OP ED: “JB” The US Dept. of Immigration has seen more Americans either applying, updating, or revising their travel documents in the aftermath of the decimating fires that have wiped out much of Newport Beach and Malibu. Be it owners who have personally been displaced leaving to use a vacation …
https://www.newsroompanama.com/business/tocumen-international-airport-is-planning-a-300-room-hotel The construction of a hotel within the grounds of Tocumen International Airport is one of the proposals of its new administration. Turning the airport into more than just a passenger arrival and departure point is the goal of its manager, José Ruiz. “Most airports are completely overwhelmed by space, they …
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/19/business/microsoft-outage-cause-azure-crowdstrike.html Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code. A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around …
https://www.businessinsider.com/copa-airlines-panama-economy-review-2024-5?r=MX&IR=T#if-i-could-avoid-a-lengthy-layover-for-future-trips-to-and-from-panama-id-book-the-carrier-again-in-a-heartbeat-24 I flew economy on Copa, Panama’s flagship airline. My only regret was not booking it for a long-haul flight home. Monica Humphries May 14, 2024, 7:02 AM GMT-5 The exterior of the Copa Airlines plane. Monica Humphries/Business Insider Copa Airlines is Panama’s flag carrier. The airline offers flights across the …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/aeropuerto-internacional-de-tocumen-procesa-mas-de-15-millon-de-pasajeros-en-abril-LA7323591?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The main port of entry and exit of the country has served a cumulative total of 6,153,781 passengers. With 44%, South America is the subcontinent with the main destinations departing from Panama The Tocumen International Airport processed 1,557,428 passengers during the month of April, that is, 9.8% more than …
Opening up to Raleigh-Durham, NC in June. Major EAST coast hub. https://www.travelandleisure.com/copa-airlines-panama-raleigh-durham-north-carolina-june-8559396 Panamanian carrier Copa Airlines is making it easier to get to Central America with a new route from Raleigh-Durham, NC, to Panama City. The new flight, which will take off for the first time on June 21, will …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/231116/united-cancela-vuelos-panama-disturbios-civiles The mishaps that have caused road blockages in Panama City caused United Airlines to cancel three flights scheduled between November 16 and 17. Information from the company indicates that the canceled return is UA1034, from Houston, which ends up impacting the itineraries of flights UA727 and UA1031, which will …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/230830/s-p-global-ratings-mejora-perspectiva-calificacion-aeropuerto-internacional-tocumen#google_vignette The risk rating agency S&P Global Ratings changed the outlook from negative to stable and confirmed the ‘BBB’ rating of Tocumen International Airport, SA (AITSA), the entity reported this Wednesday, August 30. Tocumen’s credit evaluation incorporates the support of the Panamanian government, an aspect that the rating agency considers …
Tocumen International Airport (AITSA) ranked second as the most punctual in the world in the category of medium-sized airports of the March 2023 punctuality index ( on-time performance ). With an on-time departure rate of 92.15%, the country’s top air terminal was only slightly surpassed by Osaka International Airport (Japan), which got …
With the aim of attracting more tourism to the country, the Panamanian airline will inaugurate flights to Baltimore and Austin in the United States; and Manta in Ecuador. These new destinations will generate a great economic contribution for the country Panama is an ideal and easily accessible destination for all world travelers. It …
Few cities in Latin America have a metro system linked to the airport. The Terminal Aérea station of line 5 that serves terminal 1 of the Benito Juárez airport (MEX) in Mexico City is one of the main examples. Some US cities such as San Francisco (SFO), Boston (BOS), Chicago …
Uncertainty and indignation reign this Tuesday in the main Colombian airports due to the cancellation of operations of the low-cost airline Viva Air, which grounded thousands of passengers who protest in the air terminals to demand solutions.Hundreds of people sitting on the ground at the El Dorado International Airport in …
The first phase of the initiative includes four initial stations near Dubai International Airport Technology. While in Panama we are in diapers with electric vehicles, in the city of Dubai the designs of the new stations for flying taxis were approved this weekend. Yes, as you read it. The Prime …
Prepare for the “snowbirds” on a more frequent occasion. After two years due to the covid-19 pandemic, on November 4, the Canadian airline Air Canada will resume its direct flights between Canada and Panama, specifically Tocumen International Airport, S.A. (Aitsa), the airport reported on Wednesday. In its press release, Aitsa …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220915/panama-elimina-medidas-viajeros-ingresan-pais?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Panama ordered to lift the physical distancing, capacity and sanitary measures for travelers dictated due to covid-19. The measures taken by the Government are reflected in Executive Decree 122 of September 14, which has the signature of the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, and the Minister of Health. …
http://elsiglo.com.pa/economia/green-airways-iniciara-vuelos-bocas-toro-desde-costa-rica/24204153 With the beginning of flights of this Costa Rican airline to national territory, Panama continues to increase its air connectivity The Green Airways airline will start operations in Panama from next August with flights from San José, Costa Rica to Bocas del Toro, one of the priority destinations of …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220622/nueva-t2-principal-aeropuerto-panama-comienza-formalmente-operaciones?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The Tocumen International Airport, the main one in Panama, put into operation this Wednesday the new terminal two (T2), a work of 917 million dollars that triples the operational capacity of this important regional connection center. With the new terminal, boarding gates and 12 remote aircraft parking positions at …
https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/220615/copa-airlines-abrira-operaciones-nueva-terminal-principal-aeropuerto-panama?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Copa Airlines will operate from June 22 at the new terminal of the Tocumen International Airport, the main airport in the country and an important regional connection hub, being the airline that will inaugurate the so-called T2. Starting next Wednesday, all Copa international operations with origin and final destination …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/220329/nuevo-centro-control-coloca-aeropuerto-tocumen-avanzados-region Tocumen International Airport is preparing to put its new Airport Operations Control Center (AOCC) into operation, starting next May, when Terminal 2 is scheduled to open. The general manager of the Tocumen Airport, Raffoul Arab, explained that it is a space provided with high-tech tools where multiple operational processes, …
The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which encompasses a large part of the world’s airlines, renewed its call to eliminate barriers to air travel, at a time when COVID-19 cases are falling by the greatest number. part of the regions and many countries are reducing those restrictions. In a statement, …
Listen to tape for audio: https://www.prensa.com/impresa/panorama/tocumen-acusa-a-odebrecht-ante-el-tacp/ Tocumen SA accused the Odebrecht company of presenting false arguments and misrepresenting the airport’s position before the Administrative Court of Public Procurement (TACP). Tocumen asks the public procurement court to reject Odebrecht’s letter The Brazilian company presented a document to the TACP where it assures that …
What was in the construction phase when I was last in Panama, is poised to now become the flagship terminal for air travel into Panama. Anxious to see what so much money went into, and then my mind wanders to those who profited greatly under Varela during it’s approval, planning, …
https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&sp=nmt4&u=http://elsiglo.com.pa/internacional/segunda-pandemia-vuelve-hundir-demanda-aerea-70/24169140&usg=ALkJrhhLWtpQ3uqzZgzNgj7QguFkVMRvgA International flights were the most affected, with a drop of 87.8% compared to that registered in October last year Total demand for air travel fell 70.6% in October compared to the same month last year, a sign of how “desperately slow” the sector’s recovery is going to be due …
OP ED: By James “JB” Bryson After a major surge in infections after the first failed attempt at re-opening the country, flights are now beginning to bleed slowly out of the country as certain permissions have been granted for travel. As many have still contacted me via email and friends …
https://www.prensa.com/impresa/economia/copa-pospone-pago-de-dividendos-por-coronavirus/ Copa Holdings, an airline group that manages Copa Airlines and Wingo airlines , continues to take action to reduce the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) respiratory pandemic on its finances. Recovery in the airline sector will be slow and the industry is projected to return to pre-Covid-19 levels in late 2021 or mid-2022. Under this scenario and with …
https://www.prensa.com/economia/panama-extiende-la-prohibicion-de-vuelos-internacionales-hasta-el-23-de-mayo/ The Civil Aeronautical Authority (AAC) of Panama extended the suspension of international flights to the country until May 23. The airports have been closed since the early hours of Monday, March 23, as a sanitary measure due to the advance of the coronavirus. The measure was originally adopted for a …
OP ED: by James “JB” Bryson So as this worldwide panic attack continues, the anxiety surrounding air travel has hit home, as our dear friends who had planned to visit us for the first time from Richmond, Virginia have chosen to cancel their travel to Tocumen for next weekend. Given …
https://www.prensa.com/sociedad/presidente-cortizo-pide-no-alarmar-ante-casos-de-coronavirus-en-america-latina/ “Do not alarm” is the request made by President Laurentino Cortizo before the appearance of the first cases of the new coronavirus in Latin America. + info Meduca takes advantage of the start of classes to disseminate information about the coronavirus‘There are many questions about the unanswered coronavirus’Minsa confirms that the …
https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/200225/air-china-mantendra-suspension-vuelos-panama-mes-marzo Tocumen International Airport reported Tuesday that the Air China company will maintain the suspension of the Houston-Panama-Houston route during the month of March. This was stated in his Twitter account the administration of Tocumen airport citing a statement from the Chinese company. Aeropuerto Tocumen@tocumenaero El Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen informa que …
https://www.prensa.com/mundo/el-mundo-debe-prepararse-para-una-eventual-pandemia-dice-la-oms/ The viral pneumonia epidemic accelerated on Monday, February 24 worldwide, with new countries affected, a situation that put financial markets on alert and led WHO to warn of the risk of a pandemic. Two months after the appearance of the new coronavirus in central China, five countries announced their …