2025 PNO stance on the RED FROG debacle.


OP ED: I posted a vent piece a while back that kicked off some chatter between folks. (attached). And in the time since then, I have been very tight lipped.  I even after a very enjoyabe holiday, find it laughbale that to some people, the jury has still not reached a unanimous dedcision on this ass clown. They got a sucker to be the new “face” of shit. But all the little satellite “SA”‘s and true pilot of the ship remains the same. 


People asked if I was aware of anything that is “happening, planning, pedning, or already underway”. My first answer would be merely go back and read my archive of posts and all your answers are found there. My second answer would be, if I did indeed know something I WOULD NOT share with anyone.   

My 2025 outlook on THIS particular topic is that there are a diametrically opposed group of people I have come into contact with over the years concerning RFB in Bocas del Toro. In that there are those that are rational people that see a “Duck” that walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, and swims like a Duck,,,,,,,,and they call it a “Duck”.  

Then you have those that depsite a river of lies longer than the Nile, are still “drinking the Kool-Aid”.   Thank God for NETFLIX, as I have seen a ton of documentaries that describe these types. Maybe it is the “Cult of Personality” ( which I also penned a Op Ed on ), or they are 4Chan Visitors, or QAnon Members, or perhaps just those that REFUSE to accept the truth that they have been fleeced.

I will merely ask a few questions and everyone can come to their own conclusions. My days of “grassroots” organizing and hitting the hornets nest will be few and far between. I’ve NEVER had a dog in the fight outside of my distaste for certain people. 

1) If you purchased a CONDO in 2022, 23, 0r 24, ………how do you feel about the progress?   Does it “normally” take 3 years to complete a Unit if you put down a sizeable amount at close?

2) If you OWN a VILLA/HOME, and depend on the management company and HOA for your essential needs and services, has that improved since 2022, 23, or 24?   Do you feel comfortable how the Utilities are handled?

3) If they ( Management/Owners ) are doing well and have liquidity, do you feel they would need to “prostitute” the peace of the owners in order to get money from throwing RAVE parties??  Do REAL operations need to resort to such deperate measures for money?

That is IT for me at the moment. I feel every dog has their day. So IF there is a storm a coming,,,,,,PNO will not be the weather balloon.  We are just gonna grab a warm seat in the bleachers and watch the FINAL QUARTER.





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