Exoneration of Martinelli recognized. But Panama politics………we shall see.



Judgment 225/TJ-J of November 24, 2021, highlighted by the Trial Court of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, followed by Ricardo Martinelli, is duly executed.

The information is established in a certification dated April 20 issued by the Accusatory Penal System.

Martinelli was investigated for crimes of interception of telecommunications without judicial authorization and monitoring, persecution and judicial surveillance.

According to the unanimous decision of the court of the First Judicial District of Panama, no evidence was presented to prove that Martinelli ordered espionage between 2012 and 2014, from the National Security Council.

The judges of this Court, Francois Vega, Jennifer Saavedra Naranjo and Marisol América Osorio; when dictating their sense of failure, which only took a little over 20 minutes to read, they considered that they had not been aware of the characteristics of the Pegasus software and that their purchase had not been corroborated.

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