
2025 PNO stance on the RED FROG debacle.

OP ED: I posted a vent piece a while back that kicked off some chatter between folks. (attached). And in the time since then, I have been very tight lipped.  I even after a very enjoyabe holiday, find it laughbale that to some people, the jury has still not reached a …

Human Interest

Panama Assembly viewing proposal to absolve and free Martinelli.

https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panamas-assembly-studying-a-bill-that-would-give-amnesty-to-martinelli-1 Panama’s Assembly is studying a controversial bill that would give amnesty to Ricardo Martinelli.  The bill was rejected Friday by Transparency International (TI) considering that it is done to give “impunity.”  It is common knowledge that the objective of this bill is to prevent a series of former officials …


Zulay appeal falls flat, as once bright star continues to dim.

The appeal to the decision of the Second Administrative Court was presented by lawyer Herbert Young https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/magistrados-del-te-confirman-eleccion-de-diputado-omar-ortega-en-san-miguelito-XF8117033?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The plenary session of the judges of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) confirmed this July 29 the decision of the Second Administrative Electoral Court to reject the request for partial annulment of the election …


Every swing is coming up a miss as powers try to stifle Mulino and “Realizing Goals”.

The lawyers recalled that Mulino’s candidacy has already participated in the voting process. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/juristas-afirman-que-en-el-caso-mulino-ya-hay-sustraccion-de-materia-XF7153716?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The jurists Miguel Antonio Bernal, Italo Antinori, Juan Carlos Araúz and José Alberto Álvarez requested on the morning of this Monday, April 29, to the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice, through the rapporteur …


Massive fall from grace for one of most successful soccer players of recent memory.

Former “Barcelona FC” star has earned well over 100 million Euros over career, unable to post bail. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/deportes/futbol/alves-dormira-otra-noche-en-prision-al-no-haber-depositado-el-millon-de-euros-de-fianza-NA6561087 The footballer’s defense continues trying to raise the sum for bail from his entourage, without being able to make it effective throughout this morning. The former FC Barcelona player Dani Alves will …


Absence of Martinelli has even more consequences on election than his inclusion.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/preven-estrecha-eleccion-ante-la-salida-de-martinelli-de-la-carrera-presidencial-AE6134174#google_vignette Martinelli’s lawyer, Carlos Carrillo, announced that he filed an appeal for clarification of the cassation and warns that the criminal actions have not yet ended. The eventual disqualification of the presidential candidate due to the alliance between the Realizing Goals (RM) party and the Alianza party, Ricardo Martinelli, according …

Human Interest

30 year era of Martinelli “Magic” coming to inglorius END.

A name and effigy revered by millions. One who continuously faced enemies, a rebel, a voice to be heard, one who seemed to always find a way out.  RICARDO MARTINELLI will never be the same in Panama. The “machine” has got him by the balls. He’s made too many enemies, …


Off we go. Screws tightening on Martinelli already. He should’ve taken my parachute hint.

Election Year in PANAMA= the worlds BEST reality TV. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/cancilleria-niega-salvoconducto-al-expresidente-martinelli-DL6085656 The Criminal Chamber sent the file of Ricardo Martinelli’s sentence to the Second Criminal Court, which must notify the Electoral Court. The former president’s legal team announces new resources The Foreign Ministry of Panama denied the safe passage requested by …


Newbies…….,was I lying? Nothing more entertaining than PANAMA politics.

A incredibly popular ex-President, who has done prison time in the US, been sent back to Panama, done prison time here. Won Mayoral race while incarcerated. Has had two sons do prision time in Guatemala and US. Family owns the equivalent of the nation’s WAL MART, is exonerated on charges. …


Get ready for a bloodbath election year. Gloves are off with these people.

This was covered in great detail for both of our Spanish and English readers, but as I welcomed the “NEW” readers and contributors to life here in PANAMA, people considering retirement, and Ex-Pat status. I like to cover just how “cannibalisitic” the political scene is down here. I have to …


Martinelli legal team state Government has gone “beyond the law” to affect elections.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/231108/abogados-martinelli-denuncian-irregularidades-recurso-casacion The legal team of former president Ricardo Martinelli in a press conference denounced a series of procedural irregularities in matters of cassation appeals, which are being tried in the Superior Court for the Settlement of Criminal Cases. Lawyer Carlos Carrillo, from the legal team of former president Martinelli, denounced …


Thank You Edmund Burke- You can’t unring this RED FROG bell. Redemption is coming.

EDMUND BURKE “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”  The only change I would make to this great quote from Burke is sub “People” for “Men”. As that is what is happening. “People” are contacting ME completely unsolicited……..and I am …


ODEBRECHT: Still up to their neck in shit. Is progress really happening?

http://elsiglo.com.pa/internacional/fiscalia-colombiana-imputa-cargos-10-exfuncionarios-corrupcion-odebrecht/24233815 On August 17, they announced that they would charge more than 50 people The Colombian prosecutor’s office charged ten former officials of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), implicated in alleged irregularities in a contract with the Brazilian company Odebrecht for the construction of the Ruta del Sol II highway, as announced two …


OGI Agreement from RED FROG BEACH wrong on a number of levels. Owners keep communicating.

In my last promised post of what I was being sent by various people against Joe Haley and what is attempting to be pushed through, I need to convey with some much smarter legal people than me. That is exactly what I did. We read the OGI Operating agreement and …


Judge supports decision invoked, and rejects charges to interfere with Martinelli.

The Second Settlement Court for Criminal Cases of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, in charge of Judge Baloísa Marquínez M., flatly rejected the brief invoking electoral criminal jurisdiction presented by the lawyer Luis E. Camacho González in favor of a former president of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli, within the …


Martinellli has survived much bigger smear campaigns. He WILL be President barring shady business.

Has Varela served time? Has Porcell served time? Has Varela paid back monies received? Has Porcell done the same?   The former President of the Republic Ricardo Martinelli, who aspires to be the presidential candidate of his Realizando Metas (RM) party, facing the general elections on May 5, 2024, is …


Prosecutor reveals that ODEBRECHT has financial ability to overun the prosecution with legal costs.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220916/trama-sobrecostos-caso-odebrecht?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc On the fourth day of the reading of the tax hearing in the preliminary hearing for the Odebrech case, the breakdown of the millionaire amounts paid in bribes by the Brazilian company to various state ministers and other high-ranking officials during Ricardo’s government administration was revealed. Martinelli, through various companies. …


Another scumbag sneaks through the cracks. PNO doesn’t forget.

Go back to 2018:     https://panamanowonline.com/more-delays-and-…t-recent-request/ Go back to 2019:    https://panamanowonline.com/pno-reader-edito…minero-estafador/ ‎ As I am earning my Phd in “Panamanian Slimy, Backstabbing, Corrupt, and the daily running of things here…….I remain on top of shit”.  This guy here is yet another dirty as a sandbox Panamanian elite that has managed …


Lawyers receding from the act of Resident Agent from Panamanian SA’s.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/220830/abogados-dejando-ofrecer-servicio-agente?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Panamanian law requires that all corporations and other fictitious entities, such as private interest foundations and trusts, have a resident agent domiciled in the Republic of Panama. But since the arrival of the new regulations regarding resident agent and the controls imposed by the Superintendence of Non-Financial Subjects (SSNF), “many …


The dirt rises as CORRUPT lawyers are being found guilty of FRAUDULENT TITLING. Sound Familiar WB?

http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/abogado-estafador-condenado-20-anos/24205043 Two crimes of cloning property titles are pending prosecution The lawyer from Chirica, Cley Estenio Caballero and the cowboy Daniel Polanco, were sentenced to 20 years in prison for the crimes of falsehood, fraud and illicit association to commit crimes committed to the detriment of the foreign retiree, Christopher …


U.S Judge authorizes transfer of Martinelli sons out of Brooklyn facility, to low security in Pennsylvania.

http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/autorizan-traslado-hermanos-martinelli-prision-pensilvania/24201798 The defense had requested a transfer to another penitentiary This Friday it was learned that federal judge Raymond J. Dearie authorized the transfer of Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli, sons of former President Ricardo Martinelli, to a low-security prison in Pennsylvania.   Both brothers are currently being held …


Character assasination of Martinelli backfires: Brothers sentenced to 36 Months w/ Time Served

https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/panamanian-intermediaries-each-sentenced-36-months-international-bribery-and-money Please feel free to state that PNO-  OPENLY SUPPORTS MARTINELLI.  He was the president when my wife and I decided to retire here, and in that time I saw MASSIVE growth and improvements in the quality of life for BOTH Ex-Pats and Panamanians alike. So for the past 7 …


Pay attention- I’m gonna tear into Nito’s Cabinet if this passes.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220421/medios-gremios-panama-redactando-anteproyecto-ley-despenalice-delitos-calumnias-e-injurias?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc At the mid-year meeting of the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA), the report on the situation of the media and communicators in Panama was presented. During the debate and the approval of the reforms to the electoral law in the National Assembly, the journalistic unions claimed that there should be …


Exoneration of Martinelli recognized. But Panama politics………we shall see.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/politica/220420/sentencia-absolutoria-ricardo-martinelli-ejecutoriada?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Judgment 225/TJ-J of November 24, 2021, highlighted by the Trial Court of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, followed by Ricardo Martinelli, is duly executed. The information is established in a certification dated April 20 issued by the Accusatory Penal System. Martinelli was investigated for crimes of interception of …


More Panamanian “dirty dealings” reach the “crooked courts”.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/220308/inicia-juicio-oral-hijo-ex-secretaria-ex-magistrado-oyden-ortega In the facilities of the Accusatory Penal System (SPA) of Plaza Ágora, the oral trial against Oyden Ortega Collado, son of the former magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) Oyden Ortega and against Claudia Purcait who was the secretary of the former magistrate, indicated for the alleged …

Air Travel

Once back I will never stop on ODEBRECHT. Panama must cut the cord.

Listen to tape for audio: https://www.prensa.com/impresa/panorama/tocumen-acusa-a-odebrecht-ante-el-tacp/ Tocumen SA accused the Odebrecht company of presenting false arguments and misrepresenting the airport’s position before the Administrative Court of Public Procurement (TACP). Tocumen asks the public procurement court to reject Odebrecht’s letter The Brazilian company presented a document to the TACP where it assures that …


RED FROG: continues to illegally sell properties owned by Tres Cruces de Oro

JAMES BRYSON DID NOT WRITE THIS ARTICLE; this is merely an ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF “LA CRITICA” https://www.critica.com.pa/nacional/denuncia-red-frog-sigue-vendiendo-fincas-propiedad-de-tres-cruces-de-oro-606475     La Crítica 6/22/2021   The Tres Cruces de Oro group, a subsidiary of Six Diamonds Resorts International, denounced the fact that the Red Frog Beach group continues to sell lots and …


JOE HALEY: “Red Frog – The Land, The Myths, and the 18 Year Scam that just keeps going”


Editorial Contribution

Nito reinforces “freedom of expression”. We shall see.

Nito want’s freedom of the press and “free expression”. Then let PNO freely express that his CABINET is LOADED with people on the TAKE. See VP and Minister. Nito claimed they would be expelled if proven. Look closer Nito, get eyes checked. Hope they all had a nice weekend……….#worstsecretinpanama. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/201022/aumentan-acciones-judiciales-medios …

Human Interest

As does rest of world, Panama facing hearing the voices of growing LGBT community on marriage rights.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/201005/cidh-enciende-debate-matrimonio The debate on the right to equal marriage ignited in Panama after the hearing held last Friday at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) requested by the Fundación Iguales. At the hearing, the IACHR condemned that Panamanian legislation is discriminatory in the sense of not having adjusted it …