Varela quite the Communist errand boy,,,,,after Russia, China, he is adding Cuba to his IPhone contacts.


By James “JB” Bryson

I have not hid my underlying in some cases and outright blatant in others,  lack of approval of the Varela administration.

Merely look back into the index of since we started live and you will see a very apparent willingness that Varela shows to curry favor with Communist nations that are all guilty of some form of Human Rights violations and consistent abusers recognized by Amnesty International among other groups.

During the World Cup in Russia, Varela was almost like a giddy schoolchild trying to sit at the popular table in order to get a photo op with Putin.

He has consistently looked to Chinese contractors, regardless of any sullied histories when granting huge infrastructure agreements. (This is when he is not currying favor to my public enemy #1 of Odebrecht).

He now turns his attention to Cuba, a nation dying for inclusion in the new millenia, despite holding onto repressive leadership mentality of the Castro regiem.

Just my opinion, but to me Varela simply has not standards of who he WON’T deal with in order to push his own agenda.



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