OP ED: I posted a vent piece a while back that kicked off some chatter between folks. (attached). And in the time since then, I have been very tight lipped. I even after a very enjoyabe holiday, find it laughbale that to some people, the jury has still not reached a …
( although seeing Ex-Prez Varela- a self proclaimed extremely religous man, so somber and respectful, is enough to make me puke ) This is who we are https://www.thepanamanews.com/ by Eric Jackson If you are Panamanian and do not understand, you have been woefully miseducated. If you are a foreigner, you …
This country situated between two waters is a true paradise where nature and biodiversity captivate travellers. Santiago Weaver: Crossed by a canal that has become its icon and symbol, Panama has managed to maintain an idiosyncrasy sculpted from mixture, diversity and exchange. The traveler sees it before landing. And understands, from …
https://www.cntraveler.com/story/panama-city-hotels-restaurants-nature-reserves Like its namesake canal, Panama has historically served as a gateway to other ports of call throughout the Caribbean and South America. But in the last few years, the country’s capital city has emerged onto the global stage: Magnificent hotels are preserving the architecture of Casco Viejo, the colonial center. Restaurant openings are showcasing Panama’s …
This festival (started yesterday) thankfully does NOT include, STEALING, BRIBES, LIES, INTIMIDATION, and BULLSHIT. #stopJH https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama-prepares-for-the-thirteenth-golden-frog-festival Panama is preparing to celebrate the 13th Golden Frog Festival, which will take place from August 12 to 18 in various parts of the country. This event, organized by the Smithsonian Tropical …
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/ap-panama-caribbean-pacific-b2558193.html Hammocks began appearing this week in the doorways of 300 new houses built in what was previously a yucca field along Panama’s Caribbean coast for families from the country’s first low-lying island evacuated due to rising sea levels. Indigenous Guna families from the island of Gardi Sugdub ferried stoves, gas cylinders, …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/vida-y-cultura/la-belleza-indigena-que-representara-a-panama-ante-el-mundo-BX7909553?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Representing the seven indigenous peoples with pride is Cristel Jiménez’s goal Cristel Jiménez, a girl from the Cerro Coco community in the Ngäbe-Buglé region, stands out for her simplicity. She has skills and talent. All of her qualities made her the winner of Miss Indigenous of Panama 2024. The …
https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/panama-citys-casco-viejo-what-to-see-eat-drink-and-do-b1162386.html The capital city’s old town is the place to be: here’s how to make the most of a stay Coffee, rum and sunny blue skies: the tiny tropical country of Panama has it all. And while most people that come to Panama come pass over Panama City in favour of the …
https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/panama-five-must-see-spots-125402856.html Panama, a captivating country nestled between Costa Rica and Colombia, has so much more for visitors to see than the canal that makes it famous. Linking Central and South America, Panama boasts diverse landscapes stretching from the Caribbean to the Pacific, including lush jungles, expansive plateaus and old …
In Río Indio, province of Coclé, there is a farm for tilapia fingerlings that will ultimately result in a quality and affordable product. The world of aquaculture in Panama, with its various projects, has positively impacted the economies of the families that are dedicated to this activity in the country …
The flowering of the guayacan trees becomes a visual spectacle every year, between the months of March and April, that paints the horizon of the Panamanian capital yellow, somewhat gray in recent months due to high environmental pollution. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/los-guayacanes-pintan-de-amarillo-a-la-capital-de-panama-JY7098784 “The Guayacán is not an endemic species in Panama, but it …
This Saturday, April 20, the Mi Pueblito Interiorano Complex, Las Aldeas Indígenas and Mi Pueblito Afroantillano once again shines in all its splendor with activities alluding to the national identity, from 10 am to 11 pm https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/mis-pueblitos-historia-tradicion-cultura-y-nacion-FX7055227 Inaugurated in June 1993, the Mis Pueblitos Municipal Tourist Center was erected on …
Anything that promotes SUSTAINABLE ideas, I will promote. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/contenido-patrocinado/flor-de-cana-abre-inscripciones-en-panama-para-el-sustainable-cocktail-challenge-2024-XK6905347 Those passionate about sustainable cocktails can join this platform to compete for the title of national champion and then be able to participate in the Global Final Flor de Caña Rum, the first distillate in the world certified Carbon Neutral and …
The wife has us going. I’m interested in the diving exhibit. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/vida-y-cultura/biomuseo-celebrara-sus-10-anos-con-los-patrones-de-la-cumbia-YA6345375?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc ‘A Night at the Biomuseo’ is an activity that the cultural center will carry out to celebrate its anniversary. In its first decade, the Biomuseo has been visited by more than 1 million people from Panama and the …
On the third day of his tour of the Ngäbe Buglé Region, a large crowd reiterated their support for Gaby in the midst of indigenous cultural demonstrations https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/carrizo-anuncia-ministerio-indigena-ante-miles-de-panamenos-en-la-comarca-ngabe-bugle-IB6102802?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Residents of the 27 townships of the Müna and Ñürüm districts gave a great welcome to presidential candidate José Gabriel Carrizo. On …
In parallel to the celebration, the 2024 electoral campaign adds an additional element of interest. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/panama-da-inicio-a-sus-carnavales-2024-con-esplendor-y-una-campana-electoral-GH6090697 Infectious music and an explosion of color mark the beginning of the 2024 Carnivals, which this year takes on special meaning as it coincides with the 2024 electoral campaign, adding a political touch to …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/panama-tendra-guia-inversion-turistica-iniciativa-omt-caf-AELE498877 Panama will develop a Tourism Investment Guide, a tool promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Development Bank of Latin America-CAF to promote the tourism business in the sector in the region. This guide, which the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Paraguay and Ecuador already have, will be created …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/231108/jesus-alemancia-crisis-minera-aflorado When 18 consecutive days of anti-mining demonstrations have passed, tensions are growing between those who demand an end to the closures and those who continue protesting in the streets due to distrust that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the company Minera Panamá. The speeches against the …
Fecamco issued an alert about the crisis that has affected Panama for almost a month, marked by road blockades in rejection. The businessmen made an urgent call to the Panamanian Government and other actors involved to immediately establish a dialogue that promotes the search for a solution. The Evangelical Alliance of …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/231117/manifestaciones-tomaron-calles-pais In Panama City and in the interior of the country the scenes were the same: Street closures and mobilizations. The protests began early at a slow pace, but progressively increased as citizens traveled by different modes of transportation to get to their workplaces. In the capital city, public transportation …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/230830/indigenas-ngaebe-bugle-apuntan-turismo-mostrar-preservar-cultura A traditional ritual with smoke and purified water allows visitors to enter the forest or houses in the Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous communities of southern Costa Rica, where their inhabitants are beginning to see tourism as an opportunity to showcase and preserve their culture. and to generate income. Nearly 3,200 Ngäbe-Buglé …
More than 300 cocobolo tucas ( Dalbergia retusa) were seized at several sawmills in Cañitas, Chepo, east of the district of Panama, within the framework of operation “Sovereignty 3”, developed between intelligence agents of the Third Brigade of East Panama of the National Border Service (Senafront), in conjunction with the Environmental Crime …
This May 27 and after six days, the national tasting of the Best of Panama (BOP) 2023 ends, after analyzing 186 lots of 42 kilograms among the natural geisha, washed geisha and varietal varieties , announced the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP, for its acronym in English). The SCAP announced that the national judges will …
I’ll quit my nitpicking for a minute and suggest as our contributor Joyce often does, some of the brighter spots of being in Panama. A country rich and diverse is history, it has become the leader of Museums and points of interest to visit in Latin America. I would suggest …
The Panama Fire Department tries to put out a fire in some warehouses and workshops on Monday afternoon, April 17, on Seventh Street, in Río Abajo. At 1:37 pm, the fire started on Seventh Street in Río Abajo, in a tire sales location, confirmed the Fire Department. Subsequently, the fire …
The Panamanian priest Donaciano Alarcón confirmed that he was expelled from Nicaragua after the police authorities of that country accused him of preaching in favor of the Nicaraguan bishop Rolando Álvarez, who was sentenced to more than 26 years for crimes considered “treason”. “On (Holy) Monday we had the Chrism …
After two years on hiatus, this 2023 the Carnival festivities in Panama resume: shows, dances, music, algorical costumes -feathered and sequined-, parades of wagons, tunas, culecos and mojaderas.But beyond its appeal, Carnival is also a driver of economic dynamism. In Panama, historically, the carnival festivities or the god “Momo” have …
Perhaps, being an ex-pat and living here has made me obtuse over the years to something that is very clear. Panamanians as a WHOLE, do not speak English very well. (if at all). We have travelled to Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic to name a few. All have in general …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/cafe-estrella/cultura/220915/moana-guerrera-llevada-teatro-aba?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The adventures of Moana Waialiki, one of the most seasoned princesses in the world of Walt Disney Animation Studios, have been brought to the Aba theater since last Sunday, under the direction of Agustín Clément and the production of Anina Horta. The plot of the play ‘Moana’ is very …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/cafe-estrella/destinoestrella/220827/renovaran-centro-visitantes-bocas-toro?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc In order to provide national and international tourists with a quality experience, Iván Eskildsen, administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), gave the order to proceed to the company RCContractors, Inc. to begin the remodeling works of the visitor centers of the districts of Boquete, Bocas del Toro and …