Keeping a keen eye if Nito can walk the walk. We have some stuff sent that will test resolve.
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Editorial Contribution, Legal, Politics, Uncategorized

OP ED: Steven- JB re-posted an article last week where the newly elected President went out of his way to state to the world that Panama in open for business. Meaning “clean” business and not “dirty” business. I personally feel that Panama is the World Lightweight Champion in under the table politics. (Let’s face it, they can’t be the Heavyweight Champion with Russia around). But for the past 4 administrations, Panama has been riddled with people on the the take all the way up to the highest levels of each government. In the article last week, it was revealed that LA PRENSA uncovered a contract that was set to be approved by VP Carrizo that would have had a hidden $1.3 MILLION of cost added to it.
I love this reporter by the way as she clearly takes no shortcuts. Perhaps she is just a Panamanian that is tired of her country being linked with blackmail and bribes.
Nito was quoted to the world ” there is no room for live play“. Those words will indeed be tested as I feel there is something cooking right now that I am anxious to keep my eye upon.
My country once paid $75,000 for a hammer, so this is not a new playbook. But Nito is coming in clean. He has a chance to prove that he is indeed worthy of being a leader on the big stage . He was abundantly wealthy well prior to election. He is not the ones to worry about, but rather his underlings and newly appointed cabinet.
The Attorney General only weeks ago resigned in shame. The country is besieged by “Backpacks”, BlueApple, Odebrecht, Petaquilla, and countless others. We will be watching Carrizo among others to see if they try to sully and make hollow Nito’s words. “no room for live play”.
Watching from the sidelines –
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