
The “Profiteering, Greenwashing, and Prostitution” of PANAMA’s ecology, downplays the significance in LATAM.

Hoping that Mulino sees the “profiteers” that have LIED, CAJOLED, BRIBED, and DAMAGED the preious eco-systems in places like……BOCAS del TORO specifically via irresponsible and illegal development for the sole benefit of money. PANAMA plays a major role in the stabilization of the environment of all of LATAM> JB   …


Small culture efforts make a big difference is “self-reliance”. As seen in Cocl’e.

In Río Indio, province of Coclé, there is a farm for tilapia fingerlings that will ultimately result in a quality and affordable product. The world of aquaculture in Panama, with its various projects, has positively impacted the economies of the families that are dedicated to this activity in the country …


Mulino hits ground running with new cabinet appointees.

Ameglio will accompany the designated minister Roberto Linares in Agricultural Development The president-elect, José Raúl Mulino, appointed this Friday, May 24, Francisco José Ameglio Vásquez as vice minister of Agricultural Development to accompany the designated minister Roberto Linares in this portfolio. Ameglio has worked as an assistant in the Legal …


MINSA approves (7) legal licenses to produce cannabis derivatives.

“JB” This is actually to me “huge” news. PANAMA has been 10 steps behind on Medical and Legal Marijuana production it is a joke. Marijuana and Production of THC derivatives could be a HUGE economic BOON to the agricultural GDP export of PANAMA. PANAMA is still rooted in Judeo-Catholic beliefs …


Who would sacrifice “God Given Natural Beauty” to make a buck?? Give you one hint……..

Op Ed: Well the holidays were fantastic. Got to see my Grandaughter ( my God is she growing!!) . She made the Dean’s List, and she is becoming John Legend on the piano. I truly hope everyone else’s was as rewarding as mine. Even got the wife to somehow chug …


PANAMA still can’t get it’s shit together with “illegal logging” affecting our tropical canopy. An international operation against illegal logging coordinated by the Italian Carabineros (military police), under the guidance of Europol, and with the collaboration of the police of Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica and Panama, concluded with the seizure of wooden containers from Myanmar and Brazil worth tens of thousands of euros. …


EX-PAT ALERT: Backpackers and Vacationers take a look at labels in Bocas del Toro supply chain.

“JB”-  You know my feelings on Bocas and Isla Colon. If invested in properly, what is already the tourism hub of Panama, would be a tropical jewel. I feel things are changing looking forward, as “REAL” developers are getting primed to build sustainable and professionally thought out developments. We have …


Sociologist says 18 days of protest reveal RACIST undertones within Panama. When 18 consecutive days of anti-mining demonstrations have passed, tensions are growing between those who demand an end to the closures and those who continue protesting in the streets due to distrust that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the company Minera Panamá. The speeches against the …


Torrijos chimes in on blame for mining fiasco. The presidential candidate for the Popular Party, Martín Torrijos, condemned the violence that has been recorded in the protests against the law contract between the State and Minera Panamá, which has claimed the lives of two people. “It is regrettable that we are witnessing confrontations between Panamanians and Panamanians …


NEW RED FROG NEGLIEGIENCE and BULLSHIT: Get this to GREEN GLOBE ASAP. You will get what is coming to you for your abuse.

You have been made well aware of the feral dogs roaming around the property. Further making it dangerous for guests and residents alike. I’m sure people like walking with a cup of coffee to come up on the remains of a mutilated Two-Toed Sloth. Killed by these reckless un addressed …


Mining operations discover archeological history in Panama.

With the arrival of Minera Panama, interesting data has been obtained about the history of the Panamanian Central Caribbean region. Protecting and preserving cultural heritage is keeping alive the history of ancient civilizations. Currently, contributions have been made to the knowledge of the archaeological heritage of Panama, after important findings in …


More than 20 companies come out to lobby for approval of Marijuana growth.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) detailed the afternoon of this Tuesday, June 20, that more than 20 companies participated in the approval meeting with a view to obtaining one of the seven licenses for the manufacture of medicinal cannabis derivatives . Elvia Lau, national director of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Minsa, …


Newly installed tower will monitor climate change in Coiba.

The first meteorological tower in the northeast of the Coiba National Park will allow to know the impact that the rains have on the organisms of the island, explained Edgardo Díaz-Ferguson, executive director of Coiba AIP. Coiba is a place where there is a lot of rainfall and “now we …


Protected Panamanian tree species found illegally mined. 9 apprehended

More than 300 cocobolo tucas ( Dalbergia retusa) were seized at several sawmills in Cañitas, Chepo, east of the district of Panama, within the framework of operation “Sovereignty 3”, developed between intelligence agents of the Third Brigade of East Panama of the National Border Service (Senafront), in conjunction with the Environmental Crime …


Drought and Hot weather pose serious threat to Rice production.

Waiting for the government’s decision. Carlo Rognoni, director of the Agricultural Marketing Institute, said that for months they have been analyzing the consequences that the lack of rain will bring. He expressed that the drought has caused a delay in the planting of rice, the most consumed grain in Panama, production is …


Panamanian forests attaining allies for conversation

Planting trees is a way of giving life in all its forms, since they have the ability to reduce greenhouse gases through two processes related to the carbon cycle, the fixation or capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. and the reduction of emissions due to deforestation and forest …


Panama looking to become “agricultural hub” of Latin America.

The construction of the Panama-Israel Horticultural Center of Excellence for Agricultural Innovation will turn the country into an agricultural hub for Latin America. This was verified by the Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama, during his tour of the El Ejido experimental station, in Los Santos, headquarters of this project. …


Local fisherman will celebrate the temporary lift of Lobster ban.

Fishermen from Bocas del Toro and the Ngäbe-Buglé region will have 51 days, a special period, to catch the Caribbean spiny lobster ( Panulirus argus ), based on Resolution No. 017 of the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (Arap). The authorization published in the Official Gazette 29757-A grants a special authorization for the capture …


Tourism authority pledges 30km for public trails.

The Panama Tourism Authority (Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá, ATP), together with the private sector and local governments, inaugurated the first phase for the Ruta de la Caldera in El Valle de Antón this Friday, composed of 30 kilometers of trails, aiming to position El Valle as an adventure tourism …


Just when my day was going OK. I read this shit.

The laws are present, the penalties need to be harsher… DEATH. In a comprehensive analysis of the general state of nature, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) released its latest Global Living Planet Index 2022, which shows an average 69% decline in the relative population abundance of animal species …


WORLD BANK pledges monies to Panamanian agriculture

The World Bank on Friday approved a $3.51 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support the Ministry of Environment’s (MiAmbiente) program to strengthen its capacity for biodiversity conservation and increase the adoption of inclusive and biodiversity-friendly practices in selected rural areas of the country. Through a press …


At first sounds like a HORROR movie,,,,,,,,,,,then GENIUS.

When one considers the COST of death, and then what the AFFECT on the environment is, the proper and humane composting of the deceased makes incredible sense. ODD, DIFFERENT, but incredibly LOGICAL> Under the argument of reducing the carbon footprint, composting human remains is currently possible. California this …


Illegal siezure of Ridley’s Sea Turtle eggs discovered in Los Santos The National Aeronaval Service finds a sack with suspected sea turtle eggs abandoned on Horcones de Tonosí beach. There were 499 sea turtle eggs inside. One thousand 151 sea turtle eggs of the Olive Ridley or Olive Ridley species (Lepidochelys Olivacea), were seized in the district of Tonosí, by members …


On the good side of things, Panama continues to prioritize Coiba as jewel of conservation. Coiba AIP is a public interest association that conducts scientific research in the Coiba National Park. Edgardo Díaz Ferguson is the director of the organization and talks about the work he does and the plans to promote science in the country. Coiba National Park has been a World Heritage …


Panama and Costa Rica region remain bountiful in terms of bio-diversity. The number of species that exist on the planet is a puzzle that scientists are trying to decipher, as well as their evolution, the ties between different orders, families, genera and species, and the behaviors and survival strategies that they developed over millions of years . . “The complexity and …


Nito starting with the small areas to shore up support. $6 Million is what Carrizo makes on 1 scummy land deal.

Cortizo begins his “lets all be friends tour with the poor and indigent prior to 2024 run up. The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, held a meeting with producers and residents of Las Minas, province of Herrera, in which he presented stallions and granted benefits from public …


Cocoa and Coffee take center stage for GDP Among the next actions to strengthen the Panamanian coffee and cocoa items is the creation of a national program.  The implementation of strategies to strengthen the Panamanian coffee and cocoa sectors, as an alternative to improve the social and economic conditions of the country, was analyzed during a meeting …


Minds seem to be workking at ANCON, as reduction of protected areas “rejected” The NGO Ancón expressed its rejection of the 42.3% reduction of the Donoso protected area, through Resolution DM-0139-2022 of the Ministry of the Environment, of July 11, published in the Official Gazette of July 15. Ancón explained that as an entity involved in the creation of the many protected …


Panama touts success in recovering rainforest territory. From 2012 to 2021, Panama managed to recover 3% of forest cover, going from 65% to 68% of the total, confirmed the Minister of the Environment, Milciades Concepción. The results are part of the findings recorded in the first Map of Forest and Other Wooded Land 2021, which was …


WORLD WATER DAY: Important to Panama and beyond. READ included Attachment. They ask to practice rainwater harvesting  Under the motto ” Groundwater, making the invisible visible”, this March 22 is commemorated, World Water Day, to raise awareness among the world’s population about the importance of this vital liquid.  During this day, from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) they reported that they promote …