Unholy alliance of Tocumen and Odebrecht just keeps chugging along. Horrible!!


by James “JB” Bryson- IMHO


A fifth addendum signed Tocumen, SA and the Brazilian company Odebrecht to complete the construction of the new passenger terminal.

Tocumen will give 120 days to Odebrecht to finish work
The modification will be for 120 days and does not include an increase in the cost of the project, said Mario Caparroso, vice president of Engineering and Projects of Tocumen, SA

In the fourth addendum, Tocumen and the construction company agreed that the latter would come out of the project tomorrow, May 31, but Caparroso said that the extension is necessary for the contractor to complete pending work.

The document with the extension of time will be sent to the Office of the Comptroller General on Monday, June 3 for approval.

After five modifications, the amount of the contract that was awarded in 2012 has increased $ 238 million, reaching $ 917 million.

READ AGAIN:https://m.panamaamerica.com.pa/economia/negociado-en-tocumen-se-impondria-ante-la-oaci-1135084

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