Nito Scorecard= His people still suck. His cabinet and ministry is infested with duplicity.


OP ED: James :JB” Bryson– Just to be clear, what exactly is a “sentimental” relatonship? Did they watch movies and cook together? More information please.

The newly appointed Minister of Government, Sheyla Grajales would have resigned from the position, just two weeks after assuming the ministry. 

Grajales, who previously served as governor of the province of Panama, was appointed as minister on Thursday, February 6, 2020, after the crisis caused by the escape of Gilberto Ventura Ceballos that ended with the departure of the Cabinet the then Minister of Security Public, Rolando Mirones and Carlos Romero, head of Government. 

It was known that the departure of Grajales will be official before noon today. The militant of the Molirena party was the target of questions about her sentimental relationship with the Deputy Minister of Internal Trade and Industries, Omar Montilla. 

Grajales before serving as minister served as governor of the province of Panama and came to occupy the position of representative of the corregimiento of Victoriano Lorenzo in San Miguelito for two periods.

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