Panama coordinating with Mexico for Papal visit on World Youth Day


A little more than seven months before the World Youth Day (JMJ) 2019, details related to this religious event are finalized.

Recently, as part of an official visit to Mexico, Vice Chancellor Luis Miguel Hincapié held meetings with the main authorities linked to security, customs and migration issues.

The purpose of these meetings was to exchange opinions with the Mexican authorities and share the document known as the Regulation for Massive Events of the WYD 2019, signed on March 14 by the Council of Ministers of the Central American Integration System (SICA).

The Local Organizing Committee of the WYD has projected that 350 thousand pilgrims register to participate in the multitudinous religious event. In order to guarantee an agile, safe and orderly flow through the border posts of the Central American countries, the Panamanian Vice Chancellor met with the Assistant Secretary for Latin America, Luis Alfonso de Alba.

During the meeting, various concerns about immigration requirements were addressed, both for pilgrims of Mexican nationality and for foreigners residing in that country. Among the questions that were addressed were some related to visas and facilitation processes for pilgrims traveling by land.



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