Meet the newest patsies in the never ending quagmire that is BDT.


The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizar, sanctioned Law 172 of October 19, 2020, which created 10 new townships in the province of Bocas del Toro.

Law 172, signed on October 19 by Cortizo and the Minister of Government, was promulgated in the Official Gazette. The new rule began to take effect on December 4, the day it was published in the Gazette.

The project promoted by the deputy of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Benicio Robinson, modified Law 39 of June 8, 2015, through which the Almirante district was created, segregated from the Changuinola district.

With the document, which already has the sanction of President Cortizo, the new townships of Bocas del Toro Oeste and Isla San Cristóbal are created in the district of Bocas del Toro; Finca 66, Finca 4, Finca 51, La Mesa and Barranco Adentro in the district of Changuinola and Miraflores, Bajo Culubre and Ceiba in the district of Almirante. Similarly, the Cauchero district is transferred from the Bocas del Toro district to the Almirante district.

A whole new group of secret hidden land holders and inhabitants will appear.
Each communal meeting costs the State $ 317 thousand a year

Each communal meeting costs the State $ 317 thousand a yearRead more 

Robisno highlighted in the statement of motive for the bill that the territorial political division has as its fundamental north, to allow a better administration in the political and territorial part that consequently helps the development of the communities and makes tangible benefits for development of a political, social, economic, electoral administration that in one way or another provides a true real development that in one way or another provides support to the surrounding community that is its component of greatest value.

Cortizo made a surprise visit to the Cauchero district, in the province of Bocas del Toro, to learn the opinion of the community and some local authorities, before making the decision to sanction or veto bill 135 that creates 10 new townships in this province.

More people and legal monkey shine games to further muddy Bocas.

Inhabitants of this town held various protests to oppose this bill.

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