Darien migration becoming a worldwide story; no longer a regional issue.


413 thousand people have passed through the Darién jungle, of which 219,777 are male, 105,923 are female. A total of 87,635 minors have made the journey.

Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
This year, 619 people were rescued during their journey through the Darién jungle.

This year the number of migrants has exceeded 410 thousand and it is expected that before December some 500 thousand people will have passed through the Darien jungle in search of the American dream.

Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
A significant number of migrants are under 18 years of age.

Authorities from Panama and Costa Rica have requested regional and international support to attend to the large number of people who cross their territory every day, which averages 3,000 per day.

Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
Once they cross the trails, travelers must board boats that take them to the migrant care centers.

These two countries announced this Friday that from now on the buses that transport migrants will no longer stop in Paso Canoas and will continue to the border with Nicaragua as a way to speed up the passage and avoid the collapse of the reception places.

Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
During passage through the jungle the water currents are contaminated.
Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
Solidarity support among migrants has saved the lives of many.
Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
Personnel from the Ombudsman and Migration Office provide support to migrants.
Darién: the nightmare of thousands of migrants seeking the American dream
Entire families walk together in search of a better future.
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