SUMMIT in 2024. The most important global adventure tourism association, ATTA, has chosen Panama as the next venue for the Adventure Travel World Summit 2024 (October 7 to 10), an event that will position the country in international tourism markets as an adventure destination. and conventions The General Administrator of the ATP, …

International Relations

Israel and Netanyahu losing creedence in world view for mistakes in Gaza. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in Gaza The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in …


One in (4) Freshwater fish species are in danger of EXTINCTION.

These “meetings” that occur far to in-frequently (this one by COP28, CITES only meets every 2-3 Years), the lastest list of species that are facing irreversible extinction levels. On a personal level, it is important that groups that oversee the activities that lead to these numbers decreasing be adhered to. …

International Relations

Look at these two visions of stable equality in the LATAM region.

The presidents of Venezuela and Colombia, Nicolás Maduro and Gustavo Petro, respectively, met this Saturday in Caracas, for the fourth time in private in the last 15 months, to address issues that affect these neighboring nations, including migration and risks of drought. Around 3:00 p.m. local time (7:00 p.m. GMT), …

Editorial Contribution

Requested posting from one of your own: Well written and poignant concerning what ONE MAN can do to a good group of people.

ENGLISH A reflection of what should be: Red Frog Beach has the potential to be the premier location in Panama for real estate investment. The beaches are breathtaking. The wildlife is constantly a source of amazement. The flora and fauna are heavenly. At every turn there is something to see. …

Bocas del Toro

Make love to your money “one last time”. Light a candle, pour some wine, cause if you give it to your boy in Bocas, you will never see it again!

(JB posting for a good friend)—— You will never see the real books, never see the real land or underlying asset, never get the truth, Your better off taking a walk down the beach with a bottle of Bourbon and a joint. Look at the ocean, listen to the waves, …


Gaby makes strong RIGHT stance on LGBTQ people. Very progressive, you don’t cheat with men anyways.

Human nature has not changed at all: “He who is born a woman is a woman and he who is born a man is a man, let us protect the family. That has been the basis on which our society has been built,” warned José Gabriel Carrizo, presidential candidate for the …

Human Interest

FORBES forum to showcase the powerful women of Panama.

In a press release shared by Forbes to this newspaper, it is reported on the launch of the “Forbes Powerful Women Forum in Panama”, which will take place this Wednesday, October 18 at the Panama Convention Center, starting at 2:00 p.m  The event seeks to provide visibility to professional women in the …


Darien migration becoming a worldwide story; no longer a regional issue.

413 thousand people have passed through the Darién jungle, of which 219,777 are male, 105,923 are female. A total of 87,635 minors have made the journey. ByRoberto This year, 619 people were rescued during their journey through the Darién jungle. This year the number of migrants has exceeded 410 thousand …


Panama, with Jamaica and Colombia to address sea pollution, some good news.

Have them start at a self proclaimed “Eco-Resort” in Bocas del Toro!!!!!!!!! Panama, Jamaica and Colombia launched the project ‘Reduce marine plastics and plastic pollution in the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean’. The initiative created through a circular economy approach will be led by the United Nations Environment …