SHOCKED by the lack of people to THANK JB for all he did.
He ENDED this liar JOE HALEY. Shocked more by the lack of people admitting it.
Silence speaks volumes.
Like 8 indictable offenses here.
God bless JB and Steven,
THEN: Clean cut wholesome Middle American family man. NOW: Haggard, unshaven, spun out, and
Complete with the requisite matching apparel. standing on a bed of lies and corrupt acts.
If you were able to read the entry posted the other day, visitors of the site have been made aware that J.B suffered his second mini-stroke within 7 years, and is in the state of recovery and rehabilitation. Thank you to all that know and love JB and have been sending well wishes and prayers these past few months. He is doing better and better everyday.
I am going to take you down the rabbit hole from the onset of this scumbag wanna be developer entering our lives at PNO. You can READ, JUDGE, and DISCERN for yourself who, what. and why the man that has been leading this circus has done. In working in law, I see two types of criminals. Those that truly have a “criminal mind”, and in such cases you need to RECOGNIZE that type of criminal and give the same type of professional respect for their craft or they will surely beat you. Then there are the ones whose reach extends their grasp and they more or less “become” or “morph” into a criminal when they get in so deep they have no choice left but to do the time, or just clasp hands like “Thelma and Louise” or should I say “Joe and Steven” and drive right off the cliff.
I am not a neurologist. I can only read and listen and form an opinion. And my opinion is the constant and consistent contacts and requests for help in regards to RED FROG BEACH and specifically JOE HALEY contributed without a doubt to J.B’s enhanced stressful state prior to the event of his stroke. Covid did not help. Being away from his granddaughter did not either. However, the RED FROG shit was constant. It was everyday emails and pleas from homeowners, ex employees and the like pushing JB to spearhead something that had nothing to do with him whatsoever. Then add to that the threatening emails and constant phone calls, ringing and hang ups did not help either. When he pointed out and proved beyond argument that PANAMA was a bot site created to divert attention away from PNO, someone wrote to JB that he was “going to have a horses head in his bed” if he didn’t back off of Red Frog. Laughable but true. Now PANAMA INSIGHTS we found quite interesting because it popped up out of nowhere, so fast in fact that they GOT THEIR OWN LOGO WRONG (Misspelling Insights)……….honest to God. Behold the #1 news source for Ex-Pats in PANAMA. Why would a website pop up out of nowhere, immediately start re-posting articles from “Bocas Unidos” dating back to 2008 and be timed to the point of within 10 seconds of PNO publishing a piece. “Insigths” would have it up. Unless of course it was something unflattering perhaps in regards to RFB. Those articles were noticeably missing. Let me be more clear each and every PNO article that was published Insights picked up and reposted with the exception of anything that mentioned Red Frog Beach or Haley in anything other than a positive light. What a coincidence hmmmm….
#1- We know the Panama firm that represents the URL, and the Maryland LLC that paid its fees. Of which, BTW, you can own this very same URL today as the domain is now for sale funny. I’m not sure if misspelled LOGO is included though. See, when the info came rolling in on JOE HALEY and Red Frog, someone decided they had to try to diminish James and PNO. Insights was a BOT site, generated solely for the purpose to direct inquiries away from PNO. Running all of J.B’s posts, again sans the RED FROG pieces. It was formed in 2018, yet had posts going back to 2008.
John |
I just hope you don’t wake up with a horses head next you JB |
Org name | UFINET PANAMA S.A. |
Country | Panama |
( I know WHO you are, I know the Law Firm in PANAMA that set up SA)
J.B and my mother in law received many calls and hangups. We have the ATT tracks for each and every one.
This number was a regular caller.
Showing results for Bertha Calvo Peck 832-651-5073
Search instead for Berha Calvo Peck 832-651-5073
Maybe she was being directed to try to contact J.B, so I will not say this person was harassing. But the people that kept prodding J.B to continue even after he called “no joy”, were relentless.
Please do your GOOGLE reading on this guy, because once you get past the glad handing handshakes and kissing babies hollow veneer, he is a stone cold con man. Over the years he has tried to scrub much of the muck off of the internet, whatever you can’t find, we have already provided to Utah and Minnesota. He went from “Founding Member” to and limited involved associate,two days after the McKinney article.
Now in retrospect, if JOE HALEY was a real CEO, dealing with real PROBLEMS, where would he find the time to worry about a blog entry on a site which at that time only had 720 registered and active readers? If anything, JOE HALEY should have thanked PNO for pointing out that this character at the time of this post was STILL flaunting himself on his LINKED IN page prominently with RED FROG BEACH. And Mr.Thusrton has a rather nefarious past that most would like to steer clear of. And so it goes Mr.Thurston was indeed contacted by Red Frog, as ALL of his affiliation with RED FROG BEACH was subsequently REMOVED. YOUR WELCOME. And that is where it should have ended. But we came to learn rather quickly this blogger type war of innuendo goes back to a previous site and previous owner. One J.B knew absolutely NOTHING about. More on that later.
Please find hereby Cease and Desist Letter.
After NUMEROUS exchanges with JOE HALEY, J.B would consistently bring up previous communications being sent to him by people claiming to be supporters and/or employees of RED FROG BEACH. The most ardent and certain of which was “JAY MILLER”, who suddenly over the course of two subsequent emails in which J.B voiced to JOE HALEY of his validity, “JAY SILVER” suddenly appeared complete with an actual corporate email address something Miller did not have.
What you will see in this section is really rudimentary stupidity, and a case of lying when the truth will do. BOTH MILLER and SILVER claimed to be high ranking employees of RED FROG BEACH for many years. As much is stated and opined upon in their e-mails to J.B. J.B wondered aloud how there was not a shred of information on the web that mentioned MILLER or SILVER. No “LinkedIn”, no mention on “RFB website”, literally not a shred. He found that odd for someone with such a high position and immediately brought the point up to JOE HALEY. I guess they thought this JB guy was as dumb and gullible as many of the RF clients. If we send it they’ll just eat it up and believe it…. Big mistake fellas…
JOE HALEY flatly reiterated that these people were indeed REAL and under his employment, and that J.B was not being “catfished” at all by some RED FROG BEACH plant. FACT CHECK he was. In the same manner in which he had earlier received a CEASE and DESIST from a GMAIL account, he further wondered why MILLER and SILVER were big wigs, yet did not have a corporate URL for the email.
POOF, like MAGIC, the next email came from an official RED FROG BEACH address. See people, JOE HALEY at that time did not know the resources that J.B. had and has at his disposal. He did not know that his son in law is an attorney. Did not know that his best friend ran the MOS 35 division in the military (look up at your own discretion). He just really wanted to do anything he needed to do in order to get J.B to take down the article submitted by Peter McKinney. In these emails with MILLER and SILVER you can easily catch the subtext. That Tres Cruces de Oro are all thieves and criminals. Once again often bringing up the RFB – LIFE PRESERVER name of FRANK DELAPE back into the conversation (Stay TUNED on that front).
It should be also noted that at this point in time, I was never not involved in a communication or a conversation when it concerned this dispute between RED FROG BEACH and Tres Cruces de Oro. That is up to and including the scheduling of a call between the two contentious parties in which we would give both a clear path to state their case. JOE HALEY AGREED for this to happen. He then reneged on his agreement and said he would NOT do a LIVE INTERVIEW he refused to answer any questions on the spot as he had previously asked for and agreed to.
This was AFTER we scheduled and completed the RICHARD KIIBLER live interview in which I was also present for. That instance to me was another indictment of JOE HALEY and his character. He stated “The Board” would not allow him to do so, and we realized that there is no “Board” to speak of that supercedes JOE HALEY. He just flatly backed out. The pecking order at RFB is the following CEO – Haley and person who has invested and lost the most money to date Steven Bolton. Which is quite an impressive amount I might add. Between he and his wife’s contributions to his family members and various different investment vehicles and retirement accounts etc. (Shocking all of the spreadsheets that have been given to PNO regarding everyones individual monies invested and the sources of those funds). I would think these types of things would not be so loosely given out. A half dozen or so people sent us these same documents. But I digress, I was personally pissed off and told J.B to leave this mess as HALEY was exposed as fraudulent. Yet J.B agreed to let him answer questions that we prepared. By “We” I mean “I”, and his responses were audacious. He would answer a question with a question, and instead of being candid, he merely went on with his “criminals, land thieves, mantra”. Leaning yet AGAIN on the BEST thing to ever happen to him, FRANK DELAPE to justify his lack of candor to direct questions.
But for now lets not discuss the sordid and odd history of DELAPE and HALEY, I don’t want to take away from DAN CRANNEY. This is his portion of the article, and merits our full attention.
As many of you may watch documentaries, or police detective series. We live in an age of advanced technology. Whereas some feel this technology seeps into the area of personal freedoms, it is like it or not present. Both MILLER and SILVER may have acquiesced to the request for a RED FROG BEACH email address, they failed to realize that these transmissions are “PINGED” off communications towers from all over the world. The pings are traced back to the URL in which they are generated from.
So please all PNO readers, tell me how many JAY MILLERS or JAY SILVERS live in BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS??
See, us lowly people behind J.B’s little “garbage” blog page were not able to find any.
Now I stated earlier, I am going to attach each and every incoming e-mail from HALEY, SILVER, MILLER, etc at the end of this post. But for the sake of chronology and keeping the timeline intact, I would like to enter an excerpt from an incoming e-mail sent to J.B from JAY SILVER of the Bentonville “Silver’s” of course.
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 11:09 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Hi JB:
Thanks for the email and I appreciate your candor. I can understand how you got upset. Looking back I would have advised anyone from our organization to never pick a fight with the media. I think if someone on our side would have just responded reasonably to the initial article this all would have blown over.
I met Wright Thurston once a long time ago. I was not aware of any dirt on him but I will see if someone can reach out to him to take Red Frog out of his bio on the internet.
I believe if you look back at the history of Red Frog you will find a lot of drama especially during that time when the project fell apart in 2008 to 2011. There was a labor strike, near bankruptcy, lawsuits, community issues, etc. Since that time the resort has slowly gotten back on its feet, but it has been hard work. There have been a handful of lawsuits and upset clients along the way but for a project with 300+ clients, hundreds of vendors and a lot of Partner/Investors…plus the complications of doing business in Panama and Bocas, well, it is a complicated business trying to make a successful island community from scratch. Keep in mind that there were a number of projects in Bocas that did go under in that 2008 to 2011 and as far as I know Red Frog is the only one that survived as a development during that time frame that still exists today – I think a lot of clients are appreciative that the Oceans Group investors came along and saved their investment around 2010. But like any business that I have been involved with there always a few customers that are very difficult to make happy no matter what you do.
Anyway, I’m certain if you dig in you can find disgruntled clients and mistakes that have been made at Red Frog. I also think if you were to visit and meet the people involved and employees that you would have some sympathy for how difficult it is to make this island community come to life. I realize that Bocas is not for everyone like you said for your visit 2010 but the resort has tried to add more and more creature comforts to attract buyers and tourists. If you can or want to visit in the future please let me know, despite the drama it is a beautiful place.
As far as the Tres Cruces legal stuff. I don’t want to bother you with gory details but I do think it is a very big corruption issue that affects a lot of people in Panama. Have you ever met Don Winner who wrote the Panama Guide? He knows all about Frank Delape and Richard Kiibler and the government people that were involved in the corruption. You might think this is some “us against them” but if you want the details I think you will be amazed on what has gone on with these guys and that they have gotten away with it – if you are good at research and can follow the money there is a big story there that goes to the top in Panama I believe. Let me know if you want more info on this.
All for now. Be in touch.
Well we took “Jay’s” advice and did exactly that. Things started to materialize on the whole Cease and Desist front. Only one issue. J.B Bryson is NOT Don Winner. Mr.Winner openly and transparently ran a for profit blog. He was paid for content and he was paid for Advertising.
J.B didn’t take a DIME from anyone. He saw a guitarist play one night and gave him free advertising. He met a trainer at the gym the recommended his TRT clinic, also free. He added links for WOUNDED WARRIOR and the AFRICAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION. Again, not a DIME.
So what exactly did we find when looking into PANAMA GUIDE and DON WINNER. What we saw was a two year slander campaign against Six Diamonds, using the tried and true FRANK DeLAPE method. A barrage of accusations on a consistent basis. And the FINAL release was THIS:
RIGHT????? Why in the hell would CRANNEY, MILLER, or SILVER for that matter lead us to this person? At BEST it would appear that DON WINNER had some epiphany out of the blue, some celestial intervention that had him perform a complete 360 degree turn on SIX DIAMONDS and write what amounts to an exoneration of DeLAPE and Tres Cruces. He flat out tells Red Frog and his readers that ALL of his articles against SDRI and Tres Cruces and its individuals were wrong. That Red Frog and Bocas Unidos whom Winner states was formed by Red Frog as he was there when they started it had no right to use his old articles that Red Frog paid for against their enemies Tres Cruces, DeLape et al. Guess what folks they stopped.. He threatened to further expose them as you read above in the link and they went away. But when Panama Guide went dark and the threat of Mr. Winner’s retribution was gone they broke out the old articles. Well done Dan A+++ you earned some browny points with Joe. PNO ironically was sent a damning package of info from Cranney with horrible repulsive articles old of course by Winner that made it clear who the bad guys really were. But Dan can you tell us why you didn’t send the last article linked above??? You know the one where Winner threatens you guys and says he didn’t know the whole story and you fed him a crock of shit the same crock you served up to JB? I think you must have just forgotten about that one right? Or maybe Joe told you NOT to? Well thankfully we are thorough and we followed your advice to check out Winner thanks for the tip! Oh by the way we shared that last Winner article with at least a dozen Red Frog home owners and guess what? They all said you sent them all of the old Winner articles too but not that last one. You guys are funny especially you DAN and both “Jay’s”.
At WORST, this reveals that RED FROG BEACH engaged in the same Wag the Dog tactics of exploitative and purchased creation myth that they claim they are victims of themselves. OMG did JOE HALEY constantly chide that the press never gave them a fair shake to J.B. Always the victim……always. My issue is not with DON WINNER at all. Did what he did to make a few bucks reek of opportunism and conviction by playing both sides ? YES. But has anyone watched ANY news network over the past 15 years? Give him credit for being the Grandfather of TMZ in Panama. But for RFB to promote him as an example of their good deeds? Flat out stupid CRANNEY,MILLER, or SILVER. My take on this is that RED FROG BEACH stopped paying and WINNER jumped ship or perhaps as he wrote he finally really did look into the facts. Capitalism meet Bocas. Look, JOE could have kept paying WINNER to demonize DeLAPE and KIIBLER, but he chose to up the ante. Who needs a blogger when you’ve gotta a Dutchess that will trade favors down at the courthouse or the Registry? Yes my dear don’t worry for now your text messages we’ve been given are safe until perhaps we get a jolt. You know I think that when you are used to getting away with stuff for so many years you can get complacent? Or maybe you thank you can trust people until the money stops flowing and then your own texts can be used against you criminally? Steven there was a guy named Kenneth Lay he worked for a little known company you probably never heard of called Enron. You remind us a lot of Mr. Lay accept what we have been sent really loops you into the mix as having knowledge of quite a lot of lets say “Dark dark dark grey areas” nah its not grey quite Black actually. Someone should take the cell phones away from Ms. Bussing and also the guy who gives away 5000 square meter lots; we’re sitting on all of that info for the time being. We are however more than willing to release that “Respected” Panamanians name and what his company has done legitimately and illigitimately in exchange for “benefits” or “payments in kind” from RFB.
What JOE HALEY and all of the little online apparitions that fly around the offices of RED FROG should know is that J.B is NOT at all DON WINNER. This post is for him. I’m sure I could have contacted you JOE. I could have sent you a draft of this. And in the same manner you do with Ministers and the sons of Diputados (Senators), you could invite me as you offered to JB a lovely stay at RED FROG all expenses paid, maybe even set me up with a señorita too. Maybe we could have sat on the rail with you at Habanos and discussed a monthly stipend for advertising on PNO paid for by Bolton or someone else who thinks their money is going to build their dream condo. Meanwhile its being used to plug other holes any of this sound familiar? You know JOE, the regular sort of CEO type gestures. But that is not me, and J.B is not gonna get worse before he sees you and BOLTON held accountable. Your simply not a genuine man Joe. Your a bit Frank Abignale Jr, mixed in with a little “Carlos Danger”, finished with a splash of “Ron Mexico”. This is a true Mexican standoff, please send another document or call for me to prove what we have. YOU WON’T, cause you KNOW we have it and you know what I am saying is true. You are on your way to your own episode of AMERICAN GREED.
What was the need to create “JAY SILVER” or “JAY MILLER“? Why make him such a high ranking official with no online presence. Why did the lovely SINA PFAU have more of a bio that the VICE PRESIDENT – Jay Silver?
If your so in the right,,,,,,,Why in the fuck did you need to CREATE FAKE PEOPLE/SUPPORTERS? Or did DAN CRANNEY insist it was HE that not use his real name as to support JOE because he was not willing to go that far? These questions at the very least deserve to be answered.
But the last time I read the transcripts of email chains from a buyer (Bob) that HAD legit questions. Ones that were formatted properly, ones that were completely valid. HE was VILIFIED, MOCKED, CASTIGATED, and BULLIED by JOE HALEY and his few die hard supporters/family/accomplices/co-conspirators you get the picture. And for the record we never spoke to Bob but certainly respected is position and right to ask sound questions and get back answers without being attacked and threatened. Anyone see any patterns forming here….. Take a look at the emails….
Allow all to be introduced to the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in JOE HALEY’S life! Period.
Mr.Francis DeLape represents the FOUNDATION and PILLARS that support his 15 year long
narrative that provides that meat and potatoes of his claims of being a victim. When all else fails, bring up Frank.
First and foremost, nothing written here today will provide any safe haven or be a source of sanctuary for Mr.Francis “Frank” DeLape. But in the case of JOE HALEY, without him he has NOTHING and was done long ago at RFB.
There is literally nothing more that I can add into the dealings of Mr.Frank DeLape and his wife Kimberly, that was not covered in granular detail by Peter Holley of “Houstonia” in the attached article. Read and form your own opinion, it of course was sent to us by Dan, err Jay Miller/Silver one of the three of them.
After having multiple conversations with JOE HALEY, (pardon me, boss of JAY SILVER and JAY MILLER) DeLape was made into the “Boogeyman”. Someone you did not want to mess with. JOE HALEY told J.B while I was on the line that he felt not only that DeLAPE was involved in organized crime, but that there was a very mysterious murder in Bocas in which local lore has attached to DeLAPE. **Please allow me to clarify that PNO nor any of us here feel that way absent an actual conviction** But the implication was indeed clearly madeJoe even warned us we should be fearful of Frank. He stated clearly that he was a dangerous person he and all of the Tres Cruces associates had burned down houses with woman and children inside, destroyed bridges, and invaded countless other properties quite dangerous and sinister were the words he used to describe their acts. Joe stated that DeLape gave all of his holdings to Kiibler whom was equally dangerous. We know from speaking with Kiibler that is NOT true as much was discussed in his interview, however, that doesn’t stop Joe from creating and promoting the narrative that best suits his needs. We wonder if he makes things up in the same manner in dealing with his other partners, investors and clients? Nah why would he have any reason to tell a lie?
So why is Mr.Frank DeLAPE so important to JOE HALEY? It is because he is the only name that can be mentioned that sticks or I should say that has more stigma attached to it than Haley’s himself. Better said, optically speaking Frank DeLape has a much darker reputation than Joe especially online. Now having said that and not to defend Frank DeLape Joe certainly had his hand in spinning and defaming DeLape via Winner initially, via Bocas Unidos and through other back channels. Well done Dan!
Forget the facts that:
As professionally laid out in the above linked article there is little more for me to add. What can be said about Joe’s goto life preserver Frank DeLape’s glorious mansion on the lake in Houston is gone. So are the floor seats for Joel Osteen on Sundays, and for the Houston Rockets during the week. Mr.Frank DeLAPE has been involved in many a deals gone bad. Not unlike many people who threw their hat into the ring PRIOR to the real estate crash and subsequent bailouts. His relevancy now in Panama exists ONLY for the purpose of making JOE HALEY look better and to muster support under a known false pretense. Anyone starting to see a pattern here regarding the old Haley Playbook? Steven?
So who are the nefarious, dark alley deal making, heinous criminals that comprise the criminal enterprise of Tres Cruces de Oro.
MR.RICHARD KIIBLER, the most defamed of all people that came into contact with Mr.FRANK DeLAPE by Joe Haley. Kiibler owned and operated a successful tennis club and other businesses in Houston, Texas. In connecting the dots from our interview it is implied it was there where he fell into the mirage of what was FRANK DeLAPE.
When asked now, why he still is even involved in Panama?,,,,,,his answer to J.B and myself was pretty clear. “He lost quite a bit of money, sleep and time, defending the company’s Polo Beach property just as others in the group have and I won’t stand idly by and let that occur. I know that a company I am part of owns POLO BEACH outright and we will NEVER go away or stop defending our titled property there”.
As for Mr.FRANCIS “FRANK” DeLAPE, well he tried coal, and unless this is the Roosevelt administration that was a bad call. If you think you can go after him, your too late. We have been told and believe me JB dug deep! All arrows point to heaven. We didn’t speak to Frank nor do we care to but have it on good authority that he’s now partnered with the best partner EVER in GOD. Seems Frank saw the light and is involved now in someway in ministry.
No people, FRANK DeLAPE only exists in relevancy today as a means to make JOE HALEY seem like a martyr who was wronged. Look who we are still standing up to everyone. His well rehearsed Knute Rockne speech. Quick segue, does STEVE BOLTON not look like he’s filming an Al Qaeda hostage tape during those RF video updates? It’s like they prop him up with a broomstick up his backside and speedball him a valium before filming. The whole thing looks like one of those TIME LIFE Best of the 70’s informercials with “Air Supply”. Guys free piece of legal advice stop doing the video calls and updates. Where’s the board stopping you now Joe? Steven/Joe everything you say on those video calls can and will be used against you I promise!
Whew, only halfway through, but I hope your still paying attention.
Another name you may have heard JOE HALEY create into some mythical figure of dread is WILLIAM “BILLY” BONGIORNO. This is where JOE nestles comfortably into the area of straight up RACISM. Let’s face it, …..that is one helluva name. Sounds like it came from a script of THE SOPRANOS. So after hearing JOE HALEY bring this name up to both myself and JB on a phone call, we had my US investigator dig into him in the states, along with Anthony Gernander in Panama.
The following is what was collectively discovered. WILLIAM aka “BILLY” BONGIORNO does not break necks or backs for the “mafia” as alleged by JOE HALEY. More often in fact he could be found “adjusting” them, because WILLIAM aka “BILLY” BONGIORNO is/was a flipping CHIROPRACTOR. A small, portly gentleman that from appearances doesn’t look like he would be able to punch his way out of a wet paper bag. But again…………GREAT NAME. Also, and for the record Dr. Bongiorno please don’t take offense I’m also a little guy and couldn’t punch my way out of a wet paper bag either. LOL. From what Anthony dug up he’s retired in Boquete and plants vegetables that he sells at the local farmers market.
Albeit FRANK DeLAPE on the other hand according to Joe was a MOUNTAIN of a man who played football while in the Naval Academy. Take that visual, with BONGIORNO’S name, and you are halfway through the mob script. JOE HALEY has kept that narrative alive for 15 years. And the only people he has hurt are those that keep giving him money and perhaps DeLape’s online presence.
JOE HALEY’s entire mirage of being a victim centers around FRANK DeLAPE and Six Diamonds, and the kicker is despite DeLAPES unsavory rep, RED FROG LOST in both the US and in PANAMA. I’ve heard all the stories. Frank never paid full amount he owed to an old couple in Bocas on another property, but they gave him title before funds settled on some other island. If true, Scummy, yes. Wrong,yes. Will he go to HELL, MAYBE. Prosecutable, NO. Now we’ve been sent every Frank DeLape Bocas horror story you can imagine he and everyone else previously named as well Haley and Cranney tied them to all sorts of other unsavory people with an actual Chronogram that they distribute as if it were true and factual. I mean we got it an elaborate web was made up and disseminated to us and others as if it was all factual. Very dumb move Joe by the way. That may come back to bite you. But back to Frank…. We”ve spoken to some of his alleged victims and we tend to believe some of the DeLAPE stories too. But we’ve seen Joe and Dan’s propensity to flat out make shit up so we will withhold judgment for now.
Does Perlito Narvise, aka POLO look and sound like Gollum of Lord of the Rings? YES. Does he eat rats from trees like people say he does? Quite possibly, but I don’t know. But is his sale LEGAL in Panama? YES.
So does Six Diamonds, while under the stewardship of FRANK DeLAPE make an impression in Bocas del Toro? Sure. Did the cutthroat manner in which DeLAPE do business as a CEO not jive with the laid back, Haight Ashbury, hippie vibe of the locals in Bocas? YES. Was he an opportunist? YES. Did he make enemies? YES. Prosecutable offenses? NO. In fact to defend Mr. DeLape for only one sentence we can say that NOT one story was corroborated regarding him and land issues in Bocas. Nobody not one criminal conviction in Panama was provided. As best we can discern he was good at raising interest and good at raising money. But in Panama he apparently built nothing, did a lot of talking and made his fair share of enemies inclusive of his ex employees, shareholders and other officers of the company that we contacted.
Remember earlier I mentioned the difference between the criminals that are smart and know when to get out? By this criterion, certain people are actually very smart, Because when all the legal wrangling is over your often left with a very simple heads or tails decision……the TRUTH vs BULLSHIT. (DeLAPE) for example, despite his alleged mis-deeds has not seen a day behind bars now both Jay Silver and Miller did put in writing they heard DeLape was in jail but couldn’t prove it, But he knew when to pack up and move along. He knew that every CEO has some sort of civil discord that appears in the past. It’s almost a side effect of the position. But criminal prosecution is a killer. After the dust of Panama settled, he still had his name, his wife, and his place in the Houston elite. In other words, the pond was still stocked. In this game, that’s a WIN, But that Houstonia article may have stripped away some of that as well.
Then you have the other types, the ones who lie and bullshit so much, the lie becomes the lighthouse they depend on to guide them home. They double down and end up making a mistake, often ones that change their lives and family’s irrevocably. These are not seasoned criminals, they are not calculated, they react rather than plan. See, JOE HALEY found his mark in STEVEN BOLTON. I have seen the scenario play itself out before. DeLape Chapter of the Haley saga closed he was mostly used by Joe to play the role of Vader when needed. So who’s gonna call it Joe or Steven? Heads or Tails?
Here is where the rubber meets the road. See by this point in time JOE HALEY has attained his PHD in Panama. It’s as corrupt as Nigeria. Through (4) administrations RED FROG BEACH has played all the right people, said all the right things. shook all the right hands, and yet still they do not OWN POLO BEACH, and they will NEVER OWN POLO BEACH. JOE is merely a gringo mark himself in Panama to the Panamanians that has bested the world record for nor checking out. “Why” you might say? Because it is very easy to proceed when you are SPENDING OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!!!! Namely BOLTONS.
When working with the special investigator that J.B brought to some of the RFB Owners that contacted him, the same one who testified for the prosecution for the FBI, SEC, and IRS, the same one that some RFB victims chose to overlook and go with completely in-experienced counsel with no background in international law, let alone land disputes. Yeah, that guy. He was smart, was retired and only considered it because of how easy he said he could and can attain an indictment.
See JOE HALEY has no fear of Panamanian law. It is the one aspect as stated he has shown to be proficient at. He realizes they are all corrupt, and if you can’t beat them,,,,,,,,,well you know the rest. So go ahead and get your $300/hr US lawyers, to contact some banana republic lawyer, and my money goes on the banana guy. 10/10 cause he will know that guy that is banging the gal that works for the guy you need. YAHTZEE,,,,,,Welcome to Panama.
Apparently, what your trusted CEO does not know is BLUE SKY LAWS in the United States. The funniest part is Joe formed a company called Blue Sky Investments an LLC here in the US for the project in Panama how ironic. It is apparent, because at this point in the story, the mistakes are just too brazen. IRONIC even in that JOE HALEY (fuck up that he is) managed to just keep making them. Politics aside from any Trumpers out there, its the same creation myth bullshit. “The election was stolen!!” Do you have proof? Well no,,,,,,,,next case, Hey JOE HALEY has lied, manipulated, certainly he has misrepresented on a daily basis with zero remorse and has condoned his agents to bribe giving them the necessary financial support or land.” Do you have any PROOF you ask? Enough to make you vomit your honor or choke a mule better said. Hey, who knows? The stupid rich people that walked away from a sure conviction can tell us in around 15 years of useless litigation AFTER these two pricks are afforded bankruptcy protection and your left trying to prove criminal after civil. rather than the other way around. Good call. I was able to read many of the exchanges on these meetings and have seen JOE HALEY look like Henry Hill looking for the helicopters in “Goodfellas”. All the people saying “charge of the light brigade”…..”let’s take action”….”The time to fight is nigh”…….All Bullshit and nobody did a thing.
Read on your own, most of you are the smart ones right? But to paraphrase here to save some time. the key word here is “GUARANTEE“. This word typically surrounds an investment that has the monetary ability to use said term. It is NEVER used in Real Estate. Simply never not when marketing or selling to American citizens. And if you do so, and your agents or sales person lacks a Series 7 license and they also must register your “Guarantee” with the SEC you see that is called a “Security” JOE, Steven and Dan your just at the beginning of the swirl down the shitter. That being said,……
Seems like “C.Clark”, no indication of Mr. or Mrs. is quite happy with that “rental income GUARANTEE”. OOps there is that word again. See that is a big No,No. Question to all reading this, regardless of your side of the HALEY vs REALITY fence you stand on……..Has anyone secured this type of return? Because the law states by posting this they are more than implying that you will also attain this and it is the standard for all that have invested or will. YIKES BOYS GET A ROPE!!
Secondly, and more importantly,……….Does anyone even know who the fuck C.Clark is? Nobody that contacted us from RF does.
JOE/STEVEN, can you produce C.CLARK? If not then thats another real big problem… See, because as an attorney that “passed” the bar and does not “hang” out at them, I would have advised you of:
Under 15 U.S. Code § 45, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the power to stop and penalize parties “using unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” This makes it a crime to break official rules imposed by the FTC. And the FTC forbids the use of fake testimonials. Crime #1 guaranteeing 15% returns of your investment up to $1.5M when you buy at Red Frog. That’s Blue Sky and illegal not up for interpretation. Now don’t confuse that with the Federal Laws of the FTC and creating or using Fake Testimonials. Steven B. do a quick 2 minute google search. Then go change your underwear! Then call Joe and remove the C. Clarke testimonial from the website and remove and scrub anything where you guys “Guaranteed” 15% to US citizens. And hopefully, nothing was ever mailed out via the US Postal service that stated the 15% or showed C. Clarke wait it was according to investors that contacted us. If so the use of the US Postal service in the commission of a crime that is getting up there boys. Then if anyone invested based on that did they send a wire? Was the US banking system used in the act or commission of a crime? Its too late but now that you’ve been called out better get it down anyway boys just to be on the safe side of things. NOTE: Beyond enormous financial sanctions this crime is also punishable with PRISON. Might want to lawyer up or consider some type of BIG SALE.
******FREE GIFT FROM PNO to the WORLD**********
So in the interest of pure PHILANTHROPY- to ANYONE who purchased anything at RED FROG BEACH after the date this C.CLARK testimonial appeared………you just WON your case! PERIOD. Your welcome dumb rich people That is just a gift from J.B and myself to all of you. That is of course unless JOE HALEY can “actually” create another person that nobody else seems to know and nobody else is getting the same purported profits as good ole C. Clark. I think C. Clark may have been college roommates with both Jay Silver and Jay Miller. Perhaps the Jay’s got associates degrees in Catfishing whilst C. Clark dropped out of Law School from City College of Narnia.
MAJOR,MAJOR,MAJOR fuck up. Is there any proof that has been shared that would go so far as to demonstrate that JOE HALEY would go so far as to make someone up a fake person, JOE? And would he be so bold as to do so for financial gain? Double digit guarantees annualy and we aren’t talking 10% no sir 15% RFB pays a better dividend than even stocks like Wells Fargo or COPA! Where do I sign up?
If anyone states that they made their purchase into RED FROG BEACH on the basis of how “C.Clark” has performed, they have been a victim of SECURITIES FRAUD and/or violations of Federal Law set forth and established by the FTC among several other slew of charges. And YES smart people, those are not just parking tickets in the US, they are FEDERAL.
Or how about a real estate developer having the BALLS to have a BLACK FRIDAY SALE errr Cash Grab.
BLACK FRIDAY – Two questions for anyone who took advantage of this great OFFER. I hope the prospective buyer asked these questions.
A) Are the lots were being sold at such a massive bargain currently involved in any disputes over ownership that would affect our investment you know LOTS 411 and 418? Legit question right? They are clearly on the titled property of Tres Cruces disputed by you. That’s a crime Joe and Steven. You can’t sell or offer or promote what you DO NOT OWN! You know you don’t own it because we were sent your LOST appeals both to ANATI and the SUPREME COURT whilst you were promoting this for sale back in November for BLACK FRIDAY. Its still on your site even as recently as NOW as this blog is being post you disingenuous prick! If you did take any deposit on these lots I hope you rot in jail. Likewise if not the fact that you continue to represent its yours by posting it on your master plan is yet another Consumer Fraud the FTC should hit you with as soon as your buyers step up and call you accountable.
B) Will you be able to assure receipt of clear title? Another legit question.
Another PNO gift to the world. The answer is “YES” and “NO”. How can they sell lots that don’t belong to them? They can’t and if any deposits came in on those they just become more collateral damage in a 14 year legal battle where eventually the deposit amount reaches the rate of diminishing return to battle over and become more cannon fodder in Panama. My guess is that money if taken went to Steve and Joe, of course BEFORE they eventually file for bankruptcy protection. Surely to be granted considering COVID. I’ve seen the HALEY video meetings. He looks like a martyr saying “we’re here fighting the good fight in spite of COVID. My ass, COVID was and is his life line. He’s the happiest COVID mfucker in the world. A full year of gathering up more sheckles, with a built in excuse in the waiting and not having to pay notes to the bank. Steve wants his money back. BLACK FRIDAY my ass. They are selling POLO BEACH. Another ORANGE JUMPSUIT level offense.
Number 1- never heard of in the history of real estate for an already established project to slash prices by hundreds of thousands for a weekend. Maybe in the case of Pre-construction you get a free washer/drier, but not when people already invested to see their implied equity or value disappear with the click of JOE HALEY’S keyboard. I know I would be pissed if what I bought just had a 100k – 220K lopped off the price there is a thing called comps in real estate.
So now we have high salaried employees getting ousted, commissions not being paid, allegations of major skimming on repairs and gas, apparitions getting “guaranteed” returns, and solicitation of new sales still occurring. Anyone re-considering my BOLTON to PAR hypothesis yet or maybe its simply ride it until the wheels fall off with no remorse whatsoever?
To the people that have been along for the long ride, do not dismay. There are about 8 other charges that are being formatted that you “Long Haulers” can benefit from. The people to contact have already been disseminated. It’s just nobody has paid attention. J.B., Anthony. and a verified reference from the actual FBI, gave some of you a path…NONE OF YOU DID SHIT other than talk! So J.B is in recovery, Anthony is working on a case in Boquete, and the investigator is in a hammock somewhere near Margaritaville. I wonder what the people that went to speak to a US lawyer have been invoiced so far? I wonder what the people that thought there would be above board inter-play between a US and Panamanian firm are doing? Joe counted on you people doing exactly that, as he knows it leads NOWHERE. Swallow this fact no matter how hard it is to go down,,,,,,,NO AMERICAN LEGAL ACTION WILL WIN ANYTHING IN PANAMA, NOTHING! 16 years have passed and some RED FROG BUYERS still don’t have a flipping TITLE to their homes. Yet the train keeps chugging alone. “Hello,Mr. and Mrs, Mark…………..Mr.$300 an hour will see you now.”
A few minutes later..”Of course we can win, I’ll nail these guys! Marsha can you grab a few Pellegrino’s and bring them to the Mark’s on my $6,000 Natuzzi Leather couch?” “Oh,and bring them over the retainer papers to sign and a complimentary pen from the firm “.
What a fucking story we have here people!!! It starts off as a Cloak and Dagger thriller, quickly moves into a Mob movie, veers off into a Wall Street Financial crime flick and now it turns into a swashbuckling tale of “PIRATES, LAND RAIDERS, and INVADING BUCCANEERS”. Pass the popcorn or coconuts.
On more than one occasion, those very same monikers have been labeled upon Richard Kiibler, William Baquet, or any other official, representative, or person that is associated with Tres Cruces de Oro. In a phone conversation held between JOE HALEY and J.B, it was HALEY who stated that the group “invaded” the shores with armed thugs and even stated that Mr.Kiibler “threatened” STEVEN BOLTON and his “wife” with physical violence. That is precisely how it was explained to J.B. by Joe. Now there are videos that exist on YOUTUBE, that really amount to nothing more than unintelligible screaming back and forth, and walkways and paths being impeded upon. COMPLETE LIES. I’ve watched every second of these exchanges and the aggressor has always been these “security” THUGS from RED FROG BEACH. Also, I am ashamed to say I watched all of a 42 minute video and at no point does Kiibler threaten Bolton or his wife as reported by Haley. It was pure fiction again by Haley. Joe in the video clearly there are over a half dozen Red Frog security guards filming on their phones the entire back and forth please produce the clip where Steven Bolton and his wife are physically threatened by anyone. I can’t fathom that you nor Bolton did not file charges if that did indeed occur? The video showed the mayor was present, the chief of police and what appeared to be dozens of thugs from Red Frog? Surely they will all be witnesses to your claim? That will never happen because Joe Haley is just a flat out a liar people. Is he a sociopath? I think clearly he is without a doubt. Has he gone to far and for that has no choice but to continue down the path he has chosen? Without question. He’s the second type we discussed and he didn’t plan he is just winging it.
Now here is where the “newbies” and those that think they have even an elementary understanding of Panama need to digest. According to the Supreme Court Tres Cruces owns Polo Beach. According to ANATI (Government Land Authority), they titled the property of POLO BEACH in Tres Cruces name twice. Period. That is what it says. Do we hear from the Tres Cruces guys still? Five times since October and as recently as yesterday. They have forwarded to us or Anthony at PSG 5 rulings between October of 2020 through Feb of 2021 rulings from Anati and from the Supreme Court all unequivocal victories for Tres Cruces. Happy for them not happy for anyone that was sold a lot by Red Frog on Polo Beach. Also, not happy for anyone that bought anything from Red Frog that was told or misrepresented that Polo Beach or North Beach as they call it at times was theres. It clearly is represented even today on there promotional material and master plan even today. With no disclaimer whatsoever. But I digress….
So the “threatening” and “invading” occurrence explained to JB by Joe and Dan and the Jay’s. Attached here is Tres Cruces de Oro, invading the property that they own RFB has staffed with “thugs”. Tres Cruces “The pirates that they are” arrive with a lawyer, a Federal Police officer, and some paperwork. One hell of a way to invade and plunder. But when you tie the pirates to the mafia and money laundering (I almost forget) the Jay’s told us that via email they launder money to and then sprinkle in murder and DeLape there’s your after school special produced and directed by Joseph Haley. And all you stupid sheep are fed this crap and then you write your congressman and the President you must feel a little gullible and stupid the way Joe continues to play you all? Steven any thoughts?
Please observe how even the Police officer is treated by this Red Frog mob.
Click on both of the tabs, and then enter with the URL that appears underneath depending on your media player. Should work on all.
The second video, where Kiibler is apparently threatening, is only him re-stating in English the transcription that is being read from the Supreme Court. I viewed the update video that JOE HALEY disseminated after and it was utterly dramatic flip flop bullshit. As a matter of fact, the ONLY thing McKINNEY got wrong in his piece, are the shirts are GREEN and NOT BLUE. No wonder that article had them shitting their pants.
This whole matter is make believe. Its a cover up people for representing they owned something they don’t. I’ve learned a few things since all of this first, I’d retire in Bismarck, North Dakota before the Caribbean side of Panama. And JOE HALEY is disingenuous at best, and a complete rotten liar at worst. CRANNEY was a “catfisher”, VICENTE is a prop lawyer and does what is told, BOLTON wants his money back, and highly compensated employees have been let go in short order with massive amounts of money owed to them. NIKKI BEACH is a red-Herring only existing to keep people around longer. C.CLARK is actually “Beetlejuice” and a SEC, and FTC fuck up of felony proportions, and J.B has not even presented the WHATS’ APP messages which will be a complete tapout for many. Did you buy something, anything, where you delivered exactly what you were sold? Be it a villa, a condo, a timeshare, a lot with a title? Where you ever offered something else? Was there an excuse? Did you get offered X but bought Y? Were you a victim of ESCROW FRAUD? An escrow agent by definition should be arms length with no more allegiance to one side over the other. NOT THE LAWYER OF ONE SIDE OF THE TRANSACTION THAT”S A NO NO MEANING ILLEGAL! Do you hold a guarantee of property for loans and/or investments? Were you aware of everyone else including banks in front of you its called full disclosure? Did they convince you to SUB DECLARE the value of your land? All or any of the above should make you take pause. But the later if in fact you did it you actively committed a crime yourself in Panama. To save RF massive money in taxes and save yourselves hundreds of dollars a year STUPID! We recommend you fix that and quickly. Cut an amnesty deal with the Panamanian tax authority get a lawyer they will take it, meaning the government if you move quickly and come clean. We know its happened because several of you came to JB and Anthony with your contracts along with emails from good ole gmail lawyers telling you this is how we do it in Panama don’t worry. You know one last free piece of advice when someone tells you DON”T WORRY this is how we do it in Panama. Always WORRY! The law is amazing I love it and live to practice and uphold it but people you do NOT want to be on the wrong side of it especially to save a few hundred dollars a year. Consider the source.
Getting to the emails I just want to preface the follow. Joe and his friends, family members etc, that are part of the project are in fact bullies. We at PNO saw first hand their Modus Operandi. Its absolute sociopathic behavior on parade over there. They lie, they divert, and take liberties in the twisting and creation with xero regard for the truth. This is just one small chain of emails we have were they attack an owner to stifle his questions all of which were legitimate concerns where answers were evaded and the twist was applied………
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx;. xxxxxxxxxxxxx; xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 12:58
To: J B <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Unanswered Questions
———- Forwarded message ———
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 2:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Unanswered Questions
To: Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To My Fellow Investors and Owners: Re: The Continuing Saga of RF Beach
I know we are in a toxic situation everywhere these days but we need some perspective here in our Red Frog venture. I am NOT here to root for anyone in
particular. I am involved, as others are, to make money on my investment, period! Business is business as they say.
I assume we all have the same objective and do NOT understand the attacking of each other with disparaging comments. I was surprised at the
invective thrown around by our “members”. What that achieves i have no idea but it is toxic! Who cares how much money one made in their lifetime. Who cares
who has more degrees than another. What does that mean in the scheme of things? This is an investment to make money as far as i am concerned, nothing more, nothing less!
My business background is to try for common ground and have open dialogue so as to solve problems with positive resolutions NOT blindly following
others down a hole. I do NOT believe in blind faith. I believe in results, facts and solid decisions being made for the good of the project. The end game is what counts, not the
continuing saga of the last 18 yrs or so.
That being said, it should NOT be so difficult to get answers to questions. Everyone talks about transparency but then forgets what it means. I do NOT believe that only one (1) person is the be all that will bring us to the promised land. Share the wealth as they say. Two percent (2%) of millions is worth more than one hundred percent 100%) of zero.
As the saying goes, if you think you are the smartest person in the room then you are in the wrong room! Where is the synergy?
We should be bringing people IN our circle rather than trying to isolate people into competing groups. How long do we go on like this?
We need a open discussion on our needs and problems at hand. I always believed the more input of ideas the better the solutions. What committees are there supporting
the WHOLE PROJECT? Who has the magic wand to make this financially successful? Where is the synergy? Who is handling the political, economic, social and cultural issues of the day? Sounds like a pretty tough and compelling task.
There are too many competing groups destroying the entire project. We need COMPLIMENTARY groups pulling in the same direction. No one is an island as they say.
Many of us have given up trying to help due to a lack of support or information forthcoming. Anyone who believed this was an easy undertaking in the first place would be considered
quite naive, i think!
This has been a monumental undertaking and i would think all the expertise and input from WHEREVER IT COMES would be welcome. Those that know more should be contributing with brains and, if they are predisposed, with more money. Are you? Why not?
In conclusion, the rancor is getting us absolutely nowhere. Whether one likes a partner or not should not matter as long as the end game is the same. The proof is in the pudding.
(written by SMART MAN)
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Joseph Haley <>
Date: Nov 16, 2019 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Unanswered Questions
To: Joseph Haley <>
Thank you very much for both the public and private supportive emails – it means a great deal to me. Your support is the fuel that keeps me charging us forward, especially during challenging times.
I wanted to try to close the loop on this group conversation if I could so we can all focus on more productive endeavors. My intent was not to marginalize Bob’s concerns, in fact both Steve and I have had private conversations in the past in attempt to assuage them. In addition, we will include answers to the pertinent questions in our next update. Our hope for future group communication is that its respectful, honest, and organized. Because of our large group, so we have focused more frequent communication and decision involvement with the AMC and provided written updates to the entire membership as appropriate. If our updates do not provide sufficient information, we propose that any individual concerns are sent to Steve and I and we will answer directly. If those answers are not sufficient or members wish to send communication onto the group at large, those requests should be sent to Steve and I which will be forwarded onto the AMC for approval.
I hope this is a reasonable communication construct that will allow us to focus on achieving our strategic objectives.
Thank you again. Joe
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Friday, November 15, 2019 at 8:30 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs
Subject: Re: Unanswered Questions
(replied by dumb ass- please reply your support of Joe after the lies we have shown and the treatment of employees)
On Nov 15, 2019, at 1:25 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(written by either a brother, family member, or closeted lover, ridiculous blind support, I think David Koresh ran RED FROG)
On Nov 15, 2019, at 12:13 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
Bob, Bob, Bob…
shame on you. perhaps you were bullied when you were a child? perhaps you never had any emotional attachment? perhaps you suffer from shame and codependency? either way, my guess is that you live your life numbing your vulnerabilities in some way. you are a BULLY. you lack integrity. you are rude and always have been. you’re a meany. you should be sent to the principals office. you should be sent to your room and put in timeout. you will be on santa’s naughty list. you are acting like a child. i will pray for you.
i digress…
as a major shareholder (top 5), i support you 100% to NOT answer Bob. The questions have merit so address them as you see fit.
75% of my retirement is in Redfrog. I’ve been in the homebuilding industry for 25 years, having built over $1 Billion of residential real estate. yes, Billion, with “B”. I have dealt with every person from contractors to employees to customers and have dealt with the “Bobs” the same way. i give them a warning. If they continue their immature behavior, i fire them or cancel there contract. None of my employees ever deserve to be treated like XXXX feels he can treat people.
( So lets wrap our hands around this. An owner with just as much right and interest in his investment regardless of the size of his investment. He is asking questions that put JOE HALEY and STEVEN BOLTON on the spot, which they should be as they are the leaders. In pops a rottweiler to chew his goddamn throat off. With no cogent reasons as to why these questions are out of line. This guy really has a high opinion of himself. Well allow me to be equally cocksure in stating I have been involved in countless prosecutions of blue and white collar crimes that has seen people with “Billions” with a “B.” Sometimes that “B” becomes “Bankruptcy”, “Bars”, “Bail” and even “Bentonville” and “Bolton”!
this is an extremely difficult time. I take great risk in exposing myself in this manner, lowering myself to XXXX level. but i could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch XXXXXX bully people and ask for an audience while he does so.
Additionally, i recently had friends cancel a $1.5+ contract with Redfrog. without speaking for them, they were sent negative information on Redfrog from homeowners of ours. I don’t understand it. i believe in transparency, but to send “fake news” (yes, i said fake news)…..WHY?? i have learned of several contracts that were lost because of similar reasons: “our own homeowners passing on negative information”. The money could have been used to invest in important updates for the resort, including infrastructure and amenity needs that would have added value to Redfrog. My friend wanted to practice medicine at RF and Bocas helping us and the community. How many more deals will we destroy by negativity? again, be transparent, but know the difference between transparency and self destruction.
phew, pass the peanuts…
( Noticeably, the questions are still not answered)
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 1:32 AM (the sacrificial lamb) > wrote:
I understand you sent out an email to everyone (except me) in which you complained about my email early today being inaccurate, unproductive, etc. You replied privately and repeated your complaint. I responded privately asking you to point out specifically in what way my email is in anyway inaccurate or irrelevant. You have thus far failed or refused to do so. So I openly invite you and any of the partners to please point out which question(s) the answer(s) to which would not be of interest to the partners, particularly since you raised the possibility of a bankruptcy or some kind of restructuring in the recent conference call. Also, please point out any factual errors.
I’d also like to point out one very simple fact – the questions remain unanswered.
It seems that since the One Company initiative was enacted that the regular quarterly conference calls became a thing of the past. And recently you further diminished the calls by refusing to take interactive Q&A. (we at PNO know the feeling) In the most recent conference call you asked us at the end of your presentation if there were any questions. I was typing an email with my question but you gave us only a few seconds before you abruptly ended the call. That didn’t promote trust. May I make a constructive suggestion for improving investor relations? Make a commitment to us to resume having regularly scheduled quarterly conference calls with the partners where you take Q&A from the partners interactively. Those were very much appreciated in past years. I think that would go a long way in restoring trust and demonstrating a commitment to normal investor relations.
Did I miss something? What was wrong with those questions
> On Nov 14, 2019, at 12:16 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
> Joe,
> I asked a number of questions of you via email nearly a month ago. You have not responded despite your promise to me to answer questions submitted directly to you and/or Steve Bolton. Here is a summary of the questions I asked along with clarifications, corrections and some additions. I would appreciate answers to these as I am sure other partners would as well.
> 1. If you are replaced will you make yourself available for knowledge transfer to the new leadership and/or provide consulting as needed?
> 2. Is there a change of leadership already in the works? If so, what is going on?
> 3. Are minutes kept of Active Management Committee Meetings? If so will you make them available to all of the partners?
> 4. Will you commit to keeping minutes of all AMC meetings in the future and in them record how each member of the AMC votes on any issues presented to them and make these minutes available to all partners?
> 5. If you are seriously considering filing for any bankruptcy, restructuring, etc. which would either completely cancel or diminish the equity stakes of the partners will you commit to first holding a conference call with the partners and disclose such and have an interactive discussion with the partners and answer our questions?
> 6. The last I knew your most recent efforts to raise additional capital had resulted in about $1M from a few of the existing partners and that you were approaching villa owners with the same offer of a secured debt instrument. You have not communicated with the partners as to the results of that effort so please do so now. Of the $2M you have recently been seeking how much has been raised?
> 7. What is the likelihood of a default, bankruptcy, restructuring etc?
> 8. If I remember correctly there is a $1.2M payment due next year to the labor union pursuant to the settlement of the strike. Does the company plan to pay this or default on that obligation?
> 9. In your recent (one-sided) call with the partners to solicit fundraising via the secured debt instrument mentioned above you characterized the survival of the company as being completely dependent upon successfully titling the disputed land to which the adverse party was recently granted title. Did you make the same characterization to the villa owners when soliciting investment in those same debt instruments?
> 10. Was a highly optimistic projection of future villa rental bookings made to the villa owners in your presentation? If that comes to pass would it not significantly improve the value of our BSH equity?
> 11. Will you make other officers of the company available to answer questions for the partners?
> 12. Is your refusal to have an interactive conversation with the partners truly about audio quality (it’s never been an issue in prior years) or is it really about avoiding difficult questions?
> 13. When you presented the deal points of the One Company initiative to us there was a bullet point about AMC members having increased visibility into company operations or words to that effect. You said nothing about decreasing existing transparency with all of the partners. Will you resume interactive conference calls with the partners?
> 14. Prior to a recent conference call with the partners you asked us to submit our questions via email in advance and that you would answer them on the call instead of taking live questions. I submitted my questions in advance and directly asked you to not alter either the spirit or substance of the questions. I specifically asked question #1 above. In the call you gave a general response about your desire to eventually step down but your discussion did not disclose my actual question and certainly was not responsive to it. It seemed to me that you were avoiding answering the truly difficult questions. You have recently complained to the partners about how you feel that you have been treated unfairly by the media in Panama by their distortion/omission of important facts. Can you please explain to us why you have the right to complain about such treatment if you engage in similar behavior yourself?
> Best Regards,
(JOE answer the fucking questions instead of publicly trying to humiliate him by permitting it to continue)
> P.S. Note to the other partners – I was the target of a fraud scheme perpetrated by a former business partner back in 1998. The scheme depended, in part, on withholding information from me including notice of a very important shareholders meeting for which every other shareholder was provided written notice. The fraud scheme would not have succeeded if any one of the other passive shareholders who received the notice (for the first ever shareholders meeting) had bothered to communicate with me to see if I was planning to attend (it was a small company with a small number of shareholders and several of them knew me personally). I do not wish any similar treatment of my fellow partners in Blue Sea Holdings. That is why I make such efforts to illuminate important issues that should be of concern to all of us. I know that some, and perhaps most, of you are tired of this saga and are disappointed with the results as am I, but it is important to not become complacent. We all understand that the company has fallen far short of Joe’s original vision and projections and that it must be personally difficult for Joe to directly admit this and that many partners are likely to suffer substantial losses on their original investment. But the difficult circumstances the company faces do not justify any form of dishonesty or concealment. I have recently sensed an effort, step by step, to diminish reporting and accountability to the partners. It is my hope that Joe and Steve will demonstrate the highest integrity by being truthful, transparent, keeping their commitments and treating the partners in Blue Sea Holdings as they would wish to be treated and make no attempt to engage in self-dealing, weaponization of corporate information or any other unethical practice.
Carmen Vicente <>
Tue 7/9/2019 4:37 AM
To: J B
Cease and Desist(1) 09-jul.-2019 10-35-52.pdf
Please find hereby Cease and Desist Letter.
Best regards,
Carmen Vicente
Attorney at Law
Jay Miller <>
Wed 6/12/2019 8:16 AM
To: J B
Dear JB:
I work with the Red Frog Beach project in Bocas del Toro and the comments on this blog are very dramatic and untrue. The Wright Thurston guy was involved 15 years ago. The group Oceans Group took over the project a while back and turned it around and most people buying in Bocas that care about title and security Red Frog has a good track record.
Of course every real estate project has a couple disgruntled owners but I can assure you that the blog is not accurate of the general success of the resort. The resort is one of the largest employers in Bocas and I personally believe it helps everyone in the country to turn the reputation of Bocas around.
Would you be interested in a visit to stay for a few days to see first hand?
Also, could you let me know your website traffic and perhaps it would be worth advertising with you.
Here is the article thread that I’m requesting be removed:
Jay Miller
From: <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 12:12 PM
To: J B <>
Subject: Red Frog Beach
Hello JB:
I work in marketing at Red Frog Beach and would like to give you some information about this resort. I am not excited about getting my name published by you but I’m happy to provide you more information here.
Off the record, I do think that some of the defensive reactions to your emails and posts coming from people at Red Frog are intimidated by Tres Cruces and thinking that in someway that you may be part of that group. I can give you more information in another email about the Six Diamonds/Tres Cruces guys, but suffice to say that they are bad guys that have threatened a lot of people in Bocas and at Red Frog and people have a reason to be scared. I can give you a lot more details about Tres Cruces/Six Diamonds in another email but would need some assurance that my name is not used as a source publicly. I’m hoping I can trust you and sorry about the replies if they were less than professional from a resort like ours that strives for high standards.
Based on what I have read on your site, this below will give you our side of the story. I can attest that this is all accurate. If you would like me to elaborate on any issue, please let me know. Thank you for reaching out to us despite our fumbling in providing a timely and clear response to you (see above). If you feel you can get over this issue, I could invite you to the project so you could report and see first hand…at the very least I will respond to your emails or questions directly best that I can.
o Two years went by and in 2010 a company called Oceans Group International restarted the project many of those original investors worked together to save the project and get it restarted. There were many projects started before 2008 and most all of them went away when that recession hit. It was a big good-faith effort of the new ownership group and the early buyers to work out a plan to save the development.
o Since Oceans Group International took over the resort around 2010 the resort has steadily been built and improved and become what it is today. It is one of the better selling resorts communities in the country and Caribbean and it receives good accolades from the travel community. It is not perfect and there are Owners that wish the service would improve faster than it is…but for the most part the Owners and guests appreciate the steady improvements at the resort. If anyone is familiar with Bocas, it is a difficult environment but the property is beautiful and Red Frog tries to be a positive voice for Panama’s tourism community. We have 140 employees and we work as hard as we can trying to make Owners and guests happy. We invite people to come and see it because it is a beautiful place with a lot of good people involved – it has incredible potential in such an exotic environment which is why the project sells well and more and more guests keep coming.
o One more thing that is worth pointing out is that the resort has made a significant contribution to the environment in Bocas. Before the project was built, the land on Bastimentos was decimated through cattle grazing. Hence, today there is far more vegetation and habitat on Bastimentos today than there was 15 years ago. This always comes up in the media so thought I would add this because it is a big deal to the Oceans Group owners who took over the project.
Thank you,
Jay Silver
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 11:09 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Hi JB:
Thanks for the email and I appreciate your candor. I can understand how you got upset. Looking back I would have advised anyone from our organization to never pick a fight with the media. I think if someone on our side would have just responded reasonably to the initial article this all would have blown over.
I met Wright Thurston once a long time ago. I was not aware of any dirt on him but I will see if someone can reach out to him to take Red Frog his bio out on the internet.
I believe if you look back at the history of Red Frog you will find a lot of drama especially during that time when the project fell apart in 2008 to 2011. There was a labor strike, near bankruptcy, lawsuits, community issues, etc. Since that time the resort has slowly gotten back on its feet, but it has been hard work. There have been a handful of lawsuits and upset clients along the way but for a project with 300+ clients, hundreds of vendors and a lot of Partner/Investors…plus the complications of doing business in Panama and Bocas, well, it is a complicated business trying to make a successful island community from scratch. Keep in mind that there were a number of projects in Bocas that did go under in that 2008 to 2011 and as far as I know Red Frog is the only one that survived as a development during that time frame that still exists today – I think a lot of clients are appreciative that the Oceans Group investors came along and saved their investment around 2010. But like any business that I have been involved with there always a few customers that are very difficult to make happy no matter what you do.
Anyway, I’m certain if you dig in you can find disgruntled clients and mistakes that have been made at Red Frog. I also think if you were to visit and meet the people involved and employees that you would have some sympathy for how difficult it is to make this island community come to life. I realize that Bocas is not for everyone like you said for your visit 2010 but the resort has tried to add more and more creature comforts to attract buyers and tourists. If you can or want to visit in the future please let me know, despite the drama it is a beautiful place.
As far as the Tres Cruces legal stuff. I don’t want to bother you with gory details but I do think it is a very big corruption issue that affects a lot of people in Panama. Have you ever met Don Winner who wrote the Panama Guide? He knows all about Frank Delape and Richard Kiibler and the government people that were involved in the corruption. You might think this is some “us against them” but if you want the details I think you will be amazed on what has gone on with these guys and that they have gotten away with it – if you are good at research and can follow the money there is a big story there that goes to the top in Panama I believe. Let me know if you want more info on this.
All for now. Be in touch.
Jay Silver
From: J B <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Red Frog Beach
#1 – I will NOT publish your name if you respectfully ask me not to. I am not Woodward or Bernstein, as in I don’t consider anyone a “source”. So I will not divulge your name. The “Jay” I did speak of was named Jay Miller.
I have admittedly been defensive as I feel I have been besmirched and made fun of for something that was reported to me by someone that had an axe to grind with I imagine what is being referred to as “the old” leadership of Red Frog Beach. If you are indeed affiliated with Red Frog, then you must know that this stance, albeit possibly slighted from someone who was damaged in the past is indeed true. I did look up the cases before I just hauled off and posted a blog. As I also mentioned, it was due to my good friend that is going through a titling issue on Isla Colon that sort of opened this can of worms. Understand this, I do NOT think poorly of Bocas del Toro. I could not live there as I am a bit too used to creature comforts, but I see the charm and attraction quite clearly.
I agree with your apprehension with me, as I feel the same way. People contacting me, then just disappearing. I received an email purportedly from Mr.Haley himself and then I never heard back. I found that quite odd. So you must also be aware that I was asked to take down a post that was not even written by me, then subsequently sent a poorly formatted Cease and Desist. So with all due respect Jay, much of this discord is self inflicted.
The Thurston guy is still claiming to be a part of your organization. His reputation and that of his son is quite poor. I would wonder if anyone has contacted him to stop claiming involvement if he is indeed not. This is not slander or conjecture, but rather cases and incidents taken directly from the web and government sites.
Another thing Jay, I have indeed stayed at Red Frog and mentioned that it was really really nice considering where it is located. It was in 2010 before we decided that it was just a bit too out of the way and a lifestyle change for us. However the homes and the views were totally beautiful.
I also came to find via research that this back and forth fighting occurred previously in the internet with another site. This was when it was called strictly Six Diamonds I guess. This is really an old blood feud that I wrote about “ONLY” after looking into Thurston. Safe to say that if that person was not still implying involvement, I would have seen anything interesting to blog about. I am not interested in being an internet referee. I just blog about mostly politics and the environment.
And in the end Jay, that’s all I’m doing is spouting off my opinions. I admit I got really pissed off and testy when people would chime in and insult me then never come back again.
One thing that can’t be denied is that there IS a story here. Perhaps one that is old. Rehashed. And filled with differing opinions, but a story here nonetheless.
I am going to look into what you just informed me of, and I can tell you I will NOT post anything without doing so.
Let me add that I thank you for contacting via an email account that appears viable and legit, and I can tell you that I will definitely get back to you.
In closing Jay, I am fully aware that there is two sides to a story, and in Panama more like 4. I worked closely in customs and Panama’s growth economically has not come without its fair share of bad people taking advantage of a blossoming economy once the canal was fully handed over. FEW made billions while others did not.
Kind Regards,
JB Bryson
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 11:47 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Hi JB:
Hope your wife is okay?
We are reaching out to Wright Thurston and asking him to remove references to Red Frog. His involvement is so indirect and short-lived I don’t think it is accurate for him to claim he is really affiliated with the company when all he did was pitch Red Frog for 5 minutes at his speaking conferences 15 years ago.
I will get you something with a respectable response from Red Frog but give me a few days. I need to look more closely at what I need to respond to and craft a message. Thank you for suggesting this.
I have not heard anything about turtle hatcheries or displacing of locals. A lot of people have accused Red Frog of environmental damage but the opposite is true – My first visit to Bastimentos in 2003 the island (where the resort is now built) looked like a golf course because of all the cattle grazing. There is far more vegetation on the island and wildlife than there was 15 years ago. Red Frog is not carbon neutral and any development will have a footprint and can always do better…but many of the investors in the project are hard core nature lovers and have made a lot of effort to protect and sustain the ecology. Community relations could be better but the mayor of Bastimentos, Ashburn Dixon, has a long standing feud with Red Frog and wants to take Red Frog down and sides with the Tres Cruces guys.
On the land battle stuff. I have a lot of information I can send you if you would like to invest some time to understand it. It is all hard to believe for a guy like me who doesn’t believe sensational/conspiratorial stuff. If you like research, I think you might discover some interesting things that gets to some of the systemic political corruption issues in Panama (not just Bocas).
Here is the cliff notes for these Six Diamonds/Tres Cruces guys – if you want more info I can send you, but let me know.
Frank Delape was a wealthy business man in Houston that was involved in a company called Islogen based in the U.K. around 2005. Islogen had some facial plastic invention that looked promising and the stock value ran up; it turned out that the science was fake, stock plummeted and lawsuits and a class action suit flattened the company. Before all these legal things came down the pipe (class action for a pump and dump) on Frank Delape, he shows up in Bocas and gets involved in dozens of land deals that are all full of conflict. So, a lot of people believe that he was laundering money into Panama before the feds caught up to the Islogen money and investing in contestable property with no paper trail is a good story to tell investigators where the money went…that part has never been proven but Bill Baquet (Fordham Financial) and Billy Bongiorno (now lives in Bouquet) were also investors in Islogen and now are main guys running Tres Cruces. (We have evidence of land they bought selling for $100,000 and 6 weeks later for selling near $2M to shell companies in the Cayman islands). A lot more here to share…it was wild in 2007 to 2010 suffice to say.
Ricard Kiibler was the tennis pro at the local club near where Delape lived in Houston I believe. Frank hired Kiibler to come down and do the leg work on these potential developments (Sanctuary 7, Emerald Monkey, Sarani, Playa Diamante, etc.). They flew the entire local Bocas government to Houston in 2007. I believe Kiibler inherited what was left of all the land deals Delape did in Panama once Delape got busted in Houston for a lot of other stuff (I was told he is in jail now but I cannot confirm).
The inside guy with government connections that Frank Delape, Kiibler, Bongiorno and Baquet worked with in Panama is Ernesto “Tito” Bosquez Ditrani – whoever this guy is, he can be paid to get things done. If you can find out more about this guy let me know but his name comes up with land scandals in Punta Chame and Tobago. My hunch is that this guy is involved in a lot more than just land deals in Panama.
Anyway – careful with this info but you may be able to piece this together as an independent researcher and you having so much context for what is going on in Panama. Again, happy to send you legal details (photos, videos, legal documents) – nothing would help more than press who is objective to look into this because I think it is apparent what was and is going on if someone takes the time. The SEC, FBI and U.S. Embassy has all looked into this issue but it is such a complex web of shell companies that they were never able to pin down exactly what is going on (The SEC did fine Six Diamonds for some violation once). Overall, it is a sad situation. Ultimately, it is poor people in Panama who suffer most from corruption when political officials circumvent the institutions that are meant to help and protect the citizenry.
All for now – I’ll try and get back to you next week with something professional about Red Frog’s response.
From: J B <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Red Frog Beach
Good afternoon Jay-
As you may have noticed if you clicked on my site I have not felt the need to share our correspondence or blast your name up on my site.
I spent the bulk of the day yesterday in the city as my wife was seeing a doctor.
Upon returning home, I did use your e-mail as a template to do some homework.
I looked up many of the claims and names you mentioned and see more or less what has already been told to me by others through emails and stories, in that this issue between both RFB and TC has been over a decade long dispute.
I found a ton of poor ink on Frank DeLape, not all relating to Six Diamonds I might add. There have been many other people that have made claims against him in the US. Not much on Richard Kibbler beyond what came from the site of Panama Guide. That site is not longer up apparently, and people have sent me in clip links from his site in the past that are confusing. I found nothing on the web beyond articles for TC, but I did of course re-visit the Six Diamonds Resort site and see that Mr.DeLape is not mentioned or stating involvement. They also had a wealth of legal documents online that championed their position. I made open offers in the past for RFB to do the same, and I was, as we covered, met with aggression as opposed to debate.
Apparently at one point Panama Guide was venomous against the Six Diamonds people, then they did an about face and started to rip apart RFB.
It seems he had a very popular blog, and far more advertisers than anything I am interested in. That tells me he had to have been making money on that site and therefore the possibility of compromise is there. People have told me that occurred, but I obviously have no proof it did as I don’t have access to anyone’s bank accounts.
I have had a ton of people send me stuff that I feel they just want to piggyback on my site to support an agenda. One side or the other.
I generally don’t do OP ED’s without it first appearing in a major news source like Prensa, Estrella, Siglo, Crtiica, etc. So after I stated on Monday I was willing to post differing opinions and it came and went, I’m more or less growing stale of the topic. I have no interest in being Panama Guide Version 2.0. I am not that ambitious.
What is true and undeniable is there is a LAND DISPUTE in Bocas del Toro. That much has been established. Outside of people taking shots at me and sending me threatening Cease and Desist letters if I do not take down content, I am NOT emotionally involved.
The claims of raping of the environment and turtle hatcheries ( I have not been able to see for myself and verify if said claims are true), and the forceful displacement of indigenous locals ( also something that I myself have not been able to verify), are two things that would immediately spark my desire to speak of it. But injecting myself or my site in a land dispute is not something that really interests me.
On another note, I would definitely suggest your company to try to distance yourself from Mr.Thurston. There is SUBSTANCE to the claims people have made against him and what they have sent to me. I see no benefit of having that connection to your cause at the moment. I’m not posting shit else, because I don’t want to start another daisy chain that is essentially espousing what has already been said.
I’ll be keeping an eye on anything else that appears in the news, but barring that nada. If you ever desire to provide me with something official from RFB that does not include a request for me to remove something, I of course would oblige. That is what an open forum is all about.
Regards and Saludos-
JB Bryson
From: J B <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Red Frog Beach
Good morning Mr.Silver
I am following up to see if your group has something composed you wanted PNO to properly answer some of the claims that have been disseminated about RFB.
I was sent a video link (of which came from the news service) that is like a 14 min expose that include the Mr.Dixon that you mentioned in your previous reply.
I would much rather have something directly from RFB, ( again, once that Cease and Desist is rescinded or at least addressed publicly as ridiculous mentioned) as opposed to continuing to follow one side.
When possible, please advise on how you would like to proceed given the fact that my inbox is no longer being filled with threats and drivel from people.
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 5:16 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Jay – can you give me one more day to provide you with a public response?
From: J B <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Red Frog Beach
Hello Jay, just to clarify I am “James” and not Jay, or of course you can use “JB” which is what most address me as.
Please compose what you want as I am fine with that. As I mentioned, I will post un-edited as you present it to me.
I have been asked why I am not continuing the dialogue online, and I have stated I am awaiting a reply. You may have noticed nothing has been up since you mentioned you would be contacting us.
I was told today that Mr.Thurston has indeed removed Red Frog from his list of accolades, and many feel you have done yourself a service in that regard.
I am sure you have seen the SDRI page that has documents available to the public that states their case. You mentioned that you have summaries or related items that support your claims that you would share and I would certainly be willing to receive. My son in law is an attorney and he reads all my incoming items. Of course he is an attorney in Florida, so he does not claim to be a master of this Panamanian landscape at all.
I forwarded your previous email about the C&D, and it is appreciated.
I will look for your email manana. Be well.
JB Bryson
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 5:05 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Third email here – sorry to bombard you JB: *********
Red Frog Beach In Response
Negative information has been circulated recently trying to discredit Red Frog Beach. We are a group of 140 employees that are proud of this island destination and what it represents to our families, our local community, and Panama’s tourism industry. We are the only resort of its kind in Bocas and we believe that this destination represents Panama in a positive way.
Anyone associated with the tourist community in Panama knows that it takes determination and persistence to bring a resort to life and grow a business in Panama…especially developing in a place as exotic as Bocas del Toro. Red Frog Beach has earned the reputation within the international travel community and has generated an enormous amount of positive press in the global hospitality industry for Panama.
However, like many businesses, we do receive reviews that are less than perfect. Our mentality as a company is to accept our guest’s feedback and learn from it to improve. We survey every guest that stays at Red Frog and strive to learn from our mistakes. That being said, we do rank among the world’s best on Trip Advisor.
Specific accusations have been made recently against Red Frog Beach that highlighted a legal case and environmental negligence at the resort. Regarding environmental issues, we are extremely proud of our environmental record and we would invite anyone that has heard rumors to come and see the resort firsthand. Our company has a vested interest in protecting and enhancing this island’s environment…it is why our customers (many eco-tourists) come here. It is a fact that there are more trees and vegetation on Bastimentos Island is now than there was 15 years ago due to the former cattle grazing. Beyond having one of the largest solar power plants of any island resort and being the only Green Globe Certified resort in Panama, how many real estate project in the world can claim that there is more growth and vegetation after building the development? There are more Red Frogs, more monkeys seen by guests, more lush vegetation and far less erosion caused by the deforestation from cattle grazing now than 15 years ago right where the resort is built. We are always striving to improve, but we are not willing to accept criticism that is not true. We love and value the unique ecology here.
Regarding legal disputes and an upset client grievances that was posted online. It is important to understand that Red Frog Beach suffered and survived through one of the worst real estate crashes in history in 2007-2008. Very few resort projects in the Caribbean survived that were under construction as Red Frog was when the downturn occurred.
Here is a short review of the history of Red Frog to reiterate these challenges:
Red Frog Beach in in 2005 to 2008 became the top selling resort in all of Panama, mostly due to its beautiful beaches and unique location, immersed in surrounding rainforest. However, the economic crisis of 2008 brought a lot of projects in Bocas and around the world to a halt. Coupled with other challenges such as a labor strike, the Red Frog project went dormant for two years.
It was then the Red Frog clients and outside investors united, invested, and formed an organization called Oceans Group International which brought the project back to life. It was not an ideal situation for the many employees, vendors and investors involved. However, by working together the project avoided bankruptcy and moved forward for the good of everyone involved.
After many years of investment and hard work, Oceans Group International has now delivered and manages 63 high end villas, condos, and lodges along with an array of amenities and nature activities for guests. It is again now one of the top selling resort communities in Central America primarily because of the unique setting and promising future. Our goal is to showcase Panama to the world and inviting others to come and visit this special place.
For the complexity, size and scope of the resort and going through the awful financial crises, Red Frog Beach is a resort that has survived and now thrives and we as Panamanians and Americans are proud of where we work. We believe that Red Frog has incredible potential as we continue to serve the global travel community.
The Team at Red Frog Beach
From: J B <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Red Frog Beach
Thank you for the replies. I have a TON of links to read through as I did with the Wright Thurston stuff that was sent to me for the first posting back in February. You have given me much to check on.
I have a few questions right now however if I could.
1) Since you are providing me this as an official response from RED FROG, what is your official full title and contact information? Is this coming from you as Jay Silver, or are you releasing a statement that has been approved by Mr.Haley? I will need to know this if you are asking me to post what you are referring to as an “Official” response. Barring that, I would be merely just be positing a differing opinion.
2) Please send me any pictures or images you have of the environmental upgrades made on your properties as that interests me greatly and would certainly gain an ally in me personally, as in PNO, of they can be proven and substantiated. That issue interests me far more than this other side of things.
Get back to me when you can as I look through all this info. With this Hurricane, looks like I can get something up Monday.
From: <>
Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 at 6:46 AM
To: ‘J B’ <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: Red Frog Beach
Hi JB:
Yes, this is an official response from the Red Frog Company – the legal response is from Bastimentos Holdings. I am a marketing associate/investor in the project. I have copied Joseph Haley on this email who can confirm. Sorry for sending so much info at once; the Tres Cruces guys looked like they really prepared to attack us in the press and we were caught off guard.
I will get you info on the environmental efforts at Red Frog. I just attached a picture from around 2002. If you look closely there is a circular area that does not have a lot of trees – that is the area where now all the resort villas are and the trees were all gone because of the cattle grazing. The erosion was pretty severe on the hillside and not a lot of any wildlife left. I can provide a lot more information forthcoming and again it is always best to come and visit the property in the future to see it all first hand.
I am traveling through Wednesday and may be slow to get back to you by email.
Hope your family stays safe through that storm in Florida.
Thank you,
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2019 3:15 AM
To: J B <>; Jay Silver <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: Red Frog Beach
Hi JB – I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot – it’s been an incredibly stressful time so have had lot on my plate. I appreciate you taking the time to get all the facts. I am happy to provide any information you need – just let me know. Joe
Mr. Haley- I would concur that my introduction to you and Red Frog could have been handled much better. I thank you for getting back to me.
I have been pre-occupied with this Hurricane with my family back in the states, but it appears they were fortunate enough to miss the direct impact.
To be quite candid, this is not what I want to spend my time doing with PNO. It is far too much work and stress than what I like to blog about. And I was completely ignorant as to how deep and long this discord in Bocas has gone on for.
I am glad you have contacted me directly and I will proceed in such a fashion as you are doing so openly. I say that because of the way that some Red Frog “defenders” for lack of a better term, came at me. The Cease and Desist was a poor choice as I was not taking sides with Tres Cruces. My angle was the complaint against Thurston, and in his case there was quite a bit of smoke connected to the claims the reader made.
In looking up the names of people given to me about Six Diamonds, I was obviously able to find a treasure chest of information on Mr. Delape that was above and beyond anything in Bocas. There could be a book to write about on that individual alone.
My son in law and I have read through all that was sent to us.
Let me be again quite open here. I found a bunch of stuff online of every person that was mentioned to me in regards to Six Diamonds and Tres Cruces. I would have posted much more in regards to what was sent as long as it did not appear I had any agenda.
My hesitance came from not finding any mention whatsoever of a “Jay Miller” or a “Jay Silver” online in regards to your organization. No LinkedIn page. No mention from other RFB people, only the You Tube video that surfaced. I was able to verify that there was indeed a Chuck Malar that owned there and he contacted me in the past from apparently Florida. That gave me pause as I have had people just send me information Pro- TC that I have not been able to verify and as such have not posted.
I have ZERO designs on becoming “Panama Guide” part 2. Not my thing and does not interest me.
Your presence and others are mentioned prominently online, and I would like to think that I am indeed corresponding with Mr. Joe Haley, and not some online personification of.
I am taking a stance of following the rabbit hole and seeing where it goes, but I will not get dragged in the middle like the “Panama Guide” seemed to. What is happening there is interesting as much as it is sad and unfortunate as the land and area is beautiful and filled with flora, fauna, and wildlife.
I have seen some things happen in relation to this area recently that give me genuine questions as to what is occurring. But again, this is Panama and little if any surprises me anymore.
I am going to defer to the papers and direct contacts on this topic, and no longer allow my inbox to propel me into any spats. If I can’t verify that I am speaking with the actual persons, then I will take a wait and see approach. My son in law is trying to get opinions from Tres Cruces and Six Diamonds independent of me.
Thank you for getting back to me, and I will be in touch if the need arises.
JB Bryson
On Sep 5, 2019, at 11:50 AM, J B <> wrote:
I did indeed receive your ID. I appreciate your providing of it, as I have mentioned I am truly weary of the many mysterious types of contacts and information that have inundated my inbox since I posted an editorial about a pissed off client of RFB. If I had known it would have led to me being hit with a deluge of false claims and a questionable Cease and Desist, I can assure you I would not be this interested in this story.
To be clear, I looked at all of the links that were sent to PNO from the client that was making claims against Wright Thurston. It was a much easier task to do as visibility and transparency in regards to court cases in the US is very straight forward. With the many SA’s and length of time this discord has gone on, the amount of information sent to PNO has been overwhelming and something that I myself can’t verify with any degree of certainty. This includes the information that SDRI has openly made available on your website.
In addition, myself and my son in law used the past weekend to review the below listed links and information that was sent to PNO from RFB directly.
I do have a legal presence in Panama, but I am not going to incur hourly expense to verify something I have no financial stake in. PNO is not a monetary site and I will not spend my money to discern what is what. I will leave that to LA PRENSA, LA ESTRELLA, PANAMAAMERICA, etc. I am a blogger and a person that enjoys writing and information sharing. I am NOT a journalist.
PANAMANOWONLINE, nor myself, is NOT stating that ALL or ANY of what we have been sent from either side is indeed accurate. PANAMANOWONLINE is NOT an expert in Panamanian legal or land issues. What we are stating is that we were able to verify that the stories and links have indeed been PUBLISHED, they are available to all as the links are live and currently VISIBLE. And that the information was provided to us directly by Red Frog Beach and not a mysterious third party. In addition, much has been shared which is in SPANISH of which I do not READ nor SPEAK at anything beyond a conversational level.
If you would like to have a conversation I feel a phone call would be best. I live in San Francisco, but do not want to visit your lawyers office. My toe has been dipped in the water and I feel a responsibility to many of my readers to continue with this story, but I will NOT be confused with Mr.Winner of his blog of many years ago, He seems to have run a successful site, but that is not my modus operandi.
If you would like to present a stance to me that I can disseminate to my PNO readers,visitors, and contributors please be prepared to answer questions related to what I was sent below and what we were able to view and verify. It can be clearly seen that RFB has many points of contention they claim to be true as well. That is why I allowed them to post an open statement on my site.
I am focusing on other topics of interest for me for the time being, and have asked my daily readers to give me a break on this until I can understand both sides. When you feel you are able to address these claims directly and openly, please contact me again. Perhaps then we can schedule the interview you have spoken of.
James “JB” Bryson
See below:
From: Richard Kiibler <>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 3:20 PM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Identification – DL
Thanks for getting back to me. Understood on your not wanting to meet at our lawyers office. Also, understood and wouldn’t expect yourself or anyone else coming out of pocket to dig into the actual “Facts” of this issue. What I can tell you is the following….
What they have provided you which looks to me to be utter rubbish and a smear campaign. There is nothing you forwarded today that I am not willing to speak on and elaborate to your satisfaction. Quite the opposite I would relish the opportunity to speak on each and everything they have provided to you as to the actual validity and reality of this situation. Some of what you forwarded me I have already seen and been forwarded by others as recently as the last week or two. I will note that much is the same but to you apparently we are only involved in 7 known cases (rubbish) recently a Jay Miller published online its 14 cases if my memory serves me (also rubbish).
Mr. Haley and his partners and group will soon see their day in court for the same I can assure you!!!!!!!
Most importantly I see no reason to begin defending any or all of the absurd claims now in writing but as I said I will be happy to address each and every one. I will NEVER plead the 5th with you James. This entire thing is absurd. I’m happy to do a call or provide you with a dial in number if you like and we can both you and I “record” for the record any and all conversations to see that there is never any ambiguity as it relates to what could ever possibly be misinterpreted if you’re willing I’m game. We have zero to hide but there is much to be discussed not a half hour call I can assure you.
In regards to your email you forwarded me with the links from one alleged Jay Silver let me first say this or ask this… Did you ask Mr. Silver to provide proof of his ID? I see it’s from Red Frog email but I can tell you I don’t believe for one second there is a Jay Silver that works at Red Frog. Likewise we have links of other defamatory info they have distributed via emails and presentations online where a Jay Miller has also attacked us. A partner of mine mentioned he read an article or correspondence on your site where a Jay Miller also represented he worked for Red Frog. Is that accurate, and if so where you ever able to verify his identity?
I believe Jay Miller and Jay Silver are both Mr. Joe Haley or perhaps another person in the company named Dan Cranney. I would love to know if you have seen or spoken or authenticated their existence. I believe I am aware of every person in their organization. Beyond a simple search of their website Panama is a very small place. It’s not hard to find out or ask around to find out. I believe; but can’t guarantee that you have been “Cat-fished” by Joe Haley and his associates James. Looking forward to hearing back and hopefully I’m completely off base and if so I will indeed gladly apologize but I don’t think that’s going to be the case. Part of me hopes I am wrong but NOT likely.
Shifting gears back I just wanted to let you know I have spent several hours this afternoon and evening on your site. I read or skimmed what must be at least a couple hundred of your stories or reproductions of other articles. I enjoyed reading much of your content and look forward to speaking and/or meeting you hopefully sooner than later.
I can assure you I’m all for clearing the air and setting the record straight. Let me know when it works for you and let’s speak. As I stated I think it’s always best to record any such communication but if your adverse to that let me know. I’m not here to use you or your site or your readership. There is a lot to discuss but things I can assure you are nowhere in the realm of the information they have sent you which is in my opinion clearly slander and defamation without any substance whatsoever.
Have a good night! Regards and best!
Richard Kiibler
From: Richard Kiibler <>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 2:24 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Identification – DL
Good morning James. I just wanted to confirm you received my drivers license last night. My day is quite full but I’m happy to sit with you today or tomorrow in person if you’re available over a coffee and meet face to face if you would like? I’m also willing to invite you to one of our lawyers offices in San Francisco Infante Y Perez Almillano today or tomorrow and literally share with you everything in relation to this particular property or any others that we own. Including but not limited to purchase contracts, cancelled checks, bank transfer receipts, public deeds, escrituras, planos, etc.
Let me know if not a call or further email correspondence is fine as well.
Richard Kiibler
Fri 9/6/2019 5:24 AM
To: Richard Kiibler <>
Thank you Mr. Kiibler
I am debating internally if I want to even to continue to engage in this matter.
My intention is to take this weekend off and leave PNO to the wayside as I collect my thoughts.
I have expressed my apprehension in regards to “Miller” and “Silver” directly to RFB in the past, and I will do so again in response to you assertion I have been possibly duped.
I do believe I am corresponding directly with Mr. Haley at the present time.
If you are prepared to answer questions to the claims and links that I was provided, I may contact you next week to do so. Then again I may not as I have not decided if this is something I want to continue pursuing.
Date: Fri Sep 20, 2019 at 2:29 PM
Subject: Read-Statement vs Interview points
To: James Bryson <>
Hola Poppa B! So you know your princess already finished the entire 500 piece puzzle you sent in 3 evenings after doing her homework. She is my retirement fund.
I’m going to give you my opinion on what you got from Red Frog and how I would handle that information both as your son in law and pseudo legal counsel. Let me tell you what rubs me the wrong way first and foremost, btw it goes without saying I don’t know why this is even a blip on your radar I’ve already told you this is for the courtroom or arbitration or mediation and having this play out on your site has no benefit for you or PNO and I think your setting yourself up to become the platform for every Goddamn gringo dispute in Panama which I know is not the path you desire for PNO. You said you wanted to blog about sloths, dolphins and turtles JB!!! Getting back to the Red Frog Beach response. Since I was present on the call with the Kiibler guy, I was able to hear everything over that ponderously long call. Some of the quotes coming back just don’t line up. And we told TC no links, so you can’t suddenly provide ample more information for one side by providing them. You have seen debates, all has to be equal. Think of it like NASCAR, everything has to be the same. Even one restrictor plate if off, your disqualified.
“We have never asserted that there wasn’t a payment for the claim, we simply posed the question that if there was that much paid, why would the “seller” be living in a shack? In addition, he says we were to see it in “discovery” of the USA case, but we never saw such documents. It’s unfortunate if the SDR/TCO paid Mr. Narvise or his partners anything, and should be seeking retribution with the seller not trying to take it from our company.”
This isn’t what the emails I read stated, or appear in the petition they circulated. It just seems like a narrative shift. It’s started off as the TC guys were land thieves that paid nothing. This doesn’t change our position which is the adverse party bought a bad ½ hectare claim and they suspiciously got 22 hectares titled to them two times –that’s attempting to take 21 ½ hectares Now knowing Kiibler has provided (what appears to be proof ) of cancelled checks was a bit of a shift. On the contrary – this only creates more doubt and questions – were the checks cancelled? Where did come from? Why did he pay different people if he agrees he paid Polo? Who were these other people? Did they know Polo duped them? Did they disclose this to Kiibler and Delape? etc. etc. which again I know you have no interest in pursuing. This is what can happen when we don’t do an interview for an interview. I saw you were not insistent to do so, only that you promised a reply on PNO. Now you let these trolls get under your skin cause I would have never said interview the TC guy if you gave the other one the OPTION to do one or the other. Again, not a big deal as you can simply remove all content and listen to your wife and just stop. It’s not like you can’t express what you want how you want on the web. We went over this. You’re not slandering, you’re not posting shit you obtained yourself under illegal means, but these people want you to fight a battle that even Panama doesn’t want to fight. I/E If the little island guy lives in a shack is irrelevant if what Kiibler provided is true, and what are you gonna do??? Take those check copies to the bank and see if they give you information??? JB?? c’mon. Reminds me of when Cruise asks Nicholson why Santiago was leaving Gitmo for the rest of life in the morning and he didn’t pack a thing. Perhaps the little guy likes living there in a shack. Who knows and it is not your job to find out.
I found a few quote discrepancies that we could address with Joe in an interview, but not in a statement.
“Richard Kiibler says our group is “trying to force Polo (Perlito)out of his property” and “hates Haley and his cast they still today harass him” This is not true. We have not only allowed him to stay on a small piece of our property, but also often remove his trash for him and frequently transport him to the beach.”
Kiibler never said they were trying in present tense to force Polo off the property it was a past tense comment used to reflect why the guy sold them the property to begin with.I see the issue and re-read the interview response and indeed it was in past tense so we will delete this part of the response. The video of what appears to be the guy speaks for himself. Who the fuck even knows if that is the guy? Just leave that alone.
“ Responding JB’s question “What about this person Ernesto Bosquez Ditrani, what’s his affiliation with the company?” Richard Kiibler says “He has nothing to do with Tres Cruces or Six Diamonds or any other associated entities,” and later says “zero to do with our group” This is not true. Anyone can go to Public Registry and see Ditrani was Secretary of Six Diamonds Resorts company list international and Treasurer of Semper Fidelis (another company led by Kiibler and Delape). See Company officers. Richard Kiibler then later tries to correct it saying maybe Ditrani did work for the company but Richard Kiibler “wasn’t involved,” which is not true.”
Kiibler never tried to correct himself IMO he seemed clear that Bosquez guy worked for them. Read the answers again Pops.see below Kiibler’s actual responses but we will amend the response to further clarify
JB: What about this person Ernesto Bosquez Ditrani what’s his affiliation with the company?
RK: None whatsoever. He has nothing to with Tres Cruces or Six Diamonds or any associated entities.
JB: That’s it? End of statement?
RK: Yes that’s it.
JB: Can you comment on Red Frogs theory that he is the master mind and principal influencer or fixer for your company? He reportedly vía Red Frog is a key part of your organization.
RK: I know Ernesto and this is what I can tell you as a matter of fact. He does not have any affiliation with the company to date and has not in a number of years from what I believe at least four or five years. There was a time when he was working for the company helping to manage the day to day admin stuff I believe whilst those matters were being handled by William Bongiorno. There was a separation I’m not clear exactly when or why between William and Ernesto and shortly there after William Bongiorno resigned from the company. William is still a shareholder of the company but not involved in the management or decision making now for several years. Ernesto was never a shareholder in the company or any of the properties.
The actual transcript and that’s nothing like the way your statement says. This happens because of you, which is why I said to you after you told me Joe Haley agreed to an interview the same way as Kiibler did answering questions cold as they were asked I told you that would be the only fair and objective way to carry this through. I read your emails, it was discussed but you never made it a requirement. You were a bit nice. As soon as you told me they preferred to do a written reply it’s no longer fair and equal in terms of an interview reply. Could be there is so much animosity that we are seeing that play out here? You make up your own mind.
“Richard Kiibler says the Supreme Court victory for our group “gave nothing to Red Frog whatsoever.” This is not true. It effectively annulled the illegal titles granted to Tres Cruces de Oro from 2012 so indeed gave us an important definitive legal victory.”
Semantics by me a bit, but I read the ruling in its entirety as I know you did as well. My legal opinion ( not being in Panama) is that Kiibler is 100% accurate in his statement. Meaning that is what we both read, whether it is true in Panama is for the courts. But his “statement” is factual. This is something we could address in an interview, but not in a post. I mean that is what we read Pops, either that or I need to have you see if it’s forged or something. No way! Not your fight. Agree this is more semantics but if we were in an interview setting, I would have answered the same thing and explained it further but have modified the response to further clarify
The below quotation about the lawyer being under investigation may or may not be accurate. RFB states it’s inaccurate. Why not reach out to Kiibler and ask him to substantiate his claim? That info should be in the public domain if in fact there is an ongoing investigation. I can actually do that for you. But that is my point.
“Richard Kiibler says one of our lawyers is “under investigation by the Public Ministry” This is not true.”
I can only say I reached out to the lawyer in question and she denied emphatically she was under any ongoing investigation and demanded to see proof and will modify
See below. This is not the question we asked Kiibler nor was it his response. The question was never asked nor replied to in the format or context that RFB is suggesting below.
“In response to the question regarding the Martinez Law firm and Taboga scandal, Richard Kiibler says “I don’t believe or have any knowledge that we had any associations whatsoever with the Martinez Law firm. I may be wrong but don’t believe I am” What Daniel said was she was in fact an officer in several of their companies which can be found at the Public Registry. Indeed this is another mistake of reading “we” vs. “he” and we will delete the response
I’m gonna wrap up my comments here and leave you with some thoughts. I’ve seen enough and read enough and could keep picking these same type things apart further. But since nobody is paying me for my expertise or advice I’m giving you my last piece of free advice. Don’t do this shit anymore. In fact get away from this whole thing altogether. TAKE DOWN ALL THIS SHIT!! Your not doing anything wrong, but your nor doing anything right either. This lack of an actual interview is just gonna lead to more hassle. Not worth the headache. The forum isn’t equal and balanced as it was implied you would provide to both sides. I’m clear you see my above points, and I know you want to present the other side. BUT this is on your little blog??? Let LA PRENSA do this shit and you need to be at ease. Getting to pick and choose what and how they want to pick apart Kiibler’s interview isn’t the “JB” way . A quotation is just that. You told me that Haley was very upset, and warranted in that papers are either not running his shit or distorting it. If one of the shitty papers twisted my quotes and I sure would have been too. “Quotes” are meant to be just that. You said Mr. Haley is pretty sharp and on the ball, so I am sure this man can see how this creates an issue for you. Last thing I want is another 4 hours hearing this shit Pops, but I actually think just a statement does not serve them well. He can always refer to the old “ask the attorneys” or no comment if we stumble and ask something wrong. I am sure TC people will think you were soft and compromised if we just post something that they themselves can post on their own site. They will say you sided with Haley, and if they read your emails they would get the impression you obviously don’t dislike the guy. Give Joe a call yourself this weekend or wait til next week and I will with you.
You just went through the whole fucking SILVER and MILLER bullshit and then that website. The only way you can respond to a quote is with a quote and a quote has to be heard IMHO. Or do what I say and STOP doing anything. Shit, go on the VA sites and hookup with buddies and socialize, network, volunteer, all the things you said you would do. NOT REFEREE A LAND DISPUTE!! All headache and no reward.
Look, you don’t owe me anything other than another 6 pack of Green Lizards. I’d say give Joe the opportunity to speak and answer questions the same way you did TC and Kiibler if you want me to help set it up again on our conference line I’ll be happy to and to help you with your questions as well the same as before. I feel bad for this guy actually, I am sure he is under pressure like a Mother Fker. But I’ve formed my opinion for you. I’d not post a thing and just go and spend time with your wife, but I know you won’t do that. LMK what you are gonna do, or just stop all the madness all together. You don’t owe anyone squat besides family. YOUR RETIRED. Red Frog Beach has the appearance of a kick ass little place to go in Panama. If it is not, let the Panama courts decide not your BLOG. Get out of the sun Pops. LOL.
You can Skype me tonight if you like.
From: J B <>
Date: Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 2:51 PM
To: “” <>
Subject: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good afternoon Joe- I believe you stated you’re travelling today (Sunday) and back in Panama tomorrow.
As we talked about Saturday, I attached the email sent by Steve. ( I xxxxx his email to keep him un-involved as he works at a firm) .I have BCC him on this nonetheless , and he is on the same page as me. Rather than me try to decipher what he told me I decided just to forward cause I already shared with you that I am suffering from Bocas del Toro withdrawal. It’s all bullshit.
I don’t feel right not posting a reply to 23 pages, call it my need to, so get back to me manana and just maybe provide some thoughts.
I know there are lawyers, PR firms, and all these other people taking your money to say something good about you and Red Frog Beach, and then there is me where I am not asking for nada. Never will.
I would very much like to get something up, but one way or the other PNO will be extricating itself from this, and content which will drive people to contact me will be removed if necessary.
In bullshitting with you and touching base you seem like a level headed young man. It’s the middle America thing I imagine. Minnesota is not far from Illinois. I will certainly look forward to your book you said your writing as you may even have a movie deal come from it. Netflix just did one on how shady Panama is, why not this story? That way you would never have to deal with this poor system again. And that is what I see, a poor system. I know that Mr. Kiibler seems to have people that he has to consult with, and I am sure that you do as well in some way, shape or form. But as maybe the ONLY person (that is not getting paid to do so like an attorney or PR firm, or newspaper writer, or editor, etc) that has spoken to both of you recently, my GENUINE advice is the two of you should talk. He shared with me he has three young children. You have a picture of your beautiful family and three kids on your web site. BOTH of you guys are young, and BOTH of you are getting battered in a game of media tennis. You may be getting advice otherwise Joe, but I would be an olive branch. Nobody besides you two men are taking the fucking shrapnel.
I thought I was following up on investors and people being swindled, but the swindling is being done by PANAMA. I thought I was using the internet and a forum as a tool to make progress, but it ain’t happening. Just IMHO. This is just too confusing for me.
James “JB” Bryson
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 3:38 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: FW: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good morning James – I appreciate sending these concerns to me and giving me the chance to address. Your son in law raised some good points and indeed identified two mistakes we made in our responses which we will delete and modify others to further clarify. (see attached updated response) We were trying to get this done so we could move on with our normal work. I am not sure what Kiibler is threatening you about exactly but we want to work with you here and not put you in a difficult situation. Let me know your thoughts and let me know if this attached can be posted.
See also notes below in red if you want to know details of our position on Steven’s comments per question, although I know you are about to tap out! Thanks again. Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019 at 10:36 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good morning Joe-
Let me start by clarifying that Richard Kiibler has not threatened me at all. Beyond a an email, I have not had any communication with him per se’. The last thing I want to do is perpetuate that anything like that is occurring.
I’m receiving some bluster filled emails from people I have already established are not him, but people that for some reason want me to keep this narrative going. They must have their own agenda to do so.
I’ll send this over to Steven. Getting back to normal work is best for all.
Be well.
From: Joseph Haley <>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 11:04 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
James – thanks for the clarification. Let me know if you need anything else. thx, Joe
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 6:36 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hi James – I could break away today at 2:00 CST quick if that works or tomorrow at 1:00 CST – let me know if either works.
I’m happy you will get some USA time – I find its extremely helpful!!!
Thx, Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 10:14 AM
To: Joseph Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good morning Joe-
I hope you returned to Panama well.
Also hope your time in Minneapolis provided a break away from this shit.
I am actually leaving this week for the states myself which is way overdue.
As opposed to me simply calling you and assuming you have time to speak, give me a good time where I can reach you for a quick moment. Anxious to set this aside and extricate PNO from this matter and feel I can do so and provide you with ease in the process.
Reply when able.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 4:08 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
From: J B <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:18 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Sorry Joe- we got disconnected. I am going to try to get to a landline.
Ok what number should I call you at?
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:24 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
You can call 507-6747-2570
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 8:33 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hi James, I tried your cell a few more times but no luck. If we can’t connect live today, I was a little unclear of what you were proposing instead of posting our response statement so I can talk over it with my group:
Did I get these right? Sorry if I missed any of it – the call was going in and out and we didn’t get to finish the chat. Another option you threw out previously is that I could just post our response as is in the comment section of the Kiibler interview – is that still something that works for you?
Let me know if you want to discuss further – I think we are both tired of all this need to get this behind us to focus on productive work! Thanks so much James. Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 9:15 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
1pm today obviously, as I was unable to return your email in time yesterday.
Talk then.
From: J B <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9:38 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Apologies Joe-
My phone simply stopped working. You were the first call I made since we got here, so maybe it had something to do with that.
I was in the Business Center of our friends condo building and everything ceased. Then I my tablet would not pick up the building WiFi for me to Skype, and I don’t have Skype downloaded to my phone. Just a statement on how goddamn dependent I am on technology now. I recall when phones had cords.
I’m now on vacation and I know your busy so again sorry. You are right we managed to cover some broad strokes.
Let me get home address your bullet items.
From: J B <>
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 1:22 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Can I use the 507 number that appears on my cell?
I am in a business office and trying to find a line where they will permit me an International call.
Don’t know why call dropped. I have signal strength.
From: J B <>
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 1:31 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Thanks Joe- I am going to try to use Skype. I have called you as well and my phone is not connecting right now. I think it may be because I am back in the states or something with my carrier. Not sure.
From: J B <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 10:37 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good Morning Joe-
My phone inexplicably just took a crap yesterday in mid call.
I am heading to Verizon after lunch to get it sorted, so sorry about us getting cut off yesterday again.
In reading,
My first request would be that if you do feel that these other papers are not giving you and RFB a fair representation, that I would like to do so. I personally and Steven would just like to have an interview as well. That would definitely be his choice and mine. Like I already told him, you have not come across to me in a way that is not willing to answer a question. You could make it as brief or as comprehensive as you want to. At the very least we can state we did speak and direct questions were answered.
Joe, we could even have an online Q and A, where an actual phone call is not required. Steven suggested this in that simply allow us (PNO) to submit the questions, and you can simply answer or not answer.
(Yes, however, with no attachments included as we don’t want to have to verify the authenticity of anything).
The hyperlinks would be a no go and I explained that to Mr. Kiibler when he asked to include some when we last corresponded. I again proposed you two speak at that time as opposed to the online discord.
Yes- as long as names ( Like “personal” shots) are not called in comments, I have no reason to edit or omit statements. But also no links attached. I will tell you Steven has indeed blocked people that have done so to either side.
I will reach out after phone is apparently able to call out International for some reason, and if not I will Skype at the name you provided.
Saludos and have a good day.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 6:25 PM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hi James,
No problem on the phone issues – I know the feeling well in Panama – it seems there is always a struggle even with the most basic needs!! I’m glad you are getting some time off.
I circled back with my leadership group and lawyers on your proposed new solutions. It was difficult as you can imagine as they were expecting our response posted already and are very disappointed Kiibler’s interview and other damaging posts have been up for weeks with no Red Frog response. I reminded them that you are the first journalist that wants to provide our side of the story and simply want to give the two sides equal coverage so now they get it. As for me, I am exhausted by it all, trying to run a company and hold off these thugs with not enough time in the day to do it all. I do appreciate you working so hard to make this a balanced story, especially considering you don’t want to deal with this crap.
All that being said – they have agreed to your equal time approach but want to make sure it’s equal across the board:
Also they want to confirm that our response was not provided to Kiibler?
While it would be far easier for me just to post the our response that is done, I am open to do this to help make sure you can stand on high ground saying indeed you gave equal treatment to both sides in entirety.
Let me know if this agreeable and let’s move forward to get this over with and behind us. Thanks as always James.
From: J B <>
Date: Monday, September 30, 2019 at 2:35 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Good afternoon. I will be back in Panama by Thursday AM.
We actually went down to Islamorada which is an area near the top of the Florida Keys this weekend on a catamaran, and therefore WiFi was next to nothing.
I hope that your leadership as you say can see that even in the absence of my posting of merely a RFB response, that I have still toned down rhetoric from both sides and between you and I omitted inflammatory comments that some tried to sneak in.
The last correspondence we had with TC was prior to my leaving Panama, in which he stated that nobody attempted to contact him and put the swords down via the gentlemen you mentioned to me. I don’t have his name in front of me now to refer to. Something again that I was a staunch proponent of. Steven and I wonder aloud how the two groups can’t eventually help each other and develop that area in a way where BOTH prosper. Both of you guys need to raise capital and these newspaper battles just fuck the both of you and enrich legal teams. Mr. Kiibler or anyone at TC is not made privy to our subsequent correspondence. Outside of what I used to ask him questions during his interview, which he was made FULLY aware came from RFB as how else would I know what to ask?. he does not know anymore beyond that. I have told you already Joe that I advised him to contact you, same as I have advised you to contact him.
BTW, appreciate you calling me a “journalist”, but I can’t say I have earned the title. I just post opinions and ask questions.
On that topic, I will ask Steven to put together a list of questions that we can fashion into interview format.
Your words will be your own. You can take the time you need to answer.
On the posts already in the archive, I think as I mentioned earlier you will see that I have mentioned both yourself and Red Frog Beach in a fair manner. I have not had a TRUE pro RFB post that is true. but outside of Peter’s editorial, I didn’t really have a negative one either until the C/D which we have covered. I’m 100% for you replying to a Q/A. On older posts, I can do what is often done in papers, and that is add a Retraction/Editorial to anything existing and state X,Y,and Z is just one person’s opinion and outside of the Wright Thurston details PNO does not present this as fact. So much and so forth.
In that respect I would like to take all stuff down.
I will get back to you tomorrow.
Be well as I hope you are indeed returning to regular business.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 7:49 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hi James,
I did a cat trip in the keys about 20 years ago and it was amazing – hope yours was as well. I bet it’s a lot different down there now!
I look forward to receiving Steven’s questions – the sooner the better so we can get this behind us. It has been a huge resource drain on our company and I think we both want to close the chapter on this as soon as possible. I agree with you just taking all the other stuff down – as we don’t have the resources to answer it all and the historic posts that end up high on the page search rankings are killers on our business.
Regarding settlement, our lawyer, Ricardo Fuller talked with Jorge Nunez from Infante, who told him there was no settlement interest and they would “take it all the way.” I did talk with our leadership group on reaching out to Richard and here is where they are at. They have no interest until our company name is cleared in public. Their position is that we reached out to settle then not only did they say not interested, but then they continuously attacked us in the press and with baseless legal claims. They are infuriated by these attacks which have damaged our company considerably hurting our brand, causing us to lose some huge investment deals, and distracting us away from normal business. They feel that only Kiibler’s side is in the public who has nothing else to do but attack us while we are trying to run a business. However, in the end I was able to open the door with them that after we got our side of the story and facts out, they would be open to me reaching out to Kiibler to discuss settlement. I echoed your arguments to get them there this could go on forever and only the lawyers will win. I do appreciate your persistence in trying to bring the sides together and I think it could be soon if we can get our position out quickly.
Thanks as always James. Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 3:01 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hello Joe-
Rest assured Steven is working on some stuff.
In trying to prepare some questions, please note that as I stated you can state as much on the positive aspects of RFB as you would like to disseminate. Turtles. Solar, etc,
I was asked if TC/SDRI would be able to respond to anything you state and my answer is NO. Actually emphatically.
As in, there will be NO 3rd act.
Steven told me his questions are set to be centered around the rather meatier parts of the discord and not all the salacious ones. We want to stay on topic in the way attempted with TC. Not to go off on a tangent about other people, fake websites, alter egos, paid judges, etc and so on. That shit just spins into a circle.
Example: PNO asked questions about other people in his interview like DeLape and Bosquez, and that led to us being inundated with requests to fact check prior to stating anything from people claiming to be either them or related to them. I am aware Kiibler had words pointed at you as CEO or RFB that are accusatory, he did not slander other RFB staff such as Mr.Bolton or Mr.Cranney with any hard criminal assertions. We just want to keep it about RFB and TC/SDRI and the main tenets of the dispute. Steve and I are BOTH of the feeling that RFB people are securely in the RFB corner and TC/SDRI people are in theirs. I see no undecided swing voters in this election at all.
We (PNO) would like to ask about:
f) What RFB has planned for the future once settled.
We will not be posing any questions of death threats, local intimidation, or any other claims that Steve and I can’t substantiate. We tried to stifle that avenue in the first interview, but since both sides were recording…it was difficult. I am going to provide you with up front questions that don’t need to spiral the way that the interview did.
Also, please use comments if you want in the interim. As long as no threats are made. you can state what you like.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019 12:31 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Notes for RFB/ Joe Haley prior to MON 9/23/2019
Hi James, yes I understand and appreciate all below – our responses will be 100% factual and equable. If we reference any names at all from the TC/SDRI camp in our response, it will be based on facts. Kiibler did the opposite in his interview weaving a web of lies creating a fantasy world accusing me of exactly what he is doing. We won’t go that way. Keep in mind anyone in Kiibler’s tiny little corner lives in this same fantasy land while our those in our corner number in the hundreds with actual victims that have been significantly damaged by his actions.
We just don’t have the resources to go through all the posts and respond – we are trying to keep our business alive under this attack. We agreed to leave up Kiibler’s interview our response and take down all the rest..
Please send the Q&A asap so can get this over with. Thanks James. Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Friday, October 4, 2019 at 2:58 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: RFB abridged interview questions for PNO. NOT live interview.
Good afternoon Joe-
Got back yesterday and just getting settled.
I am more or less copying and pasting what Steven sent me and really whittled it down to the nuts and bolts of the dispute.
In addition, to kinda exemplify the fact that I have NOT used PNO to advance a negative position against you nor RFB, I told Steven I am including some of the stuff that was requested we post and we said NO. ( attached at bottom)
If they want to continue with this press barrage that is IMO hurting both of you, they can do the YouTube thing that RFB has done.
That is why I am so insistent against the links. It makes me feel I am contributing to further bullshit.
Thank you for clarifying you did receive his email as I more or less advised him to send it.
You could even be so bold to say I “strongly suggested”, as opposed to this venomous back and forth.
I regret you could not answer back, but everyone has their own group and marching orders to follow.
Without the 4 hrs and 23 pages, which neither you nor I want to do. PNO just wanted responses to what we felt were questions that did not lead to character assassinating. Simply the crux of the matter; See Steve’s input below:
Email Interview questions for Joe Haley/ RFB or Bastimentos Holdings.
1.) Tres Cruces has produced a Resolution from Anati, a certification from Anati and a Supreme Court ruling in their favor in recognition of their ownership over the disputed property. What documentation can your side show that demonstrates equal, greater or any ownership over said property?
2.) Tres Cruces submitted to PNO cancelled checks and copies of a purchase agreement wherein they were sold the Rights of Possession by Mr. Narvise in 2006 for the property in question. Does your side have records that substantiate what you paid and from whom concerning this specific parcel of land in question? Has it ever been proven that your seller did indeed have a claim or right to sell your group the property in question that Tres Cruces purchased from Mr. Narvise?
3.) Regarding the Supreme Court ruling from the Sala Primera of the Supreme Court ruling dating back to 2011. Have you yourself read the actual ruling? PNO required before these questions were posed to have a certified translation sent in order to attempt to understand better.
4) Assuming you have indeed read what we have read, do you understand exactly what is stipulated in terms of its ruling and what was ordered and awarded to Mr. Narvise and in kind ceded to Tres Cruces?
5). Having read it myself perhaps you can explain after said ruling, what is the Red Frog or Bastimentos Holdings official stance on any claim? It appears to be stated that the court indeed ruled that Mr. Narvise was in fact the owner of that property and apparently 3 different surveyors all recognized that the BH property apparently did not reach the sea. That seemed to be a big point with TC and their stance. More or less the pillars of their position. How would you reply to that?
6 ) You had mentioned previously that your position is that the Supreme Court justices that made this ruling were possibly corrupted by another government official(s). Is that correct and factual and perhaps your main basis for maintaining your claim?
4.) In reading an English translation of your Amparo to the Supreme Court to in affect stop or look for a reversal. Having spoken to a colleague and friend who is a lawyer in Panama, he’s explained to me that an Amparo is much like a Mandamus here in the US legal system. That appears to have been ruled against your side as well as endorsed by the Supreme Court of Panama. Have you seen what we were sent as well and if so what is your interpretation of the same?
5.) In terms of the specific land in question it is clear from our communications and dissemination of information that is property RFB owns. Is it that specific property that has been promised, guaranteed, or sold to your investors? Hence all of the people on the petition.
6.) PNO were also given again translations in English of the 3rd Chamber courts. Are you privy and have you read that ruling?
7). That case clearly had nothing to do with the ownership that was previously granted by the 1st Chambers ruling but was indeed a case regarding the title granted by the land authority and its validity, which I’m clear was in fact annulled. What is in the TC interpretation regarding the 3rd Chambers ruling was inaccurate in your opinion? Is there something or somewhere within said ruling that did indeed grant something to BH?
7.) How do you see this situation unfolding from here Mr. Haley?
8.) My final question would be the following as PNO has received voluminous amounts of emails from both sides of this dispute. Many of which stated that your company Red Frog and/or BH has other issues beyond TC. Locals and others inclusive of Indigenous persons that your group has similarly tried to take lands by force or occupy lands that don’t appear within the boundaries of your properties. Both sides on our blog have made the same assertions of each side.
Without getting into mud-slinging, how would you simply respond to any accusations? And if these people are incorrect, were the boundary surveys provided to PNO by TC accurate surveys?
That is all Mr. Haley. From my perspective as an attorney and speaking for James, that is all we would like to clarify. We don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of the defaming, accusatory, and threatening discourse that gets us off the legal topic, which is the only one that I care about.
I have read all correspondence sent to James, and I am fully aware that RFB has a positive story they look to tell. That of the employees, the solar, the environmental issues. All of which appeal to James.
I have compressed what would have certainly been a long interview into what we have submitted above.
If you have a corporate photo or logo that you would want on the banner for your answers, please include.
Steven c/o and with James.
**** Files are big and won’t let me attach. FYI it is a 23 page English translation that Steven requested from TC regarding original land ownership. The second is a 16 minute video of people and one claiming to be Mr. Narvise. I will place on zip and send to you.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 8:25 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: RFB abridged interview questions for PNO. NOT live interview.
Hi James, I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Thank you for sending on the questions – I will get to work but it looks like it will certainly take some time considering the legal focus of the questions. With the six diamonds website referenced in kiibler’s interview and in the questions for me, I will ask we include one hyperlink to our Bastimentos Holdings website which I will send you with our responses.
I understand you wanting to keep the questions for me away from character assassinating, but keep in mind Kiibler did just that in his interview including accusations of catfishing, that we were liars, aggressors, naming partners, employees, others, veiled threats that were doing criminal things, and made up fake supporters. So it won’t give us an equal chance to respond to all Kiibler’s BS, but at this point I don’t have the time to discuss further so will just do our best.
You should also know all of the Jay silver links were deleted other than the petition.
Finally, please let me know when you will take down the “my family got scammed…” post – it continues to severely hurt us. Thanks, Joe
Mon 10/7/2019 6:22 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Hello Joe-
Yes, friend I certainly agree that those barbs were thrown in that TC interview.
Yet, it is your personal choice to not do a live interview of which both Steven and I have acquiesced to your request. You have said as much in all your replies to me. I offered “equal chance” and you made it clear you did not want to. So that is confusing to me.
It’s kinda hard to keep people from going off topic in a live setting and that is what occurred.
My responses literally exhibit me attempting to steer clear of that.
I have really tried to be a good intermediary here, and it seems it is just not worth any effort.
I can share with you much of the rallying cry of trolls sending in comments center around you NOT doing an interview that way TC did. So I don’t see any bad that can come out of you having an entry with you answering questions in your own words, it can only help.
As far as anything you felt was BS, I have repeatedly said you could reply in comments without any involvement of PNO.
Another thing I am seeing here Joe, you are making PNO far too much of a talking point for this. I requested TC reach out to RFB, and apparently they did but the RFB reply is they will not talk until PNO takes down a article?? I find that a bit confusing. PNO is not a part of your discord. And while I am more than willing to remove any and all stuff of this nature as it is a headache, it will not be a pre-requisite towards anything. I am not involved.
Please let me state that again. I am not involved so PNO will not be a carrot to dangle for either side.
You are a bright man, and you have to clearly see that. TC nor RFB are doing anything for me besides providing grief and requests. I gain nothing from you replying or not replying, and I have felt that since your luck with the papers in Panama has been one sided, I would certainly let you opine on PNO. But I simply won’t allow your side nor theirs to dictate anything to me. I went as far as to add additional commentary to that reader entry merely based off my rapport with you and being cogent as to my opinion of what was stated. Please re-visit if you have not seen it.
Steven worked a great deal of time to be fair and actually look to keep you away from questions that would spiral and reflect poorly. As I am not a paper Joe, and you made it clear you don’t want to sit on a call with Steven and I, I am being as fair and balanced as a guy that has no benefit to doing so can be. I have no issue you directing people to your site in your reply with a link either.
My op ed to you here Joe is exactly as I have discussed with you. I think both your groups are getting raped by a bad system and you have no end in sight as nobody is going to budge. I will express as much when I write my next (and most likely last) entry on this nightmare. I have found you to be a generally affable person would like that to remain that way. But a lot of requests are being made from both groups that I need to make clear have nothing to do with me or my blog. They have asked me to post more shit than you can imagine, stuff I am certain would do more collateral damage and I have not based off my calls with you. I hope you take into consideration the things that have not been used on PNO since we actually have spoken as opposed to just what has already been contributed. I’ve been over the top fair considering how our interaction started.
I look forward to receiving your answers back soon and I will get them up for any and all of my readers and visitors to see.
Any questions just reply back or give me a call.
From: J B
Wed 10/9/2019 4:13 AM
Hello Joe-
Touching base with you to see if you plan on submitting your answers and link before the end of the week?
Dovetailing off our last email, I was sent a YouTube link from a visitor through comments and asked to post on PNO that was the same one I spoke of to you that I downloaded to a flash drive yesterday, and we did NOT promote or disseminate. In addition we removed the abbreviated link from the comments.
If you complete and forward I can make sure it will be up prior to the weekend when we generally get the most site visits.
Joe Haley
Wed 10/9/2019 8:46 AM
Hi James – sorry for the delay, been covered up in survival mode– losing deals left and right from all this. I will hopefully have something to you this weekend.
From: JB
Wed 10/9/2019 10:10 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Ok Joe- Understood.
Take your time if needed.
Be well and Saludos-
Sun 10/13/2019 9:20 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Happy weekend Joe- hope it has improved.
Powering down the laptop and just wanted to see if I received anything from you that has been prepared.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 6:45 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Hi James – I’m sorry for the delay and not staying connected – I was travelling and it’s been incredibly hectic not only trying to survive financially with the fall-out from these guys attacks, but now it looks like they are going to try to invade our land again with Kiibler at the helm. They also invaded another victim last week with 15 thugs trying to get on his property… these guys are unbelievable. Not to mention we are trying to run a business and have our owners in for meetings this week that I am prepping for. Anyway.. I am making progress and assure you will have our response in the next few days.
Thanks for doing your part in keeping all communication fair on the PNO site.. sorry again and will have something soon to you. Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Monday, October 14, 2019 at 10:47 AM
To: “” <>
Subject: Final reach out
Good morning Joe-
I have sent a few emails to you that have been un-replied to since we last corresponded Wednesday.
Perhaps you are indeed busy and pre-occupied, or perhaps you have been advised or counseled against providing Steven and I back with your quotes and answers.
In either event, please extend the courtesy of apprising us.
We have been, from our perspective, placating many readers for weeks now and stating that you (RFB) have shown no hesitance or resistance in answering questions, and to be clear we feel we have done a service to you by doing so and NOT allowing a barrage of negative comments about you to splash across PNO. To be clear: Extra editorial was added to previous posts in your favor. Posts stating that you have been speaking to us were uploaded and portrayed you in a favorable and transparent light. Lastly,…rude and personal statements that were appearing in “Comments” were removed and posters blocked. You stated you were having a bad week in survival mode, and I can guarantee that the cessation of PNO in allowing people to take shots at RFB on my site DEFINITELY aided you in this time period. I have always stated both in conversation as well as print, that discussion and settlement seemed the only outcome for both sides.
Your last email stated we would have your replies by the weekend. If they are indeed not coming, which is your right to do so, give Steven and I the notice so we can move forward and away from this with our readers and visitors. Give me a heads up and let me know Joe.
Thanks and saludos as always-
From: J B <>
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 11:06 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Good afternoon-
I am pleased to hear back from you.
And I am also well aware of what has occurred on the opposite side, as I have told you I am constantly made aware and have been non-active due to my willingness to await your reply and not pile on without response. That long video interviewing people was provided to me and we did not post awaiting your answers. I see that it went to YouTube regardless.
People send me things all the time. Not necessarily from TC or SDRI, but from others to my emails.
Be well and touch base soon.
Regards and Saludos-
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 2:34 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Hi James,
Please find attached our responses in blue. The only hyperlink we would ask to include is the Bastimentos Holdings website where we are loading all the evidence to support our responses.
Sorry for the delay. Thanks, Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 6:09 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Do you have a photo or logo to be on your banner?
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 2:29 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Not sure if you saw this:ón-tres-cruces-%C2%A0.html
Red Frog: Es indebida la adjudicación a Tres Cruces | Metro Libre
Red Frog: Es indebida la adjudicación a Tres Cruces El abogado Luiggi Colucci indicó que “está pendiente una solicitud de revocatoria de oficio presentada ante la Anati, al igual que una acción de amparo de derechos constitucionales presentado ante la CSJ” |
From: Joe Haley <>
Mon 10/21/2019 6:59 AM
To: J B
Hi James,
I appreciate the response and understand where you are coming from. I apologize if our response wasn’t what you were expecting – we are just doing our best and provide actual facts regardless of how difficult they are to read. The reality is we are trying to survive and run a business while the other side has all the time in the world to do this stuff … not to mention I’m not a lawyer or a media expert. Kiibler asked you for “latitude” and as we did our best to not exceed any of the vitriol sent from the other side with a 4 hour interview. In the middle of it all, you have Kiibler come on our property and yell and intimidate our senior shareholder 70+ years old even naming his wife and threatening him he was going to take another 1000 acres… hard to swallow James – I am sure you understand… it’s hard not to want the public to know the real facts about this group. However, If you want to highlight areas where you have concerns where we went past it please send back and would consider amending. I appreciate your good faith and want to make sure that is upheld regardless.
Regarding the form, I may be mistaken but I thought we agreed on the written response first time, then the second time as well. We worked very hard to stay on question but when it came to Kiibler’s credibility, it’s awfully hard to even answer those without providing facts on the source . In addition, as you now know this is a long conflict so there is of course a lot of information to try to cover.
Finally, regarding settling – I told you firsthand that I was open to it but my shareholder leadership wanted to clear our good name before authorizing me to communicate. That position hasn’t changed. As I have said before, I appreciate you trying to bring the sides together.
Lee me know and thanks very much as always, Joe
From: J B <>
Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 at 10:04 AM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: Final reach out
Hello Joe-
Yes, I did notice this article. Only because it was sent to me from an email. Frankly Joe, I have to tell you that I have lived here for 11 years and never even heard of this paper. Comes up nowhere on my search, so they must be below Critica and El Siglo. This just further demonstrates the issues you are having with the mainstream media in Panama. MetroLibre is a rag that I am certain your PR firm most likely had you pay for, and in PNO’s case I have been working in “good faith” with you for month’s now to get a side of your out. I would bet that my blog gets more views than this article Joe.
Now on the subject of my blog. I am going to post your comments to me just as you wrote them, AS I STATED I WOULD. That is who I am and what Steve and I discussed we would do for our readers. However, I do want to make a few points clear with you as this has left a bad taste in my mouth.
Joe- being as it was YOU that chose to NOT do a live interview with Steve and I, I still pacified and vacillated people to come up with a manner in which you could reply on MY SITE, and not feel attacked. As much as the interview with Mr. Kiibler was painfully long and ponderous at times, he did answer every question LIVE and UNREHEARSED to exactly what Steven and I proposed to him. You elected to NOT do so. If Richard was able to ramble and mention things about RED FROG you did not like, at the very least it was while his feet were to the fire. You chose to answer in a very strategic and legal way, and went so far as to ask me to take down content from a site unrelated to your legal contention. This bothers me Joe, and I feel I just need to flat out tell you it does.
PNO has spoken to both parties at length, and even went as far as to request an olive branch, which it appears as if your side refused.
Steven works at a highly regarded corporate and securities litigation and South Florida, and his services are in the range of $500 per hour.
I had him format questions that were specifically for you and RED FROG, that REMOVED all of the salacious claims that YOU stated TRES CRUCES were talking about as a means to divert people from what you have always claimed to me in that RFB was the legal owner of the land per your deal with Motta. That was what PNO did for you at no charge or expense. We gave you the opportunity to take the high road and focus on the meat of the matter and not all the smoke and mirrors. Instead Joe, you did exactly what I thought and you answered Steven’s questions and then felt compelled to give into your personal agenda of dovetailing off topic and taking shots at Kiibler. In effect prostituting the good faith and desire to give you a shared forum I offered to you. This upsets me.
I have been working to extricate myself from this. Steven worked diligently to prepare for you questions that allowed you to remove yourself from the muck and present yourself as rightful owners and NOT the people that others have labeled you.
If you wanted to go off on a tangent Joe, you should have stepped up to the plate and done a LIVE interview the way Kiibler did.
You chose not to and yet I still felt compelled for some reason to allow you to reply.
So now I am in essence set with a decision to either print your UNEDITED reply which I promised, or TOSS it aside as I feel I should as you just gave me a carbon copy of the mud slinging that has already occurred. But seeing as my integrity means more than this issue in Bocas, I will post.
Joe- lastly other ex owners as well as a follow up from Peter have been sent in to PNO. I have also seen videos that document where you claim to be “invaded”, which in reality show US citizens being escorted by uniformed Police officers, being yelled at, impeded upon, and threatened in the exact manner in which Mr.McKinney described to me 8 months ago. All of which PNO did not post as a means to exacerbate a situation for you that you claimed was already out of control. I have essentially given you 60 days of protection against the claims and stories that have been distributed against RED FROG BEACH, and in return I feel you have bypassed my suggestions of attempting to speak and de-escalate this rhetoric and instead mutated Steven’s questions into the answers you wanted to provide. That is simply how I feel. Lastly, my wife received a request directly from Tres Cruces law firm in Panama in the form citacion or subpoena, in which they are asking for any email correspondence in which you or “Jay Miller” or “Jay Silver” are defaming Tres Cruces in any way. I of course have just forwarded this to Steven at this time for him to handle.
I endeavor to have your post up by end of day, along with my summary Op Ed of what I feel I have learned over the course of this ordeal. I still feel very strongly that this quagmire that has lasted 12 years is a pure example of duplicity and half truths. I feel that Panama and it’s system hooked some strong large mouth Bass that they refuse to catch and release. In the meantime, papers, firms, and lawyers keep making money, and my website and email keeps getting inundated.
I have tried to help you Joe, but no good deed goes unpunished it seems.
Good Luck Joe-
*******Steven back here again. I would imagine if you are NOT involved in RED FROG BEACH, this piece seems like sitting through an insurance seminar. However, if you DO know these guys, and you DO have monies invested, it should serve as your “DEEP THROAT”. How much more proof do you fucking need you filthy rich schmucks?? Throw these guys in prison.
Or depend on the man that is laying up with his second stroke to do it for you……cowards.
Read THE FINAL E-MAIL EXCHANGE BETWEEN J.B and JOE HALEY, and tell me for yourself who sounds more convincing? As the sun sets slowly in the west I bid you all adieu’. PNO is OUT, and may God have mercy on the souls that still have faith in snake oil salesmen. Read DECEMBER 3rd, a few times. It’s a DOOZY. Starts on NOV 30th, with HALEY pleading for an audience and reads low to high.
Hi JB,
First and foremost I’m very sorry for any aggravation we may have caused you, your wife, and Steven. I had no idea you were being harassed or provoked by anyone other than the Tres Cruces group. All of this is extremely disappointing and disheartening. I can assure you if any came from our owners or partners, it was not authorized or condoned by me or our leadership team. I also wanted to thank you for any time you’ve blocked blatantly fake people attempting to defame us or inject more lies into the forum. I don’t recognize the bloggers as owners so seriously doubt their legitimacy and motivation. Like any large resort with a long history, we have a handful of disgruntled owners and are working hard to earn their trust. We would be both happy and eager to respond to any genuine claim from any verified owners. Finally, I want to thank you for earnestly trying to bring the parties together in terms of potentially reaching a land settlement. I appreciate your effort and injection of good will, but as I shared with you live, it’s complicated having so many shareholders and not my decision alone.
From our limited time chatting, I got the impression that you are a good guy who simply wanted to report the news to help expats and certainly didn’t want your forum to hurt anyone. That’s why I put in the urgent calls to you so that you are aware it’s exactly what is happening in hopes of rectifying it for everyone. We have now lost 6 deals of over the last several months valued together over $5M largely as a result of the PNO site content. We suspect several other investments lost as well as a result of this situation. These posts, republished stories, and editorial together have been very destructive to our company and put the investments of 300+ shareholders and livelihoods of 140+ employees in jeopardy. I know this was not the intended purpose of your site or what you want as an outcome.
I thought it was most productive to talk live to answer you and Steven’s emails and posts and discuss potential solutions, especially considering what’s at stake. However, if you would rather keep our correspondence in writing I am willing to do that as well. Please let me know as I would like to work together for the common good if possible.
Thanks again JB.
From: J B <>
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 12:17 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Cc: J B <>
Subject: Re: need to talk
Joe- The number is correct. That is my personal number from the US that I have received disconcerting messages on. It reached the point where I just asked my provider to suspend my number and I have been using my computer. I just reactivated it yesterday.
I agree I thought our calls were productive in the past, however you are either making a conscious choice to look beyond what Steven has shared with you yesterday , or you simply don’t care that both my wife and I have been harassed and provoked by people that are attempting to get me further involved. Any phone conversation would be productive and serve your needs I’m sure. Just don’t see why I need to have one on my end at all. RED FROG loyalists either through baiting me with insults, or by sending me copious amounts of information from your investment group, have made your wish to speak a one sided proposition.
I copy Steven and my actual family estate attorney on all emails in any event, as it is he who in the end sends out everything I type regardless.
If you have something to communicate to me you can type it, leave a message on my cell, or text it. In terms of me sharing my thoughts with you in private, given what people have left on my phone and sent to me in email, it simply won’t occur. YOUR people, either FAKE or REAL have brought me to this place.
And so you are clear, Tres Cruces legal are up my ass as well trying to obtain information. Fuck them too! Are you reading this Joe? Fuck them too. I am not a shill for their fight either.
I’m actually quite pissed. My desire to help Ex-Pats has removed the fun from my site and both myself and my family find everyone pretty repellent.
I am currently back in the US and will remain here for the duration of the holidays and beyond. This ordeal has made us quite tired of Panama recently. Crazy to think that this battle over a piece of dirt I give two shits about has pushed me back to the states for relaxation.
Joe- You know I tried to help. You know I attempted to promote and foster dialogue. You know I posted your unedited reply just as I stated I would. You know I asked Kiibler to reach out to you. Man, if you knew what I have NOT thrown on the site in light of thinking you were being straight with me you would be sending me a case of Bourbon for Christmas.
These exchanges and information being sent is NOT from Kiibler, or Baquet or Tres Cruces. This shit is coming from the United States and YOUR people. Joe- you have an email group of around 30 or so email addresses and over 12 send me shit almost EVERY DAY. These are YOUR people, NOT outsiders. As Steve wrote you man, instead of bugging me, ask why these people hate you so fucking much?
Joe, if these RFB people that are calling me names and leaving profane messages were in front of me they would be missing their fucking teeth. I’m not some pushover.
But why people both for and against you want me to be some type of leader of the Rebellion is CRAZY. I don’t want the gig. Not interested.
I have been deluged with more shit from your people and Tres Cruces because your right in your assessment that Panamanian papers don’t give a shit. I expressed that to you, in the end they will protect themselves. I have told you this since my first communication with you.
People from YOUR group wants to actually engage Steven’s firm asking for help.
(Of which #1 it is NOT what they do, and #2 would never happen in a million GD years), but the point is WE are not soliciting this.
We looked into everything, starting with the fake people contacting ME, without solicitation I might add, and catfished ME to invest my time into this mess.
Me nor my site exist to serve the needs of Red Frog or Tres Goddamn Cruces for that matter.
Stories of some crazy island guy eating palm tree rats in a shack, or Goomba stories of mob type people in New York. It’s borderline silly at this point.
We tried to help one guy (McKinney) and have received nothing but a pile of shit since.
I saw videos where you said people “inavaded” and that Mr.Bolton was “threatened” along with his wife, and it simply did not occur. I saw a big fat Panamanian in a SECURITY shirt push a scrawny Bill Baquet around, even though they were in the presence of a Nacional Police officer. Does that mean I think their side is perfect….NO. But it is not what was explained to me by you was occurring. It was actually closer to what Peter stated.
Take the fact that I am even taking the time to type you this as a gift from my wife, who wants me to shut the site down. She hates it. But I still don’t understand from your end how you are not doing everything in your power to resolve your shit with the TC people. Collectively it seems you could navigate through the muck. But taking on the Panamanian Supreme Court? Your lawyers are fucking you. Your PR firm is fucking you. Your going to continue to get fucked and monies will be thrown away. All PNO did was look at everything and identify PANAMA as your problem. We did you a favor in sharing this with you, and the only people that will tell you otherwise will most likely be other Panamanians looking to pilfer from you and your group. Complete opportunists, cashing in on a gringo dispute that has lasted 12 years.
If you and TC want to keep this useless propaganda fight going forward it’s foolish.
Which is why I have NOT posted this shit people have asked me to Joe.
Whatever it is you feel you need to tell me, it should only be THANK YOU, as what people WITHIN RED FROG, BASTIMENTOS, BLUE OCEAN, yatta yatta yatta want me to share with the world about you would certainly ruin your holidays. Be smart and just trust me on that.
Joe- it’s DAMNING COMMENTARY about you and Mr.Bolton from YOUR FUCKING INVESTORS. Are you hearing me? Literally (12) REAL people of yours.
Joe- you didn’t want to do a live interview with me and Steven, so consider this the same courtesy shown in return. You said your group advised you against it, well same applies here. Steven is of the opinion I have already been too nice to a complete stranger, and in return I have received cowardly messages and threatening texts.
Your reluctance to put anything in print further baffles me. You showed no such hesitance when you wrote your reply to TC. I’m not an enemy of yours Joe, but understand clearly that there has been no quid pro quo here. I’ve gotten nothing but a headache from you and your people. BOTH defenders and detractors.
I definitely care about any people who have their hard earned monies caught up in this and I would love to think I could help, but it is apparent I can’t as both sides are simply out for blood in a fight to the end that only hurts others. That’s my opinion Joe. Period.
If you want to write me back I will gladly read. Beyond that, I think I have said what I need to say.
Wish you the best Joe, and all people involved as well.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 10:22 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: need to talk
Hi James – I tried 312-497-6784 – that was the number I think you called on a few times – maybe I had it wrong.
Best to talk vs. write – I thought our conversations were productive so I think easiest if you are ok with it.
Could we chat at 4:30 p.m. CST today? If not tomorrow morning early?
Thanks James.
From: J B <>
Date: Monday, December 2, 2019 at 3:09 PM
To: Joe Haley <>
Subject: Re: need to talk
Joe- My day is rapidly coming to a close. I contacted Verizon and had my cell phone turned back on and I have no missed calls or messages from your 612 or 507 numbers.
I have never provided your contact number to anyone, and if you heard some of the messages that were left on mine you would understand our reticence.
I gave it to you in confidence, and can only hope you did not break that confidence so that RFB supporters can contact and harass me.
As Steve told you, I did not pick up that article about a DEATH at Red Frog Beach, cause I’m simply exhausted. 2020 will not be consumed by this mess.
From: Joe Haley <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 1:00 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: Re: need to talk
JB- I tried calling you a few times this weekend. It’s critical we talk today – please let me know a time and number I can call. Thank you. Joe
From: Joe Haley <>
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 9:47 AM
To: J B <>
Subject: need to talk
JB – please give me some times that you are open I can call you and number. Thank you. Joe