This is playing out as EXPECTED. VARELA and ROUX are predictable and transparent.


by James “JB” Bryson

As a resident full time and a person that “LOVES” Panama, I will do my best and all in my power to educate the fringe or those that are uniformed on the complete dysfunction and incest like behavior that has infected the Presidency since Varela assumed power and his sycophant Roux now attempting to follow suit for another 5 years.

The back door dealings that VARELA is attempting to do are so incredibly transparent that I am insulted that more people don’t see what is happening.  ROUX, who I like to call “Mr.Spock” is nothing more than a shill that VARELA hopes to puppet for another 5 years. And it is ROUX himself that cajoled, backstabbed, and stole the party from under the man that if he ran for president TODAY while sitting in Renacer would win by 50%.

Image result for ricardo martinelli


The same man that is being torn apart by VARELA is the most popular leader in recent memory of this country. And VARELA was his VP. I refuse to believe and digest the squeaky clean image that VARELA continues to try to push down the throats of people at the expense of the man whose back he rode into the office.

And then you have ROUX.

Image result for spock

This slimy bastard has been playing both sides of the coin for years now. It’s to the point where it isn’t even close to being sly about it anymore. VARELA and ROUX have done everything in their power to suppress the true wishes of Panamanians to fuel their own self interests.  For our readers that are bi-lingual, please view this skit that clearly explains the inner workings of a group of people that are solely interested in keeping the power among the very small group of Panamanians that VARELA swears he is not a part of.



The overall point of it essentially lays out how VARELA, and his “Sobrino” ROUX, have used and misled Martinelli throughout this entire electoral process. Lets face it, the CD party IS MARTINELLI. It was his baby, he powered it, he led it to great heights. His sins aside, this is politics and not Sunday school class. The moral high ground these two keep trying to take is insulting.

To the point of which they have another hand picked slave to do their bidding in Eduardo Valdes Escoffery. Of whom they have strategically appointed to squash and rule illegitimate the winning election of MARTINELLI for Mayor of the District of Panama.

Every step and move is calculated to continue to use MARTINELLI as an example of a decadent and immoral past, one that these two were far too comfortable being a part of.

There is a clear choice here in Panama to move away from the polluted remnants of a STOLEN party……………………….

PANAMA got it RIGHT!!!      Saludos “JB”

Image result for Cortizo and VP

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