Nito starting with the small areas to shore up support. $6 Million is what Carrizo makes on 1 scummy land deal.
- By : James Bryson
- Category : Agriculture, Politics

Cortizo begins his “lets all be friends tour with the poor and indigent prior to 2024 run up.
The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, held a meeting with producers and residents of Las Minas, province of Herrera, in which he presented stallions and granted benefits from public entity programs for a total amount of $6,133,712.51.
Cortizo began his work tour at the Barría Agroganadera Farm, in El Chumical, district of Las Minas, where he delivered 23 high-genetic stallions to small producers.
The stallions that were delivered are from the girolando, dairy gyr, Jersey, Brahman and Beefmaster breeds, through the A Better Stallion program of the National Directorate of Livestock of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), whose objective is to improve the breeding stock Herrera and the country.
“With the agri-food policies of the State, we have laid the foundations to avoid changing the rules and avoiding uncontrolled imports to the detriment of the national producer,” said the president, quoted by a statement from the Presidency.
He also visited the IPT of Las Minas where he delivered various works and benefits, the Agricultural Development Bank (BDA) delivered checks from the Agro Solidario Program; the Agricultural Insurance Institute (ISA) made the compensation payment for complementary and livestock insurance, while the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP) delivered aquaculture kits and MIDA delivered seed kits and tools to producers.
The Ministry of Social Development (Mides) handed over the keys to four recently remodeled Comprehensive Early Childhood Centers (CAIPI) for an amount of $211,348.82.
The Mides National Literacy Directorate awarded five certificates of the Muévete por Panamá Program to new literates who completed the course using the “Yes, I can” method.
The Ministry of Education (Meduca) delivered a check for the purchase of biosafety kits for schools in the Educational Region of Las Minas, for an amount of $11,077.17.
The Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot) benefited 258 families from six districts of the province of Herrera, who were captured living in poverty and extreme poverty, through housing programs and the Housing Solidarity Fund.
In the same protocol act, the order to proceed was formalized for the construction of 300 housing solutions of Contract No.16-2022 with the Plan Progreso Herrera Consortium, which will benefit more than a thousand people in the province at a cost of $7,194,776.
The National Land Administration Authority (ANATI) delivered 20 property titles during President Cortizo’s tour.
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