Upcoming climate conference a key to action in Latin America
- By : James Bryson
- Category : Conservation, Environmental

Science-based climate action is one of the key points of the joint position that the Americas will present on Agriculture during the COP27 Climate Summit next November in Egypt, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) reported this Saturday. ).
Ministers and senior officials of Agriculture from 32 countries in North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean met between Thursday and Friday at IICA headquarters in Costa Rica and reached a consensus on the position that the region will present at COP27 in order to make visible the importance of the sector in the fight against climate change and its essential role in global food security.
Last Saturday, IICA disclosed the scope of the ministerial consensus that is based on the premise that climate action must be based on science to achieve more sustainable agriculture, and that it also protects and increases productivity so as not to deepen the food crisis. global.
The joint position of the Americas highlights that the damage caused by the effect of climate change and the investments necessary for the transformation of agriculture cannot be assumed by producers, so it is essential that developed countries fulfill their commitments to provide international financing.
The document warns that the increase in food insecurity and the global climate situation pose a great threat throughout the planet that must be addressed with depth and urgency.
In this sense, the region highlighted that its agricultural sector is one of the main food producers in the world and at the same time highly vulnerable to extreme weather events, particularly in the Caribbean and Central America.
“Production, livelihoods and the natural resource base have been affected by the growing impacts of climate change, which has exacerbated the problems associated with the increase in poverty, hunger and food prices; affecting world food security”, expresses the text.
The agriculture ministers also committed to working to increase access to climate finance funds for all countries in the region, including the most vulnerable countries, to strengthen adaptation.
In addition, they announced that they will continue to strengthen the presence of the Ministries and Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in national, hemispheric and global climate discussion forums, with the support of IICA and other international organizations.
The positions will be taken to COP27, which will be held in November in the Egyptian city of Sharm El Sheik, where the region will also present sustainable agricultural practices carried out in their countries.
The Director General of IICA, Manuel Otero, said that the region “will have a strong presence at COP27” on agricultural matters and that “it is not about displacing environmental negotiators, but about joining forces.”
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