Local Culture

GOOD historical piece on DAY of MARTYRS.

( although seeing Ex-Prez Varela- a self proclaimed extremely religous man, so somber and respectful, is enough to make me puke )  This is who we are https://www.thepanamanews.com/ by Eric Jackson If you are Panamanian and do not understand, you have been woefully miseducated. If you are a foreigner, you …


The “woke’ world judging the most LIBERAL 87 year old Pope ever.

The 87-year-old pope used a word from the Roman dialect, “frociaggine,” which is considered derogatory. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/mundo/el-papa-usa-un-insulto-para-referirse-a-los-homosexuales-segun-los-medios-italianos-JL7490496 Pope Francis used a derogatory term to refer to homosexuals in the Catholic Church during a meeting with Italian bishops, several local media reported on Monday. During the assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference …


Expelled Panamanian Priest confirms he was punished by Ortega party.

The Panamanian priest Donaciano Alarcón confirmed that he was expelled from Nicaragua after the police authorities of that country accused him of preaching in favor of the Nicaraguan bishop Rolando Álvarez, who was sentenced to more than 26 years for crimes considered “treason”. “On (Holy) Monday we had the Chrism …

International Relations

War of Religion takes root in Ortega’s Nicaragua

Colon priest Donaciano Alarcón affirms that he is safe and sound, and that he is awaiting the assignment of a new parish in charge of the Claretian congregation in a Central American country, after he was expelled from Nicaragua on Monday. “Yesterday (Monday, April 3, 2023) in the morning, when …


Ortega continues to attract enemies to Nicaragua. This time he has issues with “GOD”. LOL

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/internacional/america/220904/cardenal-brenes-papa-francisco-informado-situacion-nicaragua?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes said this Sunday that Pope Francis is “super informed” about the situation in Nicaragua, where the government of President Daniel Ortega is keeping a bishop and seven priests under arrest for different reasons. “The pope is super informed. The (Vatican) secretary of state is well …


Pope asserts that “World War III” has been declared with Russia’s Ukraine aggression.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/internacional/mundo/220614/papa-francisco-afirma-declarado-tercera-guerra-mundial?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Pope Francis stated that, in his opinion, “World War III has been declared” and that the war in Ukraine after the invasion of Russia “perhaps, in some way, was provoked or not prevented”, according to the transcript of the conversation. that he held a few days ago with the directors …

Human Interest

Panama dips it’s toe into touting HORSESHIT quasi-religion of SCIENTOLOGY

What a crock of SHIT! The balls of the Government to allocate funds and a workforce to shill for a religion under FALSE PRETENSES is ridiculously hollow and transparent.  EX-PATS and incoming TRAVELERS, please wipe your ass with these upon receipt.    https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/220412/gobierno-panama-reparte-polemico-folleto-cienciologia-rescate-valores The Government of Panama admitted on Tuesday …


Pope delivers EASTER sermon in empty Basilica. Urges peace during pandemic.

https://www.prensa.com/mundo/el-papa-francisco-insta-a-una-tregua-mundial-y-a-perdonar-la-deuda-de-los-paises-pobres/ The Pope Francis urged Sunday in his Easter message to establish a “comprehensive and immediate cease-fire” to address the pandemic of the new coronavirus and urged to reduce or cancel the debt of the poorest countries. In a world “overwhelmed by the pandemic, which is putting our great human family to severe test,” …


Indigenous of Panama: Native inhabitants fall victim to religious “Bubba Miseh”

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- As my readers know, I am not a member of the Jewish faith, yet my granddaughter is being raised between two faiths, as her father is Jewish. That is how I first learned of the Yiddish term of Slavic origin above. “Bubba Miseh”, as I …


Pope arrives Wednesday: Speaks of hypocrisy of Religion vs Vanity. IMO- Varela

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson Please read this article about how the Pope feels, in anticipation of his monumental visit to Panama, of how he feels there is a conflict between those that espouse the virtues of Faith, while not practicing them. Those that succumb to Vanity. I “personally” wrote …


Venezuela and Nicaragua tumult reach all the way to Vatican for Papal plea at Christmas

In St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican, before tens of thousands of pilgrims, dressed in a white dagger that held a cincture at waist height, Pope Francis held yesterday the message Urbi et Orbi (at the city ​​and the world), which did not let escape the difficult situation that exists …


Panamanian Catholic Dioceses preparing for WYD and Papal Visit

Jackeline Morales, director of Days in the Dioceses of the Local Organizing Committee for the World Youth Day (WYD), explains to The Star of Panama what the Days of the Diocese are about and the significance of the symbols of WYD for the Christian meeting, which will take place from …


Upcoming World Youth Day something to be proud of for Panama

Israel Ramos V., parish priest of the church San Antonio María Claret, from the capital town of Pueblo Nuevo, was on a formative visit to the city of Madrid (Spain) when he learned the good news: Panama would be the headquarters of World Youth Day (WYD) The voice of Christ …


Pope affirms Church disagreement with Capital Punishment

Pope Francis has modified the teaching of the Church on the death penalty and said in a text published on Thursday that it is always “inadmissible” because it “undermines” the inherent dignity of every human being. The Vatican announced on Thursday that the pontiff approved a change in the Catechism …

Local Culture

Zulay Rodrigues- Deputy for PRD speaks on Religion and Choosing of Gender

Tuesday, at around 2:00 p.m. and with the threat of heavy rain, Zulay Rodríguez Lu arrived at the newsroom of La Estrella de Panamá, dressed in a blue miniskirt and bluish gray blazer, revealing a slender body, then of having lowered more than 20 pounds, as he confessed. He attended the …


Church chimes in for it’s opinion on Martinelli case

Cardinal José Luis Lacunza warned that the process followed by former President Ricardo Martinelli “is an emblematic case for the justice of the country and it is necessary for justice to put on the trousers of legal age, to face something that may be decisive for the future of Justice”. …


Panama coordinating with Mexico for Papal visit on World Youth Day

A little more than seven months before the World Youth Day (JMJ) 2019, details related to this religious event are finalized. Recently, as part of an official visit to Mexico, Vice Chancellor Luis Miguel Hincapié held meetings with the main authorities linked to security, customs and migration issues. The purpose …


Vatican sounds off on Tax Havens for the wealthy

Tax havens and financial tools such as derivatives and credit default swaps are seriously immoral and unfair, the Vatican said Thursday, May 17, describing them as ” activated time bombs” that will especially harm the world’s poorest. The Vatican Doctrine Office collaborated with the Department of Social Justice in a …


Pope ponders his time to say “Farewell”

Pope Francis said Tuesday May 15 that he has been thinking about when it would be time to “say goodbye” to his flock. The pontiff made this reflection during his homily this Tuesday. The Holy See did not disclose the full text. Just as Saint Paul thought at the time …


Prayer approach to Pope and World Youth Day

The person in charge of creating the original text of the official prayer of the World Youth Day Panama 2019 was the priest Miguel Ángel Keller, of the Order of San Agustín, who had to comply with specific parameters for this task. The cult to the Virgin Maria and the hope …

Local Culture

Growing Rastafari faith emerging in Panama

In the twenties the Reverend Barbadian Charles Goodridge found in the City of Columbus, ‘The Holy Piby’ or bible of the black man, sacred text for the Rastafarian movement. The Rastafarian ideas are based, in their political plan, on the postulates of the black leader Marcus Garvey, which had an …