I teased, I’m telling. The END of Red Frog and Haley is at hand. Victims FINALLY see light.


Contributed by JB and Reader Editorial from Red Frog Victims

RFB loses Enjoy Group. Staff of criminals appear on CCTV, theft and break ins caught on camera and an infrastructure in tatters, undelivered units, and even poor old Joe stating he will resign “ yet again”, cause it’s too hot in the kitchen.  Whatever became of Nikki Beach, and Blockchain raises??  Nada.

So to all my PNO friends and contributors, I have teased you on the circus that is Red Frog Beach and Bocas de Toro for YEARS literally.

The actions of Joe Haley, Stephen Bolton and Carmen Vicente, et al down to convicted murderers swinging machetes as pseudo security guards.

We have had ex-employees supply reams of documents and hours of meetings via recorded video chats.

I got so embroiled it might have contributed adversely to my medical health.  I just couldn’t believe this story was happening you literally couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.  We went as far as giving some of the old VICTIMS the option to join a US based legal action to take down the smoke and mirrors that is Red Frog Beach. Working directly with the FBI out of Minnesota. Make no mistake Haley is not afraid of Panamanian Law. Actually one of the more good things he has proven to manipulate.

IMO a sordid land scam perpetuated by Gringo’s from Minnesota against mostly gringos.  Now it seems the next generation of victims are kicking up dust and flexing and making threats of exposing the crimes yadda yadda yadda!

So what’s the latest you ask?   Well there’s a lot going on there at the moment.   Hmmmm, where to start?   Well let’s start with The Enjoy Group from Costa Rica.  They were going to be the saviors.  They were going to try and recreate “Costa Rica” in Bocas.   I don’t know why that would even sound remotely interesting to anyone.  Costa Rica has nothing on Bocas del Toro.  They were going to manage the place into the stratosphere!   They were changing the name to Zamia bringing in allegedly and off the record Marriott Autograph to the property but in the end they didn’t last a year.   Why you ask?   Well we don’t have all the answers.  The coconut telegraph says it had to do with the reality on the ground.   They learned pretty quickly that things were not as they were represented by Joe!

Sound familiar to anyone???   Then there was the rumor that they were and still are owed $$$.   That certainly sounds logical since RF admits to having serious financial issues during their recent zoom cast to all the owners.   Then there are two other reasons that Joe Haley likes to use depending on who he is talking to and out of which side of his mouth he’s speaking.   So here are his reasons that Enjoy Group left.   Again, depending on how it is best self serving to he and Bolton at the point of conversation.  One, there is a massive lawsuit ongoing between the developments RFB and OGI and the COA (Homeowners Association and it’s Legal vs Illegal Board).   More to come on that later…..

I’m personally back, with this on my radar and for those PNO followers I plan on enjoying the fight.   Someone, anyone, seeing what has been occurring for 20 years now.   COA  disputes, marina issues, etc, environmental issues, lost land disputes, false advertising, guaranteed returns (illegal), undelivered promises, lies, excuses and so much more.  Let’s see what’s happening next.   Planning on watching some Polo this weekend up in the highlands outside of Panamá and enjoying some peace and quiet in the city during this Semana Santa Holy Week.  God bless and God speed to all of the victims and to believing that in the end justice will prevail and those who have perpetrated crimes will be judged and held accountable.

Before I sign off,,,,so the few alleged by Joe rogue board members who had their water and electricity ordered to be illegally cut off by Haley and Bolton are the supposed culprits as to why Enjoy Group left.   So they’re responsible not Joe or Stephen or the misrepresentation that was done by then to Enjoy.   Second is Joe’s favorite and old reliable excuse for everything, Tres Cruces/Six Diamonds as to why The Enjoy Group left Red Frog.   So according to Haley from his zoom podcast “The Adverse Party” on their land disputes which is code for Tres Cruces/Six Diamonds were able to successfully Steal the property via “Collusion” with now apparently this government of Nito Cortizo.   Normally Joe blames previous governments not actually sitting governments as to who’s doing the colluding with the “Adverse Party” 😂.   He would typically blame the current governments political nemesis’ that’s what his old standard script calls for but now he’s deviating slightly.   But yea so Enjoy Group left because Red Frog lost a purported $26 million dollar deal with Marriott based on TC guys colluding with the current government 🤦🏼.   If you believe that the gringos from TC are that connected that they can get to every government over the past 4 presidency’s then I’ve got some Right of Possession Property and a Bridge in Bocas that I want to sell you 😝!  Nothing adds up people.

And for all the proof, the false claims against Tres Cruces, and skullduggery among politicians, owners and victims there is nada.  But proof and/or the truth has never been a card that Mr. Haley and Stephen Bolton have felt is needed in playing that card.  So the point of the story is that anything wrong or lost is NOT Joe’s fault according to him of course.  It’s either the COA or TC guys and corrupt government officials.   And ohhh the toll it’s all taken on him and Miranda.   They both just cry and cry over this whole thing both ready to be relegated to working “behind the scenes”.   Question, why would anyone who wants to leave and should leave and who isn’t wanted want to stay on behind the scenes?   Or maybe this is all just a red herring to maintain the hoax and control of this ponzi and exercise in racketeering. Joe will NEVER release himself until he is able to pin all his mistakes on someone else. Don’t believe a word.

So did I mention the part about the far to high electricity bills and undelivered condos?  Any the report paid for by Joe to a third party provider supporting raising the electric prices.   Comparing Bocas fuel and electric costs to Hawaii where fuel comes by tankers at a great cost from thousands of miles away 😆 it really is too funny.  Did I mention yet the promises of being the next home or condo built?  How many have been told that.  Did I mention the broken infrastructure water and sewer?  Force Majeure clauses in contracts based on Covid but Bocas Bali kept building and projects all over Panama flourished during and after Covid in construction.   Did I mention raw sewage leaching into the land and the bay?   What’s the status on the loans to the bank in Panamá?   Well I didn’t yet but promise I will and ASAP!   Let’s get back to the COA.  So major stand-off hundreds of thousands owed allegedly by OGI to the association and vice versa.   It’s all a distraction.   Distractions, disputes, strikes almost any bump in the road Joe Haley uses to his advantage as do most Narcissistic personality types.  But I will tell you this and it comes from behind the dark OGI curtain.  They want and need to control the COA.  So they can go back to using and redirecting those funds as Joe see’s fit through his puppets.  He’s even got a few loyal old “partners”  that are pretending to be against him so he can divide and conquer those that are against him.  He thinks he’s Sun Tzu but he’s really more like “Captain Ron”.   Allegedly he needs control of the COA and it’s funds to grease his consultants and lawyers back in the city to try and find a way to get him out of his frauds.  You know representing he owns stuff and selling stuff that he doesn’t own.  A special note to Mr. Chirone  and the Barkers.  If and when you settle and give up your fight you are done!  Might as well leave because they’ve already figured out how you will be weighed and measured.   What they’ve done to you all by illegally cutting services is nothing.  Not to mention you will be handing off control to people being controlled by Joe.  Mr. O’Sheil you have no idea what you’re in for or up against beware and good luck.   Expect many more COA changes after the two resignations.   Joe although not that bright is planning 3 moves ahead.  Hope the original and legal COA digs in and holds tough the future of the owners rights are truly at stake.  Let’s see. Just know there are actions where water and utilities are ILLEGALLY being messed with.

So most of the old victims have swallowed the pill of being bamboozled.  They realize it is what is.   They were misled, lied to and in many cases baited and switched.  They now know their best play is just to wait and hope!   That they signed horrible contracts and were taken advantage of.  By the way just saw a copy of a recent condo contract.  Does anyone realize when you buy a condo from Red Frog and pay for it you are simultaneously giving Red Frog the right to give “the bank” in Panamá which is owed over $6M and in arrears your condo as collateral for their loans, future construction loans and current ones in arrears?  So if Red Frog defaults on anything you can say ADIOS AMIGO to your condo?  Yessir.   Ouch.  So the old victims are pretty docile.  The ones with balls used their strength to leverage Joe and Stephen somehow.   Now there’s the new victims.  I’m talking people that bought from 2019 and onwards.  They’re just starting to hear and understand that The Emperor has no clothes!   So they’re obviously pissed off.   There are dummy Red Frog websites being put up to threaten exposing the truth.  Which by the way I applaud.   My advice to those pissed off newbie victims.   It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on but it appears they’re not just pissed off but also being pissed on and shit on literally (broken infrastructure).   PNO’s advice is simple get some balls or get use to a lot more of the same.  There was a case builder willing to work with the FBI and I saw sworn statements from former employees and residents which have been filed away but could still be used.

So to the guy who launched the website and has since removed the content 👏🏽 did Joe scare you off?  There is nothing illegal with exposing the truth.   Let’s see time will tell.  But Joe is a bully and my experience is the only way to deal with a bully is to punch them straight in the face. I have faced him for 5 going on 6 years now with numerous threats to my site, me personally, and my family. Don’t take anything DOWN, put more up. This case is a layup in the states I assure you. What has happened to me, desperate please to take down content!!!  Use what you have. It’s the TRUTH.


If the whole of this post is covering too much, or rambles a bit forgive me. It’s just I have over the years been inundated with clear proof something is truly amiss and people are getting swindled, yet the song remains the same. You “Bocas Brigade” do me no favors when what you do via my site amounts to a half measure. A good weekend to all.

The only way evil triumphs, is when good men do nothing”  Step Up and join together. PNO will help all we can.

Hasta La Próxima!


My name is Bill Barker, President of the COA and I am hoping you can provide me with any information concerning the FBI investigation that is being conducted. We need to take down the PONZI Scammers.

my name is joe souza an original investor at red frog and i too would appreciate any/all information that you can share with me with regareds to any./all information lawsuits etc involving joe haley and all of his many companies llc etc etc


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