
Is this “REALLY” going to happen? It’s getting “Ri-goddamn-diculous”. READ this EX-PATS

Op ED: “JB” As I slowly settle back into my “Panama” mode after three months home for the holidays, I am a bit amazed that this “narrative” is still maintaining traction.  REALLY????  TRUMP IS GOING TO TAKE BACK THE CANAL!!!!      Again,………REALLY??? This is hyperbole and political bluster on …


DAY One of New TRUMP era, and PANAMA is on the agenda.

https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/17/politics/trump-panama-canal-threats-history-mulino/index.html Panama City, PanamaCNN —  The new Panamanian ambassador was given strict instructions as he prepared to meet then-President Donald Trump one day in 2019: Do not engage him in any substantive discussion of critical issues. This was meant to be a carefully choreographed photo op, nothing more but a brief …


Explaining Trump’s PANAMA view: w/ VIDEO link.

https://time.com/7204785/panama-canal-political-history/   For close to a month, President-elect Donald Trump has warned that the Panamanian government needs to reduce the shipping rates and fees placed on U.S.-based vessels going through the Panama Canal, unless it wants the U.S. to take back the canal. At a gathering for the conservative Turning Point USA …


SHOCKING!!!! MiAMBIENTE is up to shady shit. Sounds VERY familiar.

OP ED: Tell me, is this the same as,,,,,I don’t know…….having a company owned by a family member performing an environmental audit to be able to promote your real estate project as “GREEN“???   Well it does to me.  EVENTUALLY, this type of smoke and mirrors, three card Monty, bullshit will hoipefully …


PANAMA: steadfast over Trump canal hyperbole. Recalling the past.

Hundreds of people were killed during Operation Just Cause. Trump has stoked fears the US could invade again. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/12/panama-canal-trump For Isabel Corro, Donald Trump’s suggestions that the US could use military force to take control of the Panama Canal evokes painful memories. The 79-year-old vividly recalls rushing her children inside her apartment …


Sabre rattling has already begun even before Trump assumes office. Panama scoffs at threat.

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c79191d9xreo Panama has insisted that its sovereignty over the Panama Canal is “non-negotiable” after US President-elect Donald Trump refused to rule out military force to seize it. Trump made the remark during a news conference on Tuesday at which he also falsely stated that the Panama Canal was being operated …


Starting with a BANG. TRUMP “implies” force to re-acquire Canal.

  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-suggests-use-military-force-acquire-panama-canal-greenland-econo-rcna186610 President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested he would consider using military force to gain control of the Panama Canal and Greenland, and “economic force” to acquire Canada. During a free-wheeling news conference at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump was asked by a reporter if he could assure the public that he …


CHINA remains keen on imprinting influence in Latin America. Keep an eye on these slippery F–K’s.

Varela’s BFF’s!!! https://indepthnews.net/the-chinese-investment-in-latin-america-is-changing/ BUENOS AIRES, Argentina | 17 August 2024 (IDN) — In the past decade, Chinese investment into Latin America has so often been characterised by large infrastructure projects: roads, railways, dams and ports, among others, frequently backed by state finance, and in many countries arriving under the banner of the Belt and Road Initiative. …


New Leaders to promise change at ASEP.

What if you have filed “tons” of complaints in the past, and the fines just get absolved and unenforced like under Nito and Gaby????  Hope these NEW people truly listen. https://www.newsroompanama.com/business/filing-a-complaint-to-asep-or-public-service-companies-electricity-mobile-and-digital-data   Pictured Above: Zelmar Rodriguez Crespo, Ratified as New Administrator of ASEP The new administrator of ASEP, appointed to …

Bocas del Toro

Was I lying or what??? MULINO is a “Godsend”. Going after ASEP and Energy sector. Your F—-D now Haley!!!

Hey Raul—-check out ECO-FLOW!!!!  God please stick it up these people’s asses.    https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/mulino-i-am-seriously-going-after-naturgy-if-it-does-not-correct-itself During his weekly press conference, President José Raúl Mulino issued a warning to the energy distribution company Naturgy.  “I think we are all victims of Naturgy here.  On Saturday, a compressor and an air conditioner broke down …


Mulino continue to prove PRESIDENT is a WORKING JOB. Looking at ELECTRICITY- START in BOCAS

Please let’s hope our first REAL president here takes a look at the Energy and Utility oversight agencies that are LITTERED with inefficient and suspect persons in power.    https://www.newsroompanama.com/business/electricity-migration-and-css-are-major-panama-concerns-to-deal-with The President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, once again denounced the poor service offered by the companies Naturgy and …


Canal institutes measures to mandate decreased speed to reduce Whale collisions.

About goddamn time. In Florida they have to slow down for MANATEES. These container ships come in full throttle. The measure will be applied in the maritime traffic separation devices located in Cristóbal, in the Caribbean Sea and on the Pacific Ocean coast. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/canal-de-panama-reduce-la-velocidad-de-buques-para-evitar-choques-con-ballenas-AY8111121?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc To reduce the risk of collisions …


Ranking of PANAMA’s Best Retirement Locales: EX-PAT ALERT

* DESPITE the complete “skullfuckery” going on in Bocas del Toro……..PANAMA still a viable choice for seniors.   https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/baby-boomers/articles/best-places-to-retire-in-panama Key Takeaways Panama’s low cost of living and proximity to the U.S. make it a popular option for American retirees. From city life to coastal living, Panama offers a range of …


Commerce through Canal is LESS than projected for 2024.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/vasquez-los-ingresos-del-canal-para-el-2024-se-encuentran-por-debajo-de-lo-presupuestado-FK8048632?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Vásquez said that he will follow the schedule for increasing ship traffic established for this week of 34. Two months before the end of fiscal year 2024, Ricaurter Vásquez, administrator of the Panama Canal, announced on July 24 that income is below what was established in the budget, but …


Trash and Garbage dispute turning San Miguelito into a “shithole”. Maybe contact “Eco-Flow??”

https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/no-garbage-pickup-in-san-miguelito-panama-for-15-days The Municipal Council of San Miguelito authorized Mayor Irma Hernández on Tuesday, July 23, to negotiate with the company Recicladora Vida y Salid, SA (Revisalud) the modification of the contract for the collection, treatment and final disposal of solid waste in this district of the province of Panama.  This includes removing the exclusivity that the …

Air Travel

CRWD/MSFT issue with AI platform causes a “shit storm” worldwide. Hope you weren’t travelling.

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/19/business/microsoft-outage-cause-azure-crowdstrike.html Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code. A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around …


PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …


Dovetailing off yesterday post on PANAMA’s importance to sea-levels.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/ap-panama-caribbean-pacific-b2558193.html Hammocks began appearing this week in the doorways of 300 new houses built in what was previously a yucca field along Panama’s Caribbean coast for families from the country’s first low-lying island evacuated due to rising sea levels. Indigenous Guna families from the island of Gardi Sugdub ferried stoves, gas cylinders, …


The “Profiteering, Greenwashing, and Prostitution” of PANAMA’s ecology, downplays the significance in LATAM.

Hoping that Mulino sees the “profiteers” that have LIED, CAJOLED, BRIBED, and DAMAGED the preious eco-systems in places like……BOCAS del TORO specifically via irresponsible and illegal development for the sole benefit of money. PANAMA plays a major role in the stabilization of the environment of all of LATAM> JB   …


Panama plans for further expansion of an additional “lock” within 6 years.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/panama-canal-expects-water-reservoir-232824557.html PANAMA CITY (Reuters) – The Panama Canal expects to complete a billion-dollar construction of a new water reservoir within six years that will help ensure the passage of 36 ships a day, the administrator of the global waterway said on Monday. The Indio River reservoir project would become part …

Bocas del Toro

Any of my “Bocas Brigade” feel a little shake, rattle, or roll? Checking in.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.56 strikes Panama-Costa Rica border, GFZ says https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/earthquake-magnitude-556-strikes-panama-costa-rica-border-gfz-says-2024-07-08/ PANAMA CITY, July 8 (Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.56 struck the Panama-Costa Rica border region on Monday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake, which occurred at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), …


Funding options remain hurdle for proposed Panama-David Train Project.

The president of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction, Alejandro Ferrer, considers that the Public Private Association figure could be an alternative for the execution of this and other projects, at a time when the national Government is highly indebted. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/capac-ve-viable-construir-el-tren-panama-david-bajo-el-modelo-app-FX7716326 For Alejandro Ferrer, president of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction …

Real Estate

Panama Real Estate still not recovering from “years” of shady operations. Need REAL groups.

The main reasons for these complaints were due to refunds, hidden defects, lack of information and abusive clauses, according to Acodeco data. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/quejas-contra-inmobiliarias-superan-los-8-millones-a-mayo-DX7716126?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc A total of 222 complaints against real estate companies were filed with the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), from January to May 2024. …


Past years HEAVY RAINS are expected to continue for forseeable future.

This year the climate is expected to be very similar to 2010, 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2022; years where the rains left mourning and pain https://elsiglo-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacionales/impactos-de-las-lluvias-que-podrian-repetirse-este-ano-NY7616942?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc RAINS A lot of rainfall is expected and there will be landslides, floods, etc. Panama is going through a prolonged drought and is in …


Rising sea levels seen first hand in Panama mandatory evacuation.

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/panama-prepares-evacuate-first-island-face-rising-sea-levels-rcna155076 On a tiny island off Panama’s Caribbean coast, about 300 families are packing their belongings in preparation for a dramatic change. Generations of Gunas who have grown up on Gardi Sugdub in a life dedicated to the sea and tourism will trade that next week for the mainland’s solid ground. They …


Historical Retrospective on the CANAL: As it defines the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE of PANAMA.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/publicando-historia/pasado-presente-y-futuro-poniendo-en-perspectiva-al-canal-de-panama-FE7547711 This engineering work has a great connection with the Panamanian idiosyncrasy as well as the history of the isthmus, in which it continues to be a relevant element. The return of the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone to the Panamanian administration is one of the most important events …

Bocas del Toro

Bocas tragedy could be prevented. Young boy killed getting run over.

Traffic accidents occur every day. In a bustling city, with cars and taxis going everywhere, it is understood.  BUT, in a bohemian island city, it is from just plain “lawlessness”.   I noticed of my time in Bocas (dealing with scumbags), that “Bocas Town” or “Isla Colon” more or less operates …


Hold on,,,,,,,So ASEP does in fact have a “working office”???? Just not open to Ex-Pats I guess.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/contenido-patrocinado/eficiencia-energetica-para-la-industria-panamena-una-oportunidad-de-sostenibilidad-y-competitividad-con-erco-energia-XG7239275 Erco Energía presents itself as a strategic ally for companies in Panama that are looking for advice and solutions regarding energy efficiency for their production processes. Panama’s industrial sector has long been a key driver for the country’s economy and progress. However, the increase in energy and power rates, …


Raging floods are pummeling Brazil.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/mundo/los-rios-aumentan-su-caudal-en-el-sur-de-brasil-arrasado-por-las-inundaciones-AE7314130   The historic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, caused by heavy rainfall since the last days of April, have affected more than two million people, leaving 143 dead, 806 injured and 131 missing. The torrential rains hitting southern Brazil increased river flows and created scenes of “chaos” in …


EX-PATS: Happier here than in Oklahoma???

Multiple tornadoes touched down on Saturday night in several counties in the state of Oklahoma (USA), causing at least two deaths and material damage that is being evaluated. https://elsiglo.com.pa/internacional/america/multiples-tornados-causan-destruccion-en-oklahoma-FC7141160 Republican Governor Kevin Stitt reported yesterday that the state remains on “high alert” for bad weather after several tornadoes and thunderstorms …