
Is it just me?,,,,,,or am I “CARNAC” again. Let the feast begin.

  https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/former-mayor-of-colon-alex-lee-facing-criminal-proceedings The former mayor of Colón, Alex Lee, is not only facing criminal proceedings for alleged irregularities in the management of funds from the Barrio Sur Communal Board in Colón; now the Court of Accounts has notified him of a summons to trial, the result of an investigation by …


New Administration brings out the “Panama Piranha” on the old regimes. Target #1

OP ED: “JB” For years I have been able to not only post on, but PROVE an ingrained pattern within the institution of Panamanian politics to “feast and revenge” on the conquered. I have referred to it as “cannibalistic”. I speak of the fact that the underhanded dealings that have …

Political FRAUD

Martinelli calls for draining the swamp from exile.

He’s not wrong,,,,,but far from right.  The Attorney General of the Nation, Javier Caraballo, confirmed this Friday night that he dismissed prosecutor Zuleika Moore https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/martinelli-pide-a-procurador-caraballo-limpiar-el-ministerio-publico-LJ7821148?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Following the announcement of the dismissal of then-prosecutor Zuleyka Moore, former President of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli, requested this Saturday, July 29, that the Attorney …


Hey, Tyson is back in the ring, …..why not me? Coming off the sidelines as this is TOO CRAZY!!

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson The 20 Year Dysfunctional Fuck Story that is RED FROG BEACH AND RESORT is truly taking on zeigeist worthy and mythical proportions. Needless to say, I “still” receive snippets, updates, “little birdies”, and “new stories of buffoonery” from my “BOCAS BRIGADE”.  TRUE, my wife has …

Political FRAUD

Zulay case to be heard in regards to vote integrity.

The Second Electoral Court admitted this Monday, June 10, the lawsuit for partial annulment of the election in the 8-2 circuit (San Miguelito) presented by the still deputy Zulay Rodríguez. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/juzgado-admite-demanda-de-zulay-rodriguez-sobre-nulidad-de-eleccion-en-circuito-8-2-CB7636545?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The lawsuit was filed for the counting of the votes recorded in the minutes of voting stations 4672, 4682, …


Events in Brazil could impact punishments for PANAMA thieves and scumbags with ODEBRECHT.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/moises-bartlett-fallo-en-brasil-podria-impactar-caso-odebrecht-en-panama-BA7534289 The decision of the Supreme Federal Court in Brazil, declaring “absolute nullity” of the judicial acts in the “Lava Jato” case against Marcelo Odebrecht, raises questions about the effects of that ruling on the processes in Panama. A plot that includes 25 high-profile defendants, including former presidents Ricardo Martinelli …

Political FRAUD

In typical PANAMA fashion- Political Life changes on a DIME.

I’ve said since I started this blog, that PANAMA despite it’s progressive exterior as an emerging country that is ready to operate in a 1st “world” environment, they continue to “cannibalize” opposition. Zulay, once a shining star in the political landscape, is suddenly “persona non grata”. Zulay denounces fraud. “I …


ODEBRECHT,”Mossack/Fonseca”,PANAMA PAPERS- Trial finally underway.

https://apnews.com/article/panama-papers-odebrecht-trial-50e8e62ae2021c417e49751d7cfe0331 PANAMA CITY (AP) — Eight years after 11 million leaked secret financial documents revealed how some of the world’s richest people hide their wealth, more than two dozen defendants are on trial in Panama for their alleged roles. The repercussions of the leaks were far-ranging, prompting the resignation of …


Every swing is coming up a miss as powers try to stifle Mulino and “Realizing Goals”.

The lawyers recalled that Mulino’s candidacy has already participated in the voting process. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/juristas-afirman-que-en-el-caso-mulino-ya-hay-sustraccion-de-materia-XF7153716?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The jurists Miguel Antonio Bernal, Italo Antinori, Juan Carlos Araúz and José Alberto Álvarez requested on the morning of this Monday, April 29, to the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice, through the rapporteur …

Bocas del Toro

Bag of wind “Gaby” has large showing in Bocas. ( I wonder where else he stopped?……)

What a crock of shit!!!! Heading to Bocas to rally the “common folk”. If elected he will do exactly what Nito has done for that region, which is DICK!!! NADA!!!!   BDT is just a place he visits each month to pick up an envelope. Dirty Pool. Carrizo is preparing for …

Political FRAUD

SHOCKER- Brazilian courts far more forgiving for Martinelli in regards to ODEBRECHT.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/toffoli-veta-pruebas-de-odebrecht-en-contra-de-martinelli-LY6818591?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The Brazilian magistrate extended in favor of former president Ricardo Martinelli the uselessness of the contents of box 2 and testimonies from executives of the construction company Judge José Antonio Dias Toffoli, member of the Supreme Court of Brazil, extended the effects of the decision in favor of former …

International Relations

Things are BAD when Ortega administration in Nicaragua are being un-supportive.

http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/panama-nicaragua-enfrentados-martinelli/24247191 The government of Nicaragua alleges that the State of  Panama ‘has the obligation to provide’ all facilities ANSWER.  Panama and Nicaragua maintain a diplomatic dispute that has as its central axis the political asylum granted to former president Ricardo Martinelli. Through a note from the government of Daniel Ortega, the Panamanian government is …

Political FRAUD

Sins of the past keep following Martinelli, as his enemies continue to try to mute his influence.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/peticiones-a-brasil-complican-defensa-de-la-fiscalia-en-caso-odebrecht-BG6484892 The defense of former president Ricardo Martinelli filed an appeal before the Federal Court of Brazil to prohibit the testimony of key company executives and the evidence from box 2 in the November trial. The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office will be increasingly pressured not to depend on the evidence …

Human Interest

WOW- Election Year and Gabby remembers there are Indigenous voters, lets shake some hands.

On the third day of his tour of the Ngäbe Buglé Region, a large crowd reiterated their support for Gaby in the midst of indigenous cultural demonstrations https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/carrizo-anuncia-ministerio-indigena-ante-miles-de-panamenos-en-la-comarca-ngabe-bugle-IB6102802?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Residents of the 27 townships of the Müna and Ñürüm districts gave a great welcome to presidential candidate José Gabriel Carrizo. On …

Human Interest

30 year era of Martinelli “Magic” coming to inglorius END.

A name and effigy revered by millions. One who continuously faced enemies, a rebel, a voice to be heard, one who seemed to always find a way out.  RICARDO MARTINELLI will never be the same in Panama. The “machine” has got him by the balls. He’s made too many enemies, …


Off we go. Screws tightening on Martinelli already. He should’ve taken my parachute hint.

Election Year in PANAMA= the worlds BEST reality TV. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/cancilleria-niega-salvoconducto-al-expresidente-martinelli-DL6085656 The Criminal Chamber sent the file of Ricardo Martinelli’s sentence to the Second Criminal Court, which must notify the Electoral Court. The former president’s legal team announces new resources The Foreign Ministry of Panama denied the safe passage requested by …


Newbies…….,was I lying? Nothing more entertaining than PANAMA politics.

A incredibly popular ex-President, who has done prison time in the US, been sent back to Panama, done prison time here. Won Mayoral race while incarcerated. Has had two sons do prision time in Guatemala and US. Family owns the equivalent of the nation’s WAL MART, is exonerated on charges. …

Political FRAUD

Get ready for tons of political posts for 2024. Let the PANAMA GAMES begin!!!

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/corte-suprema-no-admite-otro-amparo-al-expresidente-martinelli-LH6009195?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The presiding judge in this case was Olmedo Arrocha and it was announced on February 1 The plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) did not admit a protection of guarantees filed by lawyer Shirley Castañeda, defender of former president Ricardo Martinelli, against an order of the …


Get ready for a bloodbath election year. Gloves are off with these people.

This was covered in great detail for both of our Spanish and English readers, but as I welcomed the “NEW” readers and contributors to life here in PANAMA, people considering retirement, and Ex-Pat status. I like to cover just how “cannibalisitic” the political scene is down here. I have to …


Martinelli makes it hard for PNO- he can’t stay out of his own way.

Op Ed – “JB” “PNO” has long been a supporter for Ricardo Martinelli, despite the fact he makes it almost impossible to do so. I have consistently blamed an indemic system of corruption that is rich and historic in PANAMA. Dating back to Noriega and Escobar, to Mossack-Fonseca, to ODEBRECHT.  …


Credicorp removed from ODEBRECHT case as defendants.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/230911/gobierno-retira-demanda-credicorp-bank The Panamanian State, through the Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino, withdrew the civil lawsuit against Credicorp Bank, SA For its part, the banking entity indicated at noon this Monday that “this morning the civil action that mentions our institution, in relation to the case against the construction …


A little late to the party here Ricardo?!?! Duh. Just say corrupt as Holy Hell

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/230831/ricardo-lombana-hay-gente-asamblea Don’t go out on a limb or anything here…….”people in the Assembly should be in jail”. No shit Ricardo Lombana was the big surprise in the 2019 presidential elections, after obtaining an honorable third place with 368,962 votes, having surpassed the candidate of the then ruling Panameñista Party, and …


ODEBRECHT: Still up to their neck in shit. Is progress really happening?

http://elsiglo.com.pa/internacional/fiscalia-colombiana-imputa-cargos-10-exfuncionarios-corrupcion-odebrecht/24233815 On August 17, they announced that they would charge more than 50 people The Colombian prosecutor’s office charged ten former officials of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), implicated in alleged irregularities in a contract with the Brazilian company Odebrecht for the construction of the Ruta del Sol II highway, as announced two …

Political FRAUD

Start by removing his name……Carrizo, what a lying crock of shit!!!

The vice president of Panama thus referred to the trip that FATF will make next September to the Central American country The Vice President of Panama, José Gabriel Carrizo, was “sure” this Monday in Brussels that his country will be excluded from international lists that consider it a tax haven …

Political FRAUD

Cannibalisitic regime change now has Varela in it’s crosshairs. That’s Panama.

The Embassy of the United States announced on the afternoon of this Thursday, July 13, the designation of former Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela as ineligible, in general, to enter the United States. The diplomatic delegation distributed a statement from the State Department, in which it details the reasons for …

Political FRAUD

Varela and his camp are at the forefront of trying to prove transparency in court.

The actors in the distribution of decentralization money in the 2014-2019 five-year period came out to defend themselves. The $994 million were transferred in a “transparent and lawful” manner, each one raised separately. Former President of the Republic Juan Carlos Varela defended the management. He did so in a message posted …


14 Banks in PANAMA face the potential of shutdown INTERNATIONALLY for Laundering.

OP ED: “JB” Some of the most important banking Institutions in Panama were involved in a transaction!   They were a group of well funded and established Panamanian banks also included was Ex President Ricardo Martinelli who also participated as an “investor”.  The case involves the purchase of the long standing …

Political FRAUD

Former administation Ombudsman has sentence upheld for embezzlement.

The former Ombudsman Patria Portugal (2011-2013) was arrested at the request of the compliance judge of the first judicial circuit José Carrera, who ordered the execution of the conviction of the former official for the start of serving 96 months in prison as the main sentence and 48 months of …


Fifer in HOT WATER again, despite 2022 acquital. No smiles today.

Former Governor Richard Fifer will have to face a new oral trial and is only waiting for the date, after the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation managed to have the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court annul the sentence of September 19 of 2022, issued by the Oral …


I teased, I’m telling. The END of Red Frog and Haley is at hand. Victims FINALLY see light.

Contributed by JB and Reader Editorial from Red Frog Victims RFB loses Enjoy Group. Staff of criminals appear on CCTV, theft and break ins caught on camera and an infrastructure in tatters, undelivered units, and even poor old Joe stating he will resign “ yet again”, cause it’s too hot …