PNO not always RIGHT. I used to praise this guy as ONE good person under Varela. WRONG.

Political FRAUD

” THIS IS PANAMA” see Martinelli persecution piece from last week. This guy OF COURSE had his hand in cookie jar too.  I was WRONG it seems. Oh, well- even Jordan missed a few shots.

The former comptroller of the Republic, Federico Humbert, must appear this June 2 at the Plaza Ágora Accusatory Penal System, at the hearing on the violation of rights, for the alleged crimes of abuse of authority and infringement of the duties of a public servant to the detriment of the businessman. Mario Martinelli.

The hearing was rescheduled for June 2 because the criminal act was suspended last Tuesday, May 24, since the lawyer, Carlos Muñoz Pope, Humbert’s attorney, did not effectively receive the judicial notification. 

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JB- FINAL WORD- tired of topic. Summarized beautifully.

OP ED: “JB”- If you have not read ALL of my recent posts on the US-Panama “CONFLICT”- for lack of a better term. Let me just simplify and summarize. EVERYONE KNOWS – PANAMA has competely RAPED-PILLAGED-and FUCKED the Canal Zone for 40 YEARS to benefit the wealthy and iconoclast elite …

LINTON BAY comes on the heels of $144 Million earmarked for Colon tourism in 2025.

OP ED: Colon has been a shithole and armpit for an entirely too long time. These outer areas of Panama have needed to be addressed for decades (espescially BOCAS del TORO ) in order to truly maximize the “tourism” of PANAMA.  Honestly, NOBODY comes to Panama to hang out in Panama …

LINTON BAY Cover Up: Continued.

According to a technical report from MiAmbiente, there are serious environmental violations in Linton Bay Portobelo A technical report issued by the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) on the Linton Bay Portobelo project, located within the Portobelo National Park, points out serious environmental violations in that area. According to …