Nasty weather has given time to catch up on e-mails. Op-Eds flowing in.

Human Interest

Anyone who has been away and moved back after a long absence can certainly feel some culture shock, When last here, it literally felt like “escaping” back home due to the Covid travel embargoes that we were dealing with. Then to come back home and have a medical setback, mage me wonder if I even wanted to come back.  We essentially put PNO on a self impose “Hold”, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else did.  Over 560 inbound emails from everything from the back and forth bullshit and skullduggery occurring in Bocas del Toro, to the arrival of documents concerning Oderbrecht that reveal the scumbag monopoly, and financial control they still apply to my chosen new home.  But the nasty weather has allowed me to VET and INVESTIGATE some really entertaining and interesting stuff that will ONCE AGAIN make eyes pop, but lead to nothing as apparently RICH people are either SOOOO RICH they don’t care, or they are brainwashed pussies that are afraid.  

Some of the stuff going up will rile people up, but the good thing is replies are always welcome. Just don’t let them come in from the normal ‘apparitions”…….


This stuff is just too good to even attempt making up,..


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