
Welcome to the WET season. Navigating Panama is horrible during the rain.

http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/aguacero-inicia-transicion-estacion-seca-lluviosa-panama/24197695 The rainy season will be brought forward 10 days in Western Chiriquí, central Veraguas, Coclé and western Herrera and Los Santos This Tuesday, April 5, the city of Panama woke up with a downpour, which is part of the transition process from the dry to the rainy season in …


“Mangroves”. I know a thing or two about the impact.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/cafe-estrella/planeta/220329/manglares-panama-amenazado-resort-aves-migratorias-america With a vegetation that is almost impenetrable to the sun’s rays and food in abundance, thousands of birds have a vital resting point on their migratory route in the mangroves of Panama. But pollution and urban growth threaten their “resort”. In the Juan Díaz mangrove, a few kilometers from the …


Aquaponics: A growing environmental alternative in Panama and beyond.

Aquaponics: a saving system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvSw5sLexEQ Combine fish farming and plant cultivation in water and reduce your expenses. Aquaponics is a system that mixes aquaculture (farming fish) with hydroponics (growing vegetables in water), in a sustainable way to reduce costs and space in production farms. Aquaponics can be carried out on …


BAYANO- region holds environmental marvels and prosperous commerce.

The dawn embraces the port of Bayano. The landing is covered by fishing boats crammed with tilapia. From the bow of his boat, Elíseo Morales talks with the tour guide Dimas Núñez. [Video] The Cave of Pueblo Nuevo “A part of the fish is sold for local consumption, another part, to the …


APR. 6th- National Climate Change Awareness Day

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/cafe-estrella/planeta/220302/analisis-emergencia-cambio-climatico Starting with this first installment, we will bring to the ‘Planet’ section the knowledge and analysis of scientists and professionals from the social and political sciences to explore the current climatic emergency, of unprecedented dimensions that makes us the last generation that will be able to save millions of …


Environmental numbers reveal bleak outlook for island territory.

While the Panamanian indigenous Ocelot is benefiting areas of the jungle by eating invading rodents, the rest of the world is continuing to wipeout wildlife. This article explains, as is the case with the Seychelles, what effect climate change will have on small islands in the global south. And in …


Plastic reduction calls for action and less meetings. This is old topic getting worse.

The one thing all of the retirement destinations have in common, is the massive shithole that shows itself as plastic all over the shores. I have seen it in Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico.  https://www.laestrella.com.pa/cafe-estrella/planeta/220223/urge-nuevo-tratado-internacional-contaminacion-plasticos   The oceans have become huge sinks for plastic waste. The recycling panacea was a mirage. Contamination …


River pollution remains threat to the Panama coastline.

Anyone flying into Tocumen from anywhere can see the brown and gray water that make up the “bay” that is supposed to be so vital to Panama tourism. The fact is outside of areas like Bocas and Contadora, the real beauty of Panama is missed by the massive failure of …


Just like Panama…..it takes Covid for them to realize the importance of nature to the economy.

JB: “Green Tourism” on a beautiful island, WOW what a tremendous fucking idea. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&sp=nmt4&u=http://elsiglo.com.pa/economia/miambiente-activan-turismo-verde-conservacion-panama/24168240&usg=ALkJrhix1DY-zTrYWqRgJM2GI3ee4-xvdQ “We plan to increase the protected areas on the maritime surface by 2021 from 10% to 30%” The Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) and the Fundación Caminando Panamá held a working …


Scientist debunks how invasive plant species reached Panama.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/cafe-estrella/planeta/201201/cientifica-smithsonian-esclarece-leyenda-urbana JB: to my e-mailers,,,,screw you, this shit interests me. LOL Urban legends abound about the origins of canal straw in Panama, but the Smithsonian has new evidence that puts an end to the question. Gutter straw is an invasive weed, native to Asia. Because its tiny seeds are carried by the …


For JB: Environment agency opening protected areas.

Buenas Dias: Josito https://www.prensa.com/impresa/panorama/miambiente-anuncia-reapertura-de-areas-protegidas-marinas/ The Ministry of the Environment (Miambiente) announced yesterday the reopening, as of next Monday, October 26, of a second group of natural areas under its protection. This time it is the reserves that include marine, aquatic and lake areas. Minsa makes official reactivation of new group of activities; walks to …


Panama to open Protected parks today.

Para: Josito https://www.prensa.com/sociedad/estas-son-las-14-areas-protegidas-que-abriran-al-publico-a-partir-de-este-lunes/ The Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) reported that as part of the restart of activities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic , a total of 14 terrestrial protected areas will open to the public starting this Monday, October 5. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) published on Friday in the Official Gazette the decree by …


With Global emissions halted, immediate reduction of pollutants.

General overall view of sparse traffic on the Interstate 710 freeway amid the global coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, Thursday, April 9, 2020, in Los Angeles.Sports/Newscom/ZumaFor indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis and more, subscribe to Mother Jones’ newsletters. This piece was originally published in the Guardian and appears here as part of our Climate Desk Partnership. The …


Waste Management takes on new importance during Corona outbreak.

https://www.prensa.com/impresa/panorama/manejo-de-residuos-en-tiempos-de-pandemia/ Caring for patients with Covid-19 and prevention actions – use of masks, gloves, antibacterial gel and other protective materials – to prevent new infections, cause more waste in hospital centers and, now, in so-called hospital hotels and in homes. How are these wastes from patients with Covid-19 handled in Panama? The Ministry of Health …


With humans inside, the wildlife of the world stretches their legs.

https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-animals-reclaiming-cities-covid-19-pandemic-140503907.html As the coronavirus pandemic leaves the world’s major cities deserted by humans, animals have been spotted enjoying the peace and quiet. The global outbreak of the virus has seen many countries such as Spain, Italy, Japan and Chile, as well as the UK, impose a lockdown on citizens. But mother nature …


March 14th, big day for Environmentalists in Panama. Please read.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/cafe-estrella/planeta/200311/agua-energia-son The importance of rivers goes beyond what is imaginable. Since ancient times, rivers have served civilizations as communication routes between cities, as well as a source of food, fresh water and energy for the communities settled in their surroundings. Within this framework, there is no doubt that “it is our …


PNO revisiting topic of Panama beachfront. Crucial vote forthcoming.

I/E: Don’t F- – K this up people!! https://www.prensa.com/sociedad/semana-crucial-para-el-futuro-del-proyecto-de-recuperacion-de-playas-en-la-ciudad-de-panama/ Amid a controversial debate about whether it is necessary to invest about 120 million dollars in the project to recover beaches in Panama City, this week defines the future of this initiative that drives the City Hall. Voices for and against …


Nephew just returned from Colombia and saw Hippos. Here is why.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pablo-escobars-hippos-keep-multiplying-and-colombia-doesnt-know-how-to-stop-it/ Fishing villages, small boats and children at play dot the landscape along the shallow waterways of Colombia’s Magdalena River. But an invasive species left behind by one of the country’s most infamous figures is threatening the ecosystem and, possibly, a way of life. That species? Hippos. The giants, native …


Panama finally addressing “waterfront” hotels of water that can’t be used.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/200224/bahia-panama-estaria-saneada-ano The waters of the Bay of Panama would be clean by 2050. Although, the administration of the Sanitation of Panama explained that there have been significant improvements in the quality of the bodies of water (streams, rivers and the Bay of Panama) in those sectors Having been intervened by …


Environmental exhibition up to raise awareness in Panama.

https://www.prensa.com/impresa/vivir/una-ciudad-en-resiliencia/ Global warming and its consequences are undeniable, bringing with it a climate crisis from which Panama does not escape. That is why, in search of finding and promoting actions that help the isthmus in its fight against these effects, the Biomuseo inaugurated its new temporary room “Your new city: how to …


Help coming to aid pollution in Costa del Este.

https://www.prensa.com/impresa/panorama/marea-verde-recibira-fondos-internacionales-para-proyecto/ An initiative of the Green Tide Foundation, which will integrate a mechanical device equipped with artificial intelligence to the garbage container barrier (BOB) that since the beginning of 2019 was installed at the mouth of the Matías Hernández river, in Costa del Este, was chosen as the most outstanding …


Dialogue renews over the City (Shitty) coastline of Panama.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/200113/200112-playas-ciudad-deben-acondicionarse A peaceful demonstration, on the outskirts of the Municipality of Panama, on January 15, 2019, has proposed those who are against the construction of artificial beaches in the Bay of Panama. On the subject, the architect, environmentalist and former mayor, Raisa Balfield believes that instead of building artificial beaches, …


World should be WOKE to tragedy in Australia. Hoping all can help.

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson: Of all the shitty things that happened in a shitty week, it is this horrible event that has me the most upset. Australia is literally going through an extinction level event with these wildfires. A country so unique with an abundance of animals and fauna …


Need some good news for my Environmental pals.

25 Year old Foundation showing great conservation progress in Brazil, which translates throughout region. The Foundation, which has turned 25 this year, has added the pechigrís parakeet to the list of species it has managed to save from extinction with its ‘in situ’ and ‘ex situ’ work. This year, as …


More Panama perspective on Climate change. Ex-Pats take notice.

https://www.prensa.com/impresa/vivir/el-ascenso-de-los-mares/ A year ago I wrote an article in La Prensa warning about the future impacts of sea level rise in Panama. I used a playful analogy about the fact that the Isthmus of Panama emerged from the sea 3 million years ago, and that, with the current climate change, the sea will …


A possible better option than Paper Straws to replace Plastic.

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- As much as the bay surrounding my condo in Panama makes me sick to my stomach, coming home to the states I am reminded in full how pollution once it hits the seas is not relegated to the 2nd and 3rd world nations. Quite the …


PANAMA steps up as Global Partner in protecting Endangered Species.

The largest of cat species indigenous to PANAMA. Protect the Jaguar. 40% of natural territory has already been taken. Chucunaque is 4 to 6 years old, 55 kilos, two puppies and his skin looks dark stained. It is the first jaguar (Panthera onca) that wears a GPS collar for its …


Panama energy sector finally looking to solar.

https://www.prensa.com/economia/Inversionistas-apuestan-fuentes-energias-alternas_0_5436206336.html The appetite of investors who bet on the Panamanian energy sector is leaning towards alternative sources of generation. 57% of the licenses and concessions granted by the National Public Services Authority (ASEP) correspond to plants that use energy from the sun and wind. Until October 30, ASEP held 14 …


Embrace the importance of the Sea Turtles to Panama.

https://www.prensa.com/provincias/avistamiento-atractivo-turistico-Isla-Canas_0_5434706493.html An authentic natural spectacle occurs in Isla Cañas, district of Tonosí, when hundreds of turtles, of about four species, arrive to spawn. And this season of the year dozens of tourists move, by water, to this community to observe the turtle parade, which this season nest. Hawksbill, bighead, green, …


Trees and Timber are the new victims of “poaching”, as exploitation of Darien continues.

https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Bandas-criminales-explotan-mineria-ilegal_0_5427957176.html The Colombian criminal gangs that operate on the border between Panama and Colombia, control the illegal mining that is exploited in some towns of Darién. The Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Organized Crime and the Metropolitan Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office are conducting investigations related to the operation of …