Pope arrives Wednesday: Speaks of hypocrisy of Religion vs Vanity. IMO- Varela


OP ED: James “JB” Bryson

Please read this article about how the Pope feels, in anticipation of his monumental visit to Panama, of how he feels there is a conflict between those that espouse the virtues of Faith, while not practicing them. Those that succumb to Vanity.

I “personally” wrote on November 11th, of the previous stated faith of Varela as “Opus Dei”.  https://panamanowonline.com/burns-my-ass-var…-versus-evidence/ ‎

This article from La Prensa, and the subsequent opinions of the Pope, speak to directly of what I was referring to. I also think this separate attached article from The New Yorker– from back in May has connections to this very same topic. (copy/paste link)



A few days after taking a plane to Panama where he will participate in the World Youth Day (WYD), Pope Francis attacked the worldliness of Catholics “who recite the Creed, but live on vanity.”

Pope Francis will deliver 10 speeches, 3 homilies and an Angelus in Spanish
Pope Francis greets a group of Panamanians in St. Peter’s Square: ‘You have come to take me away’
“Worldliness, worldliness ruins a lot of people, people who are good, but who let themselves be carried away by this spirit of vanity, pride, to be noticed.” There is no humility and humility is part of the Christian style, “he said. .

Pope Francis made these considerations during the Mass he celebrated on Monday, January 21 at Casa Santa Marta, where he usually resides.

Also, the pontiff regretted that today is present in society “the selfish spirit of indifference”, although some consider that they are “good Catholics.”

“I do things, but I do not worry about others, I do not worry about wars, about diseases, about people who suffer, about my neighbor,” he said.

Faced with these attitudes, he proposed the humility of Jesus, of the Virgin and of St. Joseph.

“The Christian style is that of the Beatitudes: meekness, humility, patience in suffering, love for justice, ability to endure persecution, not to judge others … That is the Christian spirit, the Christian style,” he argued.


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