Panama dips it’s toe into touting HORSESHIT quasi-religion of SCIENTOLOGY

Human Interest

What a crock of SHIT! The balls of the Government to allocate funds and a workforce to shill for a religion under FALSE PRETENSES is ridiculously hollow and transparent.  EX-PATS and incoming TRAVELERS, please wipe your ass with these upon receipt.

The Government of Panama admitted on Tuesday that the state security forces distribute to the public a brochure of the controversial Church of Scientology, although they denied that they do so as part of a religious agenda but rather to promote “the rescue of values.”

“It’s nothing political, it’s nothing religious, it’s something about rescuing values ​​and that is going to be used in prevention,” the head of the Ministry of Public Security (Minseg), Juan Pino, told the local press.

Agents of the Panamanian public force have been distributing the brochure, called “Road to Happiness”, at the Tocumen International Airport, the country’s main airport and an important regional connection center, at least since last February, reported the newspaper La Prensa.

Pino said that “it was corrected” the mistake of handing out the brochure to tourists at the country’s most important international airport, which serves the capital, affirming that “it was not the setting” for it.

The minister assured that the brochures were donated, without giving more details, and that therefore the publication “did not cost a real” to the Panamanian State, although it bears the logos of the different security forces in the country, as shown photos on social networks.

Users of social networks have expressed in recent hours their astonishment at this fact, citing the problems with justice that Scientology faces in several countries, with accusations of fraud and even sexual abuse, and as well as the controversy surrounding the conception of the world that it poses.

Some Twitter users even wondered which high-ranking Panamanian government official would be a follower of Scientology, closely associated with celebrity personalities or millionaires, and which in countries like France is considered a “sect.”

Faced with these criticisms, the Panamanian Minister of Security stated that “there is no debate: read it so you can see. There is nothing political or religious there.”

The Panama America newspaper reported this Tuesday “that last February the Ministry of Public Security received more than 2,000 boxes of the book ‘Camino a la Felicidad'”, and that they have been distributed at the Tocumen airport and also delivered “to the students who participate in road training of the Traffic and Land Transportation Authority”.

For its part, the newspaper La Prensa cites Pino’s statements on Monday in which he assures that the distribution of the brochures “is carried out by Commissioner Clovis Sinisterra, who directs the Ministry’s Comprehensive Citizen Security Plan.”

Efe consulted the Ministry of Public Security about the distribution of the brochures but received no response.

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