Superhero movie bringing needed jobs to impoverished area of Colon.


A group of colonists showed satisfaction for the employment opportunity generated by the shooting of the film Suicide Squad II , which uses locations between 7th and 9th streets and Amador Guerrero and Justo Arosemena avenues, in the city of Colon.

Sequence of ‘Suicide Squad II’ will be filmed in the North and South Neighborhoods of ColónProducer of ‘Suicide Squad II’ will hire more than one thousand colonists as extrasIn Colón the shooting of the tape ‘Suicide Squad II’ begins

The filming of the film begins from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, where young Colonenses work as security guards, water distributors and extras, which is obviously considered as beneficial for those hired, who receive as payment for 8 hours from 40 to 200 dollars per day, plus overtime worked.

The Press was able to talk with some of those young people who work as water or security distributors, who claim to be pleased.

They detailed that about 21 of the block have been hired for this security activity, earning $ 40 a day, plus their extra which are paid once the day is over.

“I am happy because for nine months I was unemployed and now I generate 40 dollars a day for the livelihood of my home for three weeks,” said one of them.

We also talked with one who works as security, who also feels satisfaction with this job opportunity. He said he earns 40 dollars a day and that around 25 young people from the area were hired.

This security said that all were colonists.

On the other hand, around 800 extras also participate in the film, which run and jump when the director shouts: action!

They stressed that Americans do not discriminate against anyone, after giving them the same food they consume for breakfast, lunch and dinner. “Here they treat us well, we eat a lot and the treatment is friendly, everyone who signed up for work is calling them.”

The places of employment generated by the filming of 'Suicide Squad II'

The youth group indicated that as a Colonense they are giving their best face and image so that other productions take into account this Panamanian scenario.

The jarring note is that some residents of the houses located on the road of filming, intended to compensate them for the three weeks of filming and wanted to notice in hotels, but they do not touch them because their houses have not been used for the film and can go to their homes with peace of mind.

While merchants in the area said their clients are also not prevented from passing.

The filming is intended to work until February 22 and once completed there will be more jobs for cleaning the area used that should remain as it was delivered, highlight the young people hired.

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