Credicorp removed from ODEBRECHT case as defendants.


The Panamanian State, through the Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino, withdrew the civil lawsuit against Credicorp Bank, SA

For its part, the banking entity indicated at noon this Monday that “this morning the civil action that mentions our institution, in relation to the case against the construction company Odebrecht SA, has been withdrawn.”

“We reiterate that there is no lawsuit against Credicorp Bank related to this case nor are we part of any judicial process,” the Credicorp Bank statement highlighted. 

Consequently, he authorized the lawyer Carlos Muñoz, who is Pino’s attorney in this case, to present to the Second Judge Liquidator of Criminal Cases the withdrawal of the lawsuit.

This lawsuit was filed on September 8 before the Second Liquidation Court for Criminal Cases, which is processing the Odebrecht case, whose hearing is scheduled for September 27.

Pino was authorized to present this lawsuit and other civil lawsuits on behalf of the Panamanian State against whoever or those who were responsible for the investigations carried out by the Attorney General’s Office related to the alleged acts of corruption and crimes against public administration and the economic order by events linked to the construction company Odebrecht, SA

In the trial for this Odebrecht case there are 36 people charged, including former presidents Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019).

For this investigation, Ricardo Martinelli Linares and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares have already been sentenced by a United States court.

In the civil lawsuit, the Panamanian State, through Pino, claims that Martinelli, Varela and the former Minister of Public Works Carlos Duboy are allegedly responsible for crimes against public administration and the economic order.

“The presentation of the corresponding restorative actions has begun on behalf of the National Government, so that, as part of the civil liability that arises from the criminal case initiated, action will be taken against all those who were charged for their participation in these events, in order to ensure the recognition and safeguarding of the best interests of the State,” highlighted a statement from the Ministry of Security.

The Cabinet Council endorsed in February 2017, during Varela’s presidency, that the Minister of Public Security represent the State as a plaintiff in the process against Odebrecht.

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